Category:Windhag city arms

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Collection of city arms published in : Windhag, Joachim von : Wappen der Erzpatriarche, Kardinäle, Erzbischöfe, Bischöfe, Fürstäbte, Äbte, Pröpste, Orden, Kreuzritter, Äbtissinnen und Frauenklöster in Europa... 16. Jh.

Library of University of Tübingen, nr Md 247-4 (

Although the title suggests differently, this volume also has around 500 city arms.

Not yet associated:

Arms of Windhag city arms

Lichtenau. One of the 4 'Weiler des Reichs', but not clear which town

Media in category "Windhag city arms"

The following 408 files are in this category, out of 408 total.