Country : Germany
State : Nordrhein-Westfalen
District (Kreis) : Siegen-Wittgenstein (until 1975 Siegen)
- 1937 Achenbach
- 1937 Buschgotthardshütten (partly)
- 1966 Breitenbach
- 1966 Bürbach
- 1966 Kaan-Marienborn
- 1966 Seelbach
- 1966 Trupbach
- 1966 Volnsberg
- 1969 Feuersbach
- 1975 Eiserfeld
- 1966 Amt Eiserfeld
- 1966 Eisern
- 1966 Gosenbach
- 1966 Niederschelden
- 1966 Oberschelden
- 1975 Hüttental
- 1966 Amt Weidenau
- 1966 Birlenbach
- 1966 Buchen
- 1966 Dillnhütten
- 1966 Geisweid
- 1966 Langenholdinghausen
- 1966 Meiswinkel
- 1966 Niedersetzen
- 1966 Obersetzen
- 1966 Sohlbach
- 1966 Weidenau
- 1937 Buschgotthardshütten (partly)
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Siegen received city rights in the early 13th century, and the oldest seal is known since 1248. The arms are based on this oldest seal.
The seal is a combination of the image of the Bishop of Köln, a city wall as a symbol for the city itself and the arms of Nassau in the gate. The city was a possession of the Counts of Nassau and the Bishops of Köln (until 1420). After 1317 the lion of Nassau was surrounded by billets (vertical blocks) of gold, but these were not added to the arms of the city (but still sometimes shown).
The arms were officially granted in 1875. Previously the city used three letters S on its seals.
Seal of Siegen from 1289 (Meijer, 1940)
The arms of Siegen with mural crown
The arms in an album from around 1905
The arms in an album from around 1910
The arms in an album from around 1950
The arms in an album from 1968
Literature: Stadler, 1964-1971; Rühl, 1940; Meijer, 1940; Hupp, O: Kaffee Hag albums, 1920s; Deutsche Städtewappen (album around 1900)