October 2020

Additions October 2020

  • 155 new categories
  • 2142 new pages
  • 2491 new images

Total on the site : 127.853 pages and 211.333 images


Category:Argentina G - Category:Argentina J - Category:Argentina L - Category:Argentina N - Category:Argentina P - Category:Argentina R - Category:Argentina T - Category:Argeș - Category:Billets black - Category:Billets blue - Category:Billets gold - Category:Billets green - Category:Billets red - Category:Billets silver - Category:Bistrița-Năsăud - Category:Bölger AFTN - Category:Bolivia institutional heraldry (images) - Category:Brașov - Category:Brazil K - Category:Brazil X - Category:Brazilian municipalities X - Category:Buenos Aires - Category:Buzău - Category:Călărași - Category:Caraș-Severin - Category:Catamarca - Category:Chaco - Category:Chile T - Category:Chile Y - Category:Chilean Municipalities Y - Category:Chubut - Category:Continentale Verlags Anstalt (cards) - Category:Córdoba (Argentina) - Category:Corrientes - Category:Dâmbovița - Category:Diamond black - Category:Diamond blue - Category:Diamond gold - Category:Diamond green - Category:Diamond silver - Category:Djibouti all - Category:Dolj - Category:Durango - Category:Ecclesiastical heraldry of Egypt - Category:Ecclesiastical heraldry of Israel - Category:Ecclesiastical heraldry of Lebanon - Category:Ecclesiastical heraldry of Liechtenstein - Category:Ecclesiastical heraldry of Niger - Category:Ecclesiastical heraldry of Samoa - Category:Entre Rios - Category:Eritrea all - Category:Ethiopia all - Category:Fleur-de-lys bicoloured - Category:Fleur-de-lys black - Category:Fleur-de-lys blue - Category:Fleur-de-lys ermine - Category:Fleur-de-lys gold - Category:Fleur-de-lys green - Category:Fleur-de-lys purpure - Category:Fleur-de-lys red - Category:Fleur-de-lys silver - Category:Formosa - Category:France all images - Category:Fusil red - Category:Gabon all - Category:Galați - Category:Gambia all - Category:Giese AFTN - Category:Giurgiu - Category:Gorj - Category:Grenada all - Category:Guanajuato - Category:Guerrero - Category:Haiti all - Category:Harghita - Category:Herz AFTN - Category:Hidalgo - Category:Hunedoara - Category:Ialomița - Category:Iași - Category:Ilfov - Category:Ilmkreis - Category:Indonesian Military heraldry (images) - Category:Institutional heraldry of Belarus - Category:Institutional heraldry of Bolivia - Category:Ireland corporate heraldry (images) - Category:Jujuy - Category:La Pampa - Category:La Rioja - Category:Livingstone AFTN - Category:Maramureș - Category:Mauritania Military heraldry (images) - Category:Mehedinți - Category:Mendoza - Category:Mexico C - Category:Mexico City - Category:Mexico M - Category:Mexico S - Category:Mexico States - Category:Mexico V - Category:Mexico Z - Category:Michoacán - Category:Military heraldry of Indonesia - Category:Misiones - Category:Modjo AFTN - Category:Morelos - Category:Mottoes in Malay - Category:Municipalities of Costa Rica - Category:Nayarit - Category:Neamț - Category:Netherlands all images - Category:Neuquén - Category:New Zealand corporate heraldry (images) - Category:Oaxaca - Category:Panama (stamps) - Category:Personal arms India - Category:Personal arms North Macedonia - Category:Peru A - Category:Puebla - Category:Querétaro - Category:Quintana