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Blason de Stenay/Arms (crest) of Stenay

Country : France

Département : Meuse
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Official blazon
French D'argent au chevron d'azur, accompagné en pointe d'un lion d'or, armé et lampassé de gueules.
English blazon wanted


The arms of Stenay are already mentioned on a seal known from 1400. But it is noit quite sure thether these wer the same arms as the current arms. These appear on imges and seals during the 17th century. The arms on the sela re identical to the arms shown above, but with a small (devil's) head above the shield. This head sometimes appeared, but was not alwyas used. Currently the city uses the arms with the head again, and the head can also be seen above the arms on different places in the town. The devil's head is explained by the (wrong) assumption that the name Stenay was derived from Satan...

In 1790 the arms were officially abolished and it was only in 1880 that the municipal council re-adopted the historical arms.

The actual meaning of the lion and the chevron is not known.

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Literature: Image from; history from Voluer, P. : Les armoiries de Stenay. Sous les Arcades (2005 ?); images from buildings obtained from the Municipality of Stenay;

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