Region : Syddanmark
Amt (until 2007) : Ribe
Additions : 1970 Grene, Vorbasse; 2007 Grindsted (1970 Filskov, Hejnsvig, Stenderup, Sønder Omme)
Official blazon
- (1971) Ved en granskure tværdelt af gult og grønt, i øverste felt en opadflyvende grøn hedelærke.
- (2007) Delt af blåt og sølv, en styrtet indadbuet sparre i modsatte tinkturer over en skjoldfod delt af sølv og blåt.
Unfortunately we have no information on the meaning or origin of these arms yet.
If you have any information on the origin or meaning of these arms, or have additional images that you want to share, please mail us your information !
The previous arms were adopted in 1971.
The division line refers to the agriculture and nature (forests) in the municipality. The skylark also refers to the nature, but at the same time refers to Billud Airport, the largest on Jutland. The airport actually was only partly situated in the municipality, only after 2007 it is fully in Billund
The new arms on a road sign (2010) |
Literature: Achen, 1982