French heraldry portal
This page is part of the French heraldry portal |
Heraldry of the World |
French heraldry:
Overseas territories:
Selected collector's items from France:
Département : Aveyron
French |
Parti: au 1er coupé au I d'or au rencontre de taureau de sable allumé du champ et au II d'argent au rameau d'olivier de sinople ployé an bande et à la lettre capitale S de gueules brochant en cœur, au 2e de gueules au roc d'échiquier d'or sommé d'une fleur de lis du même. |
English | No blazon/translation known. Please click here to send your (heraldic !) blazon or translation |
Unfortunately we have no information on the meaning or origin of these arms yet.
If you have any information on the origin or meaning of these arms, or have additional images that you want to share, please mail us your information !
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