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Province : Vlaams-Brabant
Incorporated into : 1977 Londerzeel
Official blazon
In zilver twee roode spitsruiten naast elkander; het schild overdekt met een zittende en aanziende zilveren kat, in den muil een zwarten muis houdende.
The arms were officially granted on May 19, 1913.
The two diamonds in the arms already appear on the seals of the village from 1303 and 1452. The origin, however is not known. The cat appears on the seals from 1639 and 1647 and is taken from the crest of the arms of the Micault family. From 1626-1648 Steenhuffel was a possession of Frederik Micault.
The arms in the Koffie Hag/Café Hag albums +/- 1930 |
Literature: Servais, 1955
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