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===List of Companies in order of precedence===
[[File:Fishmongers' Hall.jpg|thumb|right|The [[Worshipful Company of Fishmongers]], whose hall is pictured, ranks fourth in the order of precedence of 1515.]]
[[File:VintersHall 2.jpg|thumb|right|Vinters' Hall is the home of the [[Worshipful Company of Vintners]], 11th in the order of precedence.]]
[[Abella de la Conca]] - [[Ager (Lleida)|Ager]] - [[Agramunt]] - [[Aitona]] - [[Alás Serch]] - [[Albagés]] - [[Albatàrrec|Albatárrech]] - [[Albesa]] - [[Albi (Lleida)|Albí]] - [[Alcanó]] - [[Alcarràs|Alcarrás]] - [[Alcoletge]] - [[Alfarràs|Alfarrás]] - [[Alfés]] - [[Algerri]] - [[Alguaire]] - [[Alins|Alíns]] - [[Almacellas]] - [[Almatret]] - [[Almenar]] - [[Alós de Balaguer]] - [[Alpicat]] - [[Alto Aneu]] - [[Anglesola]] - [[Arbeca]] - [[Arres]] - [[Arsèguel]] - [[Artesa de Lérida]] - [[Artesa de Segre]] - [[Aspa]] - [[Baix Pallars]] - [[Balaguer (Lleida)|Balaguer]] - [[Barbens|Barbéns]] - [[Basella (Lleida)|Basella]] - [[Bausen]] - [[Belianes]] - [[Bellaguarda]] - [[Bellcaire d'Urgell]] - [[Bell-lloc de Urgell]] - [[Bellmunt de Urgel]] - [[Bellpuig]] - [[Bellver de Cerdaña]] - [[Bellvís]] - [[Benavent de Segrià]] - [[Biosca]] - [[Les Borges Blanques]] - [[Bossòst]] - [[Bovera]] - [[Cabanabona]] - [[Cabó]] - [[Camarasa (Lleida)|Camarasa]] - [[Canejan]] - [[Castell de Mur]] - [[Castellar de la Ribera]] - [[Castelldans]] - [[Castellnou de Seana]] - [[Castelló de Farfanya]] - [[Castellserà]] - [[Cava (Lleida)|Cava]] - [[Cervera (Lleida)|Cervera]] - [[Cerviá de las Garrigas]] - [[Ciutadilla]] - [[Clariana de Cardener]] - [[Cogul]] - [[ Coll de Nargó]] - [[Conca de Dalt]] - [[Corbins]] - [[Cubells]] - [[El Pont de Bar (Lleida)|El Pont de Bar]] - [[Els Alamús]] - [[Els Plans de Sió]] - [[Es Bòrdes]] - [[Espluga Calva]] - [[Espot]] - [[Estamariu (Lleida)|Estamariu]] - [[Estarás]] - [[Esterri de Aneu]] - [[Esterri de Cardós]] - [[Farrera]] - [[Fígols i Alinyà]] - [[Fondarella]] - [[Foradada (Lleida)|Foradada]] - [[Fulleda]] - [[Gavet de la Conca]] - [[Gimenells i el Pla de la Font]] - [[Golmés]] - [[Gósol]] - [[Granadella]] - [[Grañena de las Garrigas]] - [[Grañena de Segarra]] - [[Granyanella]] - [[Guimerà]] - [[Guisona]] - [[Guixers]] - [[Ibars de Noguera]] - [[Iborra]] - [[Isona]] - [[Ivars d'Urgell l]] - [[Josá Tuixent]] - [[Juncosa]] - [[Juneda]] - [[La Baronía de Rialb]] - [[La Coma i la Pedra]] - [[La Floresta (Lleida)]] - [[La Fuliola)]] - [[La Granja d'Escarp]] - [[La Guingueta d'Àneu]] - [[La Sentiu de Sió]] - [[ La Vall de Boí]] - [[La Vansa i Fórnols]] - [[Lérida]] - [[Les Avellanes i Santa Linya]] - [[Les Valls d'Aguilar]] - [[Les]] - [[Linyola|Liñola]] - [[Lladorre]] - [[Lladurs (Lleida)|Lladurs]] - [[Llardecans]] - [[Llavorsí]] - [[Lles]] - [[Llimiana]] - [[Llobera|Llovera]] - [[Maldá]] - [[Masalcorreig]] - [[Masoteras]] - [[Mayals]] - [[Menarguéns]] - [[Miralcamp]] - [[Mollerusa]] - [[Molsosa]] - [[Montellà i Martinet]] - [[Montferrer i Castellbò]] - [[Montgai]] - [[Montolíu de Segarra]] - [[Montoliu]] - [[Montornés de Segarra]] - [[Nalech]] - [[Naut Aran]] - [[Navés]] - [[Odén]] - [[Oliana]] - [[Oliola]] - [[Olius (Lleida]] - [[Olujas]] - [[Omellóns]] - [[Omélls de Nagaya]] - [[Orgaña]] - [[Os de Balaguer]] - [[Ossó de Sió]] - [[Palau de Anglesola]] - [[Penelles]] - [[Peramola (Lleida]] - [[Pinell de Solsonès]] - [[Pinós]] - [[Poal]] - [[Pobla de Ciérvoles]] - [[Pont de Suert (Lleida]] - [[Ponts (Lleida)|Pons]] - [[Portella]] - [[Prats y Sampsor]] - [[Preixana (Lleida]] - [[Preixens]] - [[Prullans]] - [[Puebla de Segur]] - [[Puig-Gros]] - [[Puigverd