How to submit a registration

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HOTW personal arms badge notext.png
Heraldry of the World
Personal arms
HOTW personal arms badge notext.png
Register of personal arms - How to submit a registration

To submit your arms to the Heraldry of the World register of personal arms, an e-mail must be sent to our registration address. The e-mail must be in the format specified below. If the format is not respected, the submission will be rejected. Please copy and paste the contents of the window below into the e-mail body. Read the instructions and include your answers below them. If you have any questions or wish to correct a submission, please try to reply to your confirmation e-mail, do not send a new e-mail.

Register submissions address:

Registration form:

Full name - Please specify your full name in the boxes bellow. Academic or other titles are optional. Please note that Heraldry of the World reserves the right to not include any titles.

Remainder of name (first name, middle names etc.):
Abbreviated titles BEFORE name:
Abbreviate titles AFTER name:

Country of Origin - Please specify either your country of birth or the country you are a citizen of and identify with. Country should be a UN-recognised state:

Place of origin - Please specify either your place of birth or residence. This can include the city, region or state, how specific you choose to be is up to you.

Grant of arms - Please specify whether your arms were granted by the herald of an internationally recognised state entity. This includes such institutions as the British College of Arms or Lord Lyon King of Arms, the Flemish Heraldic Council or the Heraldic Council of the President of the Russian Federation. This does NOT include various heraldic registers or design institutions such as the Sealand College of Arms.

English blazon of your arms - Please include the blazon of your arms in English. The blazon you provide must be complete and correspond to the emblazonment of arms you will submit in this form. If no blazon is available in English, leave blank. Please note that either a blazon in English or in another language is required for registration:

Blazon in non-English language - Please specify any other language and include the blazon of your arms in the language declared in the question above. The blazon you provide must be complete and correspond to the emblazonment of arms you will submit in this form. Please note that either a blazon in English or in your another language is required for registration. If you do not wish to provide another blazon, leave blank:

Design rationale - Please explain the symbolism behind these arms.

Design process - Please explain how you created these arms, which artists, if any, you worked with etc. This question is required to ensure bucket heraldry is eliminated from the registration process:

Registration details - Please specify if these arms have been registered with any other private register of arms.

Image - Please include the image you wish to include in your registration as an attachment to this e-mail. The image must be in .jpg or .png format. It must conform to basic aesthetic standards:
- It must be heraldically correct and follow the blazon.

- It must be "clean" from a graphic perspective. There must be no bitmap or compression artefacts, no discolourations etc.
- It should be in a unified style. Collages from vastly different clipart, vector objects etc. will not be accepted.
- The image should have a transparent or white background.

Terms and conditions - Please read carefully. These terms and your approval must be included in the e-mail you send.
- Your arms and any accompanying information you provided or will subsequently provide in relation to your registration, including any other image files submitted, will be displayed publicly at Heraldry of the World.
- This does not include your email address which will be kept private.
- The information and images you submit will undergo review. This may result in the information and images being edited, refused or your registration being rejected.
- You may be asked to clarify or replace the submitted information and images. Failure to do so may result in your registration being rejected.
- Submitting your coat of arms and accompanying information is not a guarantee of registration. Heraldry of the World reserves the right to reject any submission without providing an explanation.

By sending this e-mail, you agree to the above listed terms and approve of the publication of your submitted information.