Roo - Category:Retelsdorf AFTN - Category:Réunion (stamps) - Category:Río Negro - Category:Sălaj - Category:Salta - Category:San Juan - Category:San Luis - Category:San Luis Potosí - Category:Santa Cruz - Category:Santa Fé - Category:Santiago del Estero - Category:Satu Mare - Category:Schmidt AFTN - Category:Sinaloa - Category:Sonora - Category:South Africa corporate heraldry (images) - Category:Stadspost images - Category:Surmann AFTN - Category:Sweden Corporate heraldry (images) - Category:Switzerland all images - Category:Syria (stamps) - Category:Tabasco - Category:Tamaulipas - Category:Teleorman - Category:Tierra del Fuego (Argentina) - Category:Tlaxcala - Category:Tucumán - Category:United States (stamps) - Category:Vâlcea - Category:Van Balen AFTN - Category:Van der Tas AFTN - Category:Vaslui - Category:Veracruz - Category:Vrancea


A cut above the rest - A deux plus forts - A flumine impugnamus - A friend in deed - Ab initio - Abdon Batista (Santa Catarina) - Abelardo Luz - Abnega temet ipsum - Absit gloriari nisi in cruce - Abundautia copiae - Academia de Ciencias Genealógicas y Heráldicas de Bolivia - Achieve - Achieve excellence - Acra semper acria - Ad astra per ardua - Ad excelsum conamur - Ad sapientiam sine metu - Adalbert Endert - Administration Court in Luleå - Administrative Court of Appeal in Göteborg - Adolf Bolte - Advanced Weapons Support Command, US Army - Advise maintain create - Advise provide lead - Advocatus humanitatis - Agno immaculato - Agricultural State University of Moldova - Agrolândia - Agronômica - Água Doce - Águas de Chapecó - Águas Frias (Santa Catarina) - Águas Mornas - Air National Guard Combat Readiness Training Center (Alpena), Michigan Air National Guard - Air National Guard Combat Readiness Training Center (Gulfport), Mississippi Air National Guard - Airlift experts - Airlift professionals - Airlift specialists - Alacres esse semper - Alaska Support Command, US Army - Aldenham school - Aldenham School - Alert always - Alert for peace - Alexander Dessewffy - Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași - Alexis-Basile-Alexandre Menjaud - Alfredo Wagner - Alitum altrix - Aloys-Joseph-Eugène Arnaud - Alsen Squadron, 193rd Jaeger Battalion, Norrbotten Regiment, Swedish Army - Alto Bela Vista - Altyd vorentoe - Älvsby Company, 192nd Mechanized Battalion, Norrbotten Regiment, Swedish Army - Amandus Schäffer - Amédée-Jean-Baptiste Latieule - America's corps - Anchieta (Santa Catarina) - Andreas Räß - Angele dei custos sis mei - Angelina (Santa Catarina) - Animam pro ovibus meis - Anita Garibaldi (Santa Catarina) - Anitápolis - Anne-François-Guillaume du Cambout-Beçay - Anne-François-Victor le Tonnelier de Breteuil - Anselm Muotelsee - Anselm Schwab - Answering the call - Antoine de Charpin de Genètines - Antoine de La Grange de Pons - Antoine de Malvin de Montazet - Antoine Fagon - Antoine Pucci - Antoine-Eustache d’Osmond - Antoine-François-Xavier Mayneaud de Pancemont - Antoine-Matthias-Alexandre Jacquemet - Antônio Carlos (Santa Catarina) - Antonio Cerdano - Antonio Pallavicini Gentili - Any time any place - Anything anywhere - Anytime anywhere - Apiúna - Aquila non capit muscas - Arabutã - Araquari - Araranguá - Ardens et lucens - Ardicino della Porta (Jr.) - Ardicino della Porta (Sr.) - Arequipa - Arise and shine - Armand-Pierre de la Croix de Castries - Armatus non lacessitur - Armazém (Santa Catarina) - Armoured Artillery Battalion 45, German Army - Armoured Artillery Battalion 75, German Army - Armoured Grenadier Battalion 313, German Army - Arrectis auribus - Arroio Trinta - Arvidsjaur Squadron, 193rd Jaeger Battalion, Norrbotten Regiment, Swedish Army - Arvoredo - Ascende et defende - Ascurra - Aspice et imitare - Aspire, achieve, excel - Atalanta - Attaquez et conquerez - Au courant - Auguste-Léopold Laroche - Augustin David - Augustin Hacquard - Augustin Marre - Augustin Pacha - Augustinus Wichmans - Aurora (Santa Catarina) - Aut portare aut pugnare prompti - Aut viam inveniam aut faciam - Auxilium trans mare - Balneário Arroio do Silva - Balneário Barra do Sul - Balneário Camboriú - Balneário Gaivota - Balneário Piçarras - Balneário Rincão - Baluchistan District, Indian Army - Bandeirante (Santa Catarina) - Baní - Baoruco - Barahona - Barahona (province) - Barra Bonita (Santa Catarina) - Barra Velha - Basilica of St. Hermes, Ronse - Bathokwa Primary School - Baysville School of Skills - Beatus quem eligisti et assumpsisti - Beaurepaire (Isère) - Because we care - Bela Vista do Toldo - Bel-Air-Val-d'Ance - Belmonte (Santa Catarina) - Belovezhskaya Pushcha National Park - Berardo Eroli - Bereid om te dien - Bergheim (Ortenberg) - Bernard Buissas - Bernard d'Abbadie d'Arboucave - Bernard-Thadée Petitjean - Berthold - Berthold Tutz - Berthold von Urach - Best of the best - Biguaçu - Biobío - Blumenau (Santa Catarina) - Bocaina do Sul - Bom Jardim da Serra - Bom Jesus (Santa Catarina) - Bom Jesus do Oeste - Bom Retiro - Bonao - Bon-Arthur-Gabriel Mollien - Bonus pastor animam suum dat pro ovibus suis - Born of war - Botuverá - Brachy - Bracken High School - Braço do Norte - Braço do Trombudo - Bravely overcome - Bringing order to chaos - Bruno Grua - Brunópolis - Buckley Garrison, US Space Force - Caçador - Caelum tuemur - Caibi - Camboriú - Campo Alegre (Santa Catarina) - Campo Belo do Sul - Campo Erê - Campos Novos - Canelinha - Canoinhas - Capão Alto - Capinzal - Capivari de Baixo - Care with compassion - Caritate serviente felix - Casimir-Alexis-Joseph Wicart - Castellum supra fluvium - Catanduvas (Santa Catarina) - Catch a falling star - Caxambu do Sul - Celeriter pugnare - Celso Ramos (Santa Catarina) - Central Primary School - Cerro Negro - Certa fulgent sidera - César Le Blanc - Challenge and overcome - Chapadão do Lageado - Chapecó - Charitas cum omnibus vobis - Charles de Douhet d’Auzers - Charles de Marillac - Charles de Rosmadec - Charles de Saint-Albin - Charles du Plessis d’Argentré - Charles-Alexandre de Richery - Charles-Alexandre le Filleul de la Chapelle - Charles-François de Châteauneuf de Rochebonne - Charles-François-Melchior-Bienvenu de Miollis - Charles-Frédéric Rousselet - Charles-Jean de Bertin - Charles-Jean de la Motte de Broons et de Vauvert - Charles-Joseph-Louis-Abel Gilbert - Charles-Louis Salmon du Châtelier - Charles-Théodore Colet - Charles-Thomas Thibault - Chaudron-en-Mauges - Chihuahua (State) - Christian Fürst - Christianus - Christo lucrifaciam - Christophe-Louis Turpin de Crissé de Sanzay - Christus suscepit nos - Claude de Rouvroy de Saint-Simon - Claude Simon - Claude-Henri