d'Agramunt]] - [[Puigverd de Lleida]] - [[Rialp]] - [[Ribera d'Ondara]] - [[Ribera d'Urgellet (Lleida]] - [[Riner]] - [[Riu de Cerdanya]] - [[Rosselló]] - [[Salàs de Pallars]] - [[San Esteban de la Sarga]] - [[San Guim de Freixanet]] - [[San Lorenzo de Morunys]] - [[San Ramón (Lleida]] - [[Sanahuja]] - [[Sant Guim de la Plana]] - [[Sant Martí de Riucorb]] - [[Sarroca de Bellera]] - [[Sarroca de Lleida]] - [[Senterada]] - [[Seo de Urgel]] - [[Serós]] - [[Sidamunt]] - [[Solerás]] - [[Solsona (Lleida]] - [[Soriguera]] - [[Sort (Lleida)]] - [[Soses]] - [[Sudanell]] - [[Sunyer]] - [[Talarn]] - [[Talavera (Lleida)]] - [[Tárrega (Lleida)]] - [[Tarrés]] - [[Tarroja de Segarra]] - [[Térmens (Lleida)|Térmens]] - [[Tírvia]] - [[Tiurana (Lleida)|Tiurana]] - [[Torá (Lleida)|Torá]] - [[Torms]] - [[Tornabous]] - [[Torre de Cabdella]] - [[Torrebeses]] - [[Torrefarrera]] - [[Torreflor]] - [[Torregrosa]] - [[Torrelameu]] - [[Torres de Segre]] - [[Torreserona]] - [[Tremp (Lleida)|Tremp]] - [[Vall de Cardós]] - [[Vallbona de las Monjas]] - [[Valles del Valira]] - [[Vallfogona de Balaguer]] - [[Verdú (Lleida)]] - [[Viella Mitg Arán]] - [[Vilagrasa]] - [[Vilaller (Lleida)|Vilaller]] - [[Vilamós]] - [[Vilanova de Bellpuig]] - [[Vilanova de la Aguda]] - [[Vilanova de la Barca]] - [[Vilanova de Meyá]] - [[Vilanova de Segriá]] - [[Vilasana]] - [[Vilosell]] - [[Vinaixa]]
[[File:London Proof House - geograph.org.uk - 759977.jpg|thumb|right|The [[Worshipful Company of Gunmakers]], which is positioned 73rd in the order of precedence, has been based at Proof House for over 300 years.]]
#[[Worshipful Company of Mercers]] (general merchants)
#[[Worshipful Company of Grocers]]
#[[Worshipful Company of Drapers]] (wool and cloth merchants)
#[[Worshipful Company of Fishmongers]]
#[[Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths]]
#[[Worshipful Company of Skinners]]* (fur traders)
#[[Worshipful Company of Merchant Taylors]]* (tailors)
#[[Worshipful Company of Haberdashers]] (traders of sewing articles)
#[[Worshipful Company of Salters]] (traders of salts and chemicals)
#[[Worshipful Company of Ironmongers]]
#[[Worshipful Company of Vintners]] (wine merchants)
#[[Worshipful Company of Clothworkers]]
#[[Worshipful Company of Dyers]]
#[[Worshipful Company of Brewers]]
#[[Worshipful Company of Leathersellers]]
#[[Worshipful Company of Pewterers]]  
#[[Worshipful Company of Barbers]] (and surgeons and dentists)
#[[Worshipful Company of Cutlers]] (knife, sword and cutlery makers)
#[[Worshipful Company of Bakers]]
#[[Worshipful Company of Wax Chandlers]] (wax candle makers)
#[[Worshipful Company of Tallow Chandlers]] (tallow candle makers)
#[[Worshipful Company of Armourers and Brasiers]] (armour makers and brass workers)
#[[Worshipful Company of Girdlers]] (swordbelt and dressbelt makers)
#[[Worshipful Company of Butchers]]
#[[Worshipful Company of Saddlers]]
#[[Worshipful Company of Carpenters]]
#[[Worshipful Company of Cordwainers]] (fine leather workers)
#[[Worshipful Company of Painter-Stainers]]
#[[Worshipful Company of Curriers]] (tanned leather dressers)
#[[Worshipful Company of Masons]]
#[[Worshipful Company of Plumbers]]
#[[Worshipful Company of Innholders]]
#[[Worshipful Company of Founders]] (brass and bronze workers)
#[[Worshipful Company of Poulters]]
#[[Worshipful Company of Cooks]]
#[[Worshipful Company of Coopers]] (barrel and cask makers)
#[[Worshipful Company of Tylers and Bricklayers]]
#[[Worshipful Company of Bowyers]] (long bow makers)
#[[Worshipful Company of Fletchers]] (arrow makers)
#[[Worshipful Company of Blacksmiths]]
#[[Worshipful Company of Joiners and Ceilers]] (wood craftsmen)
