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Spanish heraldry portal
This page is part of the Spanish heraldry portal |
Heraldry of the World |
Civic heraldry:
Other heraldry: |
Region : Extremadura
Province : Cáceres
Official blazon
Terciado en faja. En el jefe, cinco jaqueles de azur y plata. En la faja, una junquera de sinople, frutada de oro, sobre campo de plata. En la punta del escudo, tres ondas de azur y plata. Al timbre, corona real cerrada.
The arms were officially granted on July 11, 2000.
Unfortunately we have no information on the meaning or origin of these arms yet.
If you have any information on the origin or meaning of these arms, or have additional images that you want to share, please mail us your information !
Literature : Image from Wikipedia