Plantier - Claude-Hippolyte Clausel de Montals - Claude-Jean-Joseph Brulley de La Brunière - Claude-Louis Rousseau - Claude-Madeleine de La Myre-Mory - Coahuila - Coast Guard Reserve Unit USNORTHCOM, US Coast Guard - Cobán - Cocal do Sul - Colima (State) - Collect expolit - Combat support - Comendador - Command and control - Command plan and control - Committed to support - Compostela - Concepción (Chile) - Concórdia - Confirmat laetificat - Congregabo in horrea coeli - Connecting warfighters - Conscription and Selection Authority - Consussus resurgo - Contego - Coordination for success - Coram fratribus intellexi - Corde videre - Cordilheira Alta - Coronel Freitas - Coronel Martins - Correia Pinto - Corupá - Cotuí - County of Dibër - County of Fier - Crasville (Manche) - Criciúma - Cristoforo Maroni - Crux digna, crux bona, crux contra mundi malignia - Cunha Porã - Cunhataí - Curitibanos - Custody with honor - Cut to perfection - Da nobis recta sapere - Dajabón (province) - Dallon - Dargies - De forti egressa est dulcedo - De luce ac umbra - De navicula Petri - De virtute in virtutem - Deconflict clear the way - Dedicated professionals - Dedicated to excellence - Dedication duty service - Defendendo vinco - Defensor vindex - Dehli District, Indian Army - Dei sapientia - Descanso - Dicite audiamus - Die Heuwel Primary School - Diebach am Haag - Dignity and honor - Dignity dedication honor - Diocese of Acerno - Diocese of Amelia - Diocese of Beauvais - Diocese of Isernia - Diocese of Menorca - Diocese of Terni - Diocese of Terni e Narni - Dionísio Cerqueira (Santa Catarina) - Discipulus quem diligebat Jesus - Doceo duco volo - Doctrina nostra incitat - Doctrinae labor format machinatorem - Dominique-Augustin Dufêtre - Dominique-Laurent de Balbe de Berton de Crillon - Dona Emma - Doutor Pedrinho - Driver's Training Centre Burg, German Army - Driver's Training Centre Dornstadt, German Army - Duarte (province) - Ducemus - Dulcius melle, fortius leone - Durango (State) - Durham and Northumberland Wing, Air Training Corps - E sabulo ad sidera - Eberhard von Rohrdorf - Eberhard von Wollmatingen - Eclat - Edme Mongin - Eduard Schick - Educating the best - El Seibo - El Seibo (province) - Elías (province) - Emanuel Sulger - Emasangweni Primary School - Emile-Paul-Angel-Constant Le Camus - Emmanuel-Jules Ravinet - Emmeric-Marc de La Ferté - Emphasis on excellence - Enduring vigilance - Enhancing the warrior spirit - Ennemond-Flodoard Moret de Bourchenu - Entre Rios (Santa Catarina) - Eparchy of Kudimkarsk - Erik Varden - Erimbertus - Ermo - Ersten zum letzten - Erval Velho - Espaillat - Espíritu Santo - Espoir sans peur - Et subsidium et praesidium - Etienne Josephe de la Fare - Evangelii testimonium luceat - Everyone a tiger - Ex nihilo nihil fit - Ex obscuritate in lucem - Ex robore pax - Exceeding the standard - Exellence thru teamwork - Eyburie - Eyes the eagle - Facta cum honore - Faculty of Law, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv - Faireachail - Faraweyne - Fast tough efficient - Faxinal dos Guedes - Félix Fournier - Félix-Antoine-Philibert Dupanloup - Félix-Joseph-François-Barthélemy de Las Cases - Félix-Pierre Fruchaud - Fero pacem - Fiat justitia - Fide et lenitate - Fide et officio - Fide firmus - Fides spes charitas - Field