Continentale Verlags-Anstalt

Heraldry of the World
Heraldic collector's items catalogue > Heraldic albums

Continentale Verlags-Anstalt : Wappen-Sammel-Album


Album information :

  • Issued by : Many small companies, but printed by Continentale Verlags-Anstalt, Sigmund Loewenthal, Hamburg
  • Date of issue : 1912
  • Number of stamps/cards : 330
  • Image variants : -


The album was issued in 1912 and contained an introduction, followed by 40 pages for 480 images. According to Köberich only 330 were actually issued.

The images could be collected from a large number of small companies in Germany, Austro-Hungarian Empire and Holland (and maybe other countries as well). These companies issued advertising cards, with two images, that could be cut out and placed in the album. Probably due to WWI the series were not completed, as, according to the cards, one card was issued weekly. With 480 cards that would mean 240 weeks, or finishing by the end of 1916.

The album was issued as the first out of a series of two (the second was never issued) and contained the arms of present and former (non-European) countries and European cities.

Example of a German card

Example of a Dutch card

Cards of the following companies are known to me, but there must be many more (if you have any or any information, please contact me) :

  • Robert Doležal Jr., Bookshop, Arnau an der Elbe, Austro-Hungarian Empire (now Hostinné, Czech Rep.)
  • Berta Finking, Schoolsupplies, Wilmersdorf, Germany
  • Richard Glaubig, Germania Drogerie, Drugstore, Zehlendorf, Germany
  • Engelb. Hanel, School and papersupplies, Wiener-Neustadt, Austro-Hungarian Empire (now Austria)
  • Anna Kleinitzer, School supplies, Vienna, Austro-Hungarian Empire (now Austria)
  • J.J.N. Loretz, Book- and artshop, 's Hertogenbosch, Holland
  • Arno Loth, School supplies, Rosenheim, Germany
  • Otto Müller, Paper and leather goods, Rixdorf (now part of Berlin), Germany (2 types)
  • Sebastian Pohl, Butcher, Vienna, Austro-Hungarian Empire (now Austria) (2 types)
  • Julie Reinhard, Book- and artshop, München, Germany
  • Jos. Joh, Schweizer, Bookshop, Leitmeritz, Austro-Hungarian Empire (now Litoměřice, Czech Rep.)
  • Wilhelm Wartenberg, Bookshop, Friedenau, Germany
  • unknown issue : back states only Tees, Kakao, Schokoladen (tea, coffee, chocolates)
  • unknown issue : back states only Nähr- und Stärkungsmittel für Kinder und Rekonvaleszenten (food for children and for recovering)
  • Several companies isseud cards without thext on the back of the stamp

For an overview of all countries and cities represented, see the introduction to the album (pdf).