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Heraldry of the World Civic heraldry of Austria - Österreichische Gemeindewappen |
State : Steiermark
District : Bad Radkersburg
The arms were granted on June 15, 1981
In medieval times, the lands of Halbenrain were protected as hunting grounds by order of the Landesfürst ("Wildbann" of 1494). So, stags are still a local game. The arms re-uses a canting seal of 1322, a stag cut in half on the Wiesenrain, the meadow. The fence of thorns makes use of another medieval local coat of arms, that of the Dornau (Thorny) family.
Literature : Image provided by Karl Palfrader (k.palfrader@aon.at), MStLA 32 (1982), p. 31