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Province: Pomorze Zachodnie
County: Łobez

Arms of Łobez
Official blazon
Polish blazon wanted
English blazon wanted


The wolf is taken from the arms of the Lords of Borde, who granted the city rights in the 13th century. The wolf already appears in the oldest seal of the city, dating from around 1450. The crown was added in the 16th century, but at first it was placed above the wolf, later the wolf became crowned. The wolf is in the course of the centuries often seen as jumping or running, sometimes facing left, but mainly (as in the picture) facing right.

Arms of Łobez

The arms in the Kaffee Hag albums +/- 1915
Arms of Łobez

The arms as shown around 1970
Arms of Łobez

The arms as shown in 1963


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