Artillery Battalion 515, German Army - Field Artillery Training Battalion 51, German Army - Field Replacement Battalion 827, German Army - Field Replacement Battalion 856, German Army - Field Replacement Battalion 866, German Army - Field Replacement Battalion 867, German Army - Fighter Wing (JG) 301, Germany - Fighter Wing (JG) 7 Nowotny, Germany - Filii dei nominemur et simus - Filii dei sumus - Find the truth - Firmin-Léon-Joseph Renouard - First in deed - First to care - First to disperse - First to maintain - Flexibility dependability - Flor do Sertão - Fly like eagles - Flying tigers - Focus on quality service - Formosa do Sul - Forquilhinha - Fortis et acqaus - Fortis ubique volantis - Fortitudo et artis - Fortitudo mea - Fortius si iuste - Fort-Liberté - Fortuna persequi - Fortune favours the bold - Forward in faith - Forward upwards - Fraiburgo - Francesc-Xavier Ciuraneta Aymí - Francisco Simón Conesa Ferrer - François Baglion de La Salle - François d’Argouges - François de Beaucaire de Péguillon - François de Valbelle de Tourves - François Gros - François Hautin - François Lagrange - François Madot - François-Antoine Arbaud - François-Antoine-Auguste Delamare - François-Charles de Béringhen d’Armainvilliers - François-Firmin Trudaine - François-Honorat-Antoine de Beauvilliers de Saint Aignan - François-Hyacinthe de Plœuc du Timeur - François-Ignace de Baglion de Saillant - François-Marie Bigex - François-Marie-Joseph Lecourtier - François-Narcisse Baptifolier - Franz Ludwig Fleck - Fratrum amator - Fratrum amator et populi Israel - Freddy Antonio de Jesús Bretón Martínez - Frei Rogério - Friedersdorf (Ilmkreis) - Frigate USS Fahrion (FFG-22) - Frigate USS Flatley (FFG-21) - Frigate USS John A. Moore (FFG-19) - Frons cursor - Frösö Squadron, 193rd Jaeger Battalion, Norrbotten Regiment, Swedish Army - Frowinus - Fueling the fight - Fulmen alatum tenemus - Fusion Secondary School - Gabriel de Cosnac - Gabriel-Florent de Choiseul-Beaupré - Galvão (Santa Catarina) - Garibaldi - Garopaba - Garruchos - Garuva - Gaspar - Gaspard de Tressemanes de Brunet - Gaspard-Jean-André Jauffret - Gaurama - General Câmara - Gentil (Rio Grande do Sul) - Georg Kaisersberger - Georg Münch - Georges d’Aubusson de la Feuillade - Getúlio Vargas (Rio Grande do Sul) - Giruá - Given a chance I can - Global response - Glorinha - Godefridus - Gonneville-sur-Scie - Governador Celso Ramos - Gramado - Gramado dos Loureiros - Gramado Xavier - Grão-Pará (Santa Catarina) - Gratiae et veritati - Gravataí - Gravatal - Growth in harmony - Guabiju - Guabiruba - Guadalajara (Mexico) - Guaíba - Guanajuato (State) - Guaporé (Rio Grande do Sul) - Guaraciaba (Santa Catarina) - Guaramirim - Guarani das Missões - Guarujá do Sul - Guatambu - Guerrero - Guillaume-Marie-Frédéric Bouange - Gutierre Vargas de Carvajal - Harbor for health - Harmonia (Rio Grande do Sul) - Hato Mayor - Hato Mayor del Rey - Hawaiian Division, US Army - Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron MCAS Beaufort, USMC - Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron MCAS Cherry Point, USMC - Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron MCAS Futenma, USMC - Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron MCAS Iwakuni, USMC - Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron MCAS Miramar, USMC - Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron MCAS New River, USMC - Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron MCAS Yuma, USMC - Headquarters Marine Corps Aviation, USMC - Healing the masses - Heart of the rock - Helping hands - Henri de Barillon - Henri de Briqueville de la Luzerne - [[Henri de Lorraine-Vaudémont]] - Henri du Puget - Henri-Abel Mortier - Henri-Marie-Claude de Bruc-Montplaisir - Hermanas Mirabal - Herval - Herval d'Oeste - Herveiras - Hidalgo - Higüey - Hippolyte Tréhiou - HMS Artemis, Swedish Navy - Hoërskool Pretoria-Wes - Home Guard Flotilla 136 Sønderborg, Denmark - Honed in combat - Honor above all - Honor sin miedo - Honoré-François Grimaldi de Monaco - Hope through deeds - Horizontina - How to submit a registration - Hugo Aufderbeck - Hulha Negra - Humaitá (Rio Grande do Sul) - I Corps America's Corps, US Army - Iași National College - Ibarama - Ibiaçá - Ibiam - Ibicaré - Ibiraiaras (Rio Grande do Sul) - Ibirama - Ibirapuitã - Ibirubá - Içara - Icarus renatus - Igrejinha (Rio Grande do Sul) - Ijuí - Ilhota - Ilópolis - Imaruí - Imbé - Imbituba - Imbuia (Santa Catarina) - Imigrante - Immediate response - Impavide - Imperial Abbey of Salem - Imple nos misericordia - In adversis perfugium - In coelestibus in Christo - In cruce vincam - In fidem iuventus - In God is all our hope - In search of truth - In sui victoria pax - In tribulatione et regno et patientia - Incision with precision - Indaial - Independência (Rio Grande do Sul) - Indicium dominatus - Ingeniosa assiduitate - Inhacorá - Integerrime servire - Integrity of action - Intelligentia aeriae potentiae - Iomerê - Ion Ionescu de la Brad University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine - Ipê (Rio Grande do Sul) - Ipira - Ipiranga do Sul - Iporã do Oeste - Ipsa conteret caput - Ipuaçu - Ipumirim - Iraceminha - Iraí (Rio Grande do Sul) - Irani - Irati (Santa Catarina) - Ireland Army Community Hospital, US Army - Irénée-Yves Dessoles - Irineópolis - Israel Judah Schneider - It will be done - Itá (Santa Catarina) - Itaara - Itacurubi - Itaiópolis - Itapema - Itapiranga (Santa Catarina) - Itapoá - Itapuca - Itaqui - Itati - Itatiba do Sul - Ituporanga - Ivan Devčić - Ivorá - Ivoti - J Kelama Secondary School - Jaborá - Jaboticaba - Jacinto Machado - Jacmel - Jacques de Forbin-Janson - Jacques Martin - Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet (Meaux) - Jacques-François Besson - Jacques-Marie-Achille Ginoulhiac - Jacques-Marie-Joseph Baillès - Jacuizinho - Jacutinga (Rio Grande do Sul) - Jaguarão - Jaguari - Jaguaruna - Jahn Fritz - Jalisco - Ján Orosch - Ján Sokol - Jaquirana - Jardinópolis (Santa Catarina) - Jari (Rio Grande do Sul) - Jean Dours - Jean du Doucet - Jean Hazera - Jean Olivier - Jean Soanen - Jean-Alphonse Blanchet - Jean-Antoine-Auguste Bélaval - Jean-Antoine-Marie Foulquier - Jean-Armand Chaudru de Trelissac - Jean-Armand de La Voue de Tourouvre - Jean-Baptiste Bourlier - Jean-Baptiste Bouvier - Jean-Baptiste de Chabot - Jean-Baptiste Duvoisin - Jean-Baptiste Massillon - Jean-Baptiste Pelt - Jean-Baptiste-Charles Gazailhan - Jean-Baptiste-François-Nicolas Millaux - Jean-Baptiste-Marie-Anne-Antoine de Latil - Jean-Baptiste-Michel Colbert - Jean-Baptiste-Pierre-Léonard