#[[Worshipful Company of Weavers]]
#[[Worshipful Company of Woolmen]]
#[[Worshipful Company of Scriveners]] (court document writers and notaries public)
#[[Worshipful Company of Fruiterers]]
#[[Worshipful Company of Plaisterers]] (plasterers)
#[[Worshipful Company of Stationers and Newspaper Makers]]
#[[Worshipful Company of Broderers]] (embroiderers)
#[[Worshipful Company of Upholders]] (upholsterers)
#[[Worshipful Company of Musicians]]
#[[Worshipful Company of Turners]] (lathe operators)
#[[Worshipful Company of Basketmakers]]
#[[Worshipful Company of Glaziers and Painters of Glass]]
#[[Worshipful Company of Horners]] (horn workers and plastic)
#[[Worshipful Company of Farriers]] (horseshoe makers and horse veterinarians)
#[[Worshipful Company of Paviors]] (road and highway pavers)
#[[Worshipful Company of Loriners]] (harness makers)
#[[Worshipful Society of Apothecaries]] (medical practitioners and pharmacists)
#[[Worshipful Company of Shipwrights]]
#[[Worshipful Company of Spectacle Makers]]
#[[Worshipful Company of Clockmakers]]
#[[Worshipful Company of Glovers]]
#[[Worshipful Company of Feltmakers]] (hat makers)
#[[Worshipful Company of Framework Knitters]]
#[[Worshipful Company of Needlemakers]]
#[[Worshipful Company of Gardeners]]
#[[Worshipful Company of Tin Plate Workers]] (wire workers)
#[[Worshipful Company of Wheelwrights]]
#[[Worshipful Company of Distillers]]
#[[Worshipful Company of Pattenmakers]] (wooden shoe makers)
#[[Worshipful Company of Glass Sellers]]
#[[Worshipful Company of Coachmakers and Coach Harness Makers]]
#[[Worshipful Company of Gunmakers]]
#[[Worshipful Company of Gold and Silver Wyre Drawers]] (makers of thread for uniforms)
#[[Worshipful Company of Makers of Playing Cards]]
#[[Worshipful Company of Fanmakers]]
#[[Worshipful Company of Carmen]]
#[[Honourable Company of Master Mariners]]
#[[City of London Solicitors' Company]]
#[[Worshipful Company of Farmers]]
#[[Guild of Air Pilots and Air Navigators]]
#[[Worshipful Company of Tobacco Pipe Makers and Tobacco Blenders]]
#[[Worshipful Company of Furniture Makers]]
#[[Worshipful Company of Scientific Instrument Makers]]
#[[Worshipful Company of Chartered Surveyors]]
#[[Worshipful Company of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales]]
#[[Worshipful Company of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators]]
#[[Worshipful Company of Builders Merchants]]
#[[Worshipful Company of Launderers]]
#[[Worshipful Company of Marketors]]
#[[Worshipful Company of Actuaries]]
#[[Worshipful Company of Insurers]]
#[[Worshipful Company of Arbitrators]]
#[[Worshipful Company of Engineers]]
#[[Worshipful Company of Fuellers]]
#[[Worshipful Company of Lightmongers]]
#[[Worshipful Company of Environmental Cleaners]]
#[[Worshipful Company of Chartered Architects]]
#[[Worshipful Company of Constructors]]
#[[Worshipful Company of Information Technologists]]
#[[Worshipful Company of World Traders]]
#[[Worshipful Company of Water Conservators]]
#[[Worshipful Company of Firefighters]]
#[[Worshipful Company of Hackney Carriage Drivers]] (licensed London taxicab drivers)
#[[Worshipful Company of Management Consultants]]
#[[Worshipful Company of International Bankers]]
#[[Worshipful Company of Tax Advisers]]
#[[Worshipful Company of Security Professionals]]
#[[Worshipful Company of Educators]]
#[[Worshipful Company of Arts Scholars]]
Note: *The Skinners' and Merchant Taylors' Companies alternate position once per year.</small>
approved, Bureaucrats, Interface administrators, Members who can see the literature depository, Administrators, uploader
