International Heraldry Day 2020

Revision as of 13:03, 17 October 2019 by Knorrepoes (talk | contribs) (→‎Why ?)



Why ?

The International Heraldry Day was established on June 10 around 5 years ago and has grown in interest ever since. To celebrate the day several (informal) and on-line activities have taken place during the years.

Now the time has come to formalise the day even more by holding an international mini congress on heraldry.

Current international heraldic congresses take several days and are organised biannually, often in combination with genealogy. Although well organised, they are also very costly for many participants. The aim of the IHD congresses are that they are more informal and accessible for anybody (no membership necessary), internationally oriented and cheap. A very good way to informally network among other heraldic enthousiasts.

What we do not offer as compared to the larger congresses : no fancy opening, no heraldic location, no lunch or dinners and no written published proceedings.

What we do offer is high quality heraldic lectures in a well equipped room at a university, coffee and tea. And plenty of time to meet and socialise on an heraldic market.

The first of these congresses will be held on June 12, 2020. Yes, 2 days after the IHD, but for travel puproses the 12th would be a more suitable day.

The idea is that similar congresses will be held worldwide at different locations annually.

Practical Information


June 12, 2020 from 9 am until 5 pm.


Wageningen University, the Netherlands
Gaia building
link :

The congress will take place in two adjacent rooms, one for the lectures, one for the heraldic market (coffee and tea are also served in that room)

The rooms are equipped with up to date presentation equipment. Free wifi is available. Academics can also log-in using Eduroam.

There is room to display posters in both rooms.


The costs are only € 10 per participant for the whole day, including coffee and tea.

Food / Weather

Coffee and tea are included in the registration fee.

The university campus has several canteens and shops where lunch can be obtained (take care : some only accept European bank cards with PIN, no credit cards or cash)

Wageningen city centre, being a student town, has a large number of restaurants in all price ranges for dinner.

June in the Netherlands is generally quite pleasant, temperatures will be arouond 20 degrees Celcius. There is always chance of rain.

Transport / Hotels

There are a number of hotels in nearby Wageningen or Ede. For students lodging with other students in the student housing in Wageningen can be arranged.

The nearest train station is Ede-Wageningen (with direct connections to Amsterdam, one change from Schiphol Airport). From the station there is every 10 minutes a bus to the Campus. Buses alro run to Wageningen centre, with connections to Arnhem city.

By car: the Campus is very close to the A12 highway (Amsterdam-Utrecht-Cologne) and A50 (Groningen-Eindhoven-Belgium)


The details of the programme will be published here in due time.

  • Morning session : 9.00-12.00
  • Lunch : 12.00-13.00
  • Afternoon session : 13.00-17.00

Lectures will be 20-30 minutes and will be in English only. No simultaneous translation service is available.

Lectures should cover a broad field of heraldry of interest to the public. This includes civic, personal and ecclesiastical heraldry for example. No lectures on flags or genealogy are accepted.

If you are interested in providing a lecture, please contact at the organisation at

Confirmed speakers

  • Dr. Ralf Hartemink on civic heraldry


No published proceedings, but proceedings can be publised on Heraldry of the World.

Heraldic Market

In the room adjacent to the lecture room there will be an heraldic market and poster display.

If you want to participate, indicate this to

There are no costs for the market. Tables are provided.

Confirmed participants


(Pre-)Registration is already possible on

Registrations are not yet binding. All participants will be asked to confirm by April 1, 2020.

Confirmed participants

  • a list of confirmed participants will be published here