Berteaud - Jean-François de Hercé - Jean-François Landriot - Jean-Irénée Depéry - Jean-Jacques de Verthamon de Chalucet - Jean-Jacques Nanquette - Jean-Jacques-Marie-Antoine Guerrin - Jean-Joseph Chapelle de Saint-Jean de Jumilhac - Jean-Joseph Languet de Gergy - Jean-Joseph-Marie-Victoire de Cosnac - Jean-Louis de la Bourdonnaye - Jean-Louis du Bouchet de Sourches - Jean-Marie Henriau - Jean-Marie-Philippe Dubourg - Jean-Paul Faudoas - Jean-Paul-Gaston de Pins - Jean-Pierre Sola - Jean-Pierre-Bernard Castillon - Jean-Sébastien-Adolphe Devoucoux - Jimaní - Joaçaba - Joachim-Joseph d’Estaing - Jodok Necker - Jodok Senner - Johann Baptist Dietz - Johann Ernst von Löwenstein-Wertheim - Johann Michael Josef von Pidoll de Quintenbach - Johannes Bücheler - Johannes Dyba - Johannes Fischer - Johannes Kapp - Johannes Michel - Johannes Precht - Johannes Scharpfer - Johannes Stantenat - John Gordon MacWilliam - Jóia (Rio Grande do Sul) - Jokkmokk Company, 192nd Mechanized Battalion, Norrbotten Regiment, Swedish Army - José Boiteux - Josef Freusberg - Joseph Damian Schmitt - Joseph-Alphonse de Valbelle de Tourves - Joseph-Antoine-Henri Jordany - Joseph-Frédéric Saivet - Joseph-Gaspard de Montmorin de Saint-Hérem - Joseph-Ignace de Foresta Colongue - Joseph-Ignace-Jean-Baptiste de Mesgrigny - Joseph-Jean Heintz - Joseph-Marie Laucaigne - Joseph-Michel-Jean-Baptiste-Paul-Augustin Micolon de Guérines - Joseph-Sébastien-Ferdinand Terris - Juan Piris Frígola - Jules Cléret - Jules-Étienne Gazaniol - Júlio de Castilhos (Rio Grande do Sul) - Jupiá (Santa Catarina) - Justice from above - Justicia et pax - Justitia in solibus - Justitia regnorum fundamentum - Kalix Company, 192nd Mechanized Battalion, Norrbotten Regiment, Swedish Army - Karl Heinrich Johannes Willibrord Benzler - Kaspar Oexle - Key to battle support - Kiai o ka lewa - Knowledge conquers all - Kohat District, Indian Army - Konrad von Enslingen - Konstantin Miller - L’Île Lacroix - La Altagracia - La Romana - La Romana (Dominican Republic) - La Vega - Labor arma ministrat - Labore ad victoriam - Labore fideque - Labore vincimus - Lacerdópolis - Laerskool Bekker - Laerskool Booysens - Laerskool C.R. Swart - Laerskool Generaal Beyers - Laerskool Kanonkop - Laerskool Kuswag - Laerskool Middelburg - Laerskool Ogies - Laerskool Uitkyk - Laerskool Westerlig - Lages - Lagoa Bonita do Sul - Lagoa dos Três Cantos - Lagoa Vermelha - Lagoão - Laguna (Santa Catarina) - Lahore District, Indian Army - Lajeado (Rio Grande do Sul) - Lajeado do Bugre - Lajeado Grande - Launceston - Launceston (Cornwall) - Laurent Pucci (Jr.) - Laurentino - Lauro Müller (Santa Catarina) - Lavras do Sul - Le Busseau - Leadership and integrity - Leadership knowledge dynamic application - Leading the rest - Lebon Régis - Leoberto Leal (Santa Catarina) - Les Cayes - L'Estap - Letsemeng - Liaisons to the world - Liberato Salzano - Libertas per veritatem - Libertatem defendimus - Liberty through civility - Life Company, Norrbotten Regiment, Swedish Army - Life line to victory - Lightning carriers - Lilyfontein School - Lindóia do Sul - Lindolfo Collor (Rio Grande do Sul) - Linha Nova - Lontras - Lorenzo Cibo de' Mari - Louis Delcusy - Louis Milon - Louis Rossat - Louis-Charles Féron - Louis-Charles-Jean-Baptiste Michel - Louis-Jacques de Chapt de Rastignac - Louis-Joseph de Montmorency-Laval - Louis-Jules-François-Joseph d’Andigné de Mayneuf - Louis-Mathias-Joseph de Barral - Louis-Victor-Emile Bougaud - Loyalty, vigilance, pride - Lucio de Morra - Luckhoff - Ludovic-Henri-Marie-Ixile-Julien Laferrière - Ludwig Oschwalt - Luiz Alves - Luleå District Court - Luzerna (Santa Catarina) - Maçambará - Machadinho - Macieira (Santa Catarina) - MACS-2 Eyers of the MAGTF, USMC - MACS-2 Eyes of the MAGTF, USMC - MACS-24 Earthquake, USMC - MACS-4 Vice Squad, USMC - Mafra (Santa Catarina) - Mahube Valley Secondary School - Maintenance Battalion 701, German Army - Maintenance Battalion 702, German Army - Maintenance Company 80, German Army - Maintenance Training Company 6-2, German Army - Maintien le droit - Major Gercino - Major Vieira - Making it happen - MALS-12 Marauders, USMC - MALS-13 Black Widows, USMC - MALS-14 Dragons, USMC - MALS-16 Forerunners, USMC - MALS-24 Warriors, USMC - MALS-26 Patriots, USMC - MALS-29 Wolverines, USMC - MALS-31 Stingers, USMC - MALS-36 Bladrunner, USMC - MALS-39 Hellhounds, USMC - MALS-41 Wranglers, USMC - MALS-42 War Hammers, USMC - MALS-49 Magicians, USMC - Mamelodi High School - Mampituba - Manna from heaven - Manoel Viana - Manus perita chalybs accuratus - Mao - Maquiné - Maracajá - Maratá - Marau - Maravilha (Santa Catarina) - Marcelino Ramos - Marema - María Trinidad Sánchez - Mariana Pimentel - Mariano Moro - Marie-Julien Meirieu - Marie-Ludovic Roche - Marie-Prosper-Adolphe de Bonfils - Marie-Simon-Henri Colomb - Marin Barišić - Marine Air Control Squadron (MACS)-1 Falconers, USMC - Marine Air Support Squadron (MASS)-1 Atlantic Nomades,USMC - Marine Air Support Squadron (MASS)-1 Atlantic Nomads,USMC - Marine Aviation Logistics Squadron (MALS)-11 Devilfish, USMC - Marine Tactical Air Command Squadron (MTACS)-18, USMC - Marine Wing Communications Squadron (MWCS)-18 Warriors From The Ground Up, USMC - Marine Wing Support Detachment (MWSD)-24 Gryphons, USMC - Marine Wing Support Squadron (MWSS)-171 America's Squadron, USMC - Marques de Souza - MASS-2 Pacific Vagabonds,USMC - MASS-3 Blacklist, USMC - MASS-6 Lighthouse, USMC - Massaranduba (Santa Catarina) - Massimiliano Beniamino - Mata (Rio Grande do Sul) - Mato Castelhano - Mato Leitão - Mato Queimado - Matos Costa - Mattéo D'Henry - Matthäus Rot - Maximiliano de Almeida - McDonald Army Health Center, US Army - MEDDAC Yuma Proving Ground, US Army - Medical aid and support - Medicine in motion - Meleiro - Meminisse et imitari - Messis multa - Mexico City - Michel Poncet de la Rivière (Angers) - Michoacán - Middelburg High School - Middelburg Primary School - Mihi portate vulneratos - Military Academy of the Bolivarian National Guard, Venezuela - Military Firefighters Corps of Bahia - Militia nobis studium - Millebosc - Minas do Leão - Miraguaí - Mirim Doce - Moca - Moca (Dominican Republic) - Modelo (Santa Catarina) - Modiri Technical High School - Moncaut - Mondaí - Montauri - Monte Alegre dos Campos - Monte Belo do Sul - Monte Carlo (Santa Catarina) - Monte Castelo (Santa Catarina) - Monte Cristi - Monte Plata (city) - Monte Plata (province) - Montmartre - More than expected - Morelia - Morelos - Mormaço - Morrinhos do Sul - Morro da Fumaça - Morro Grande - Morro Redondo - Morro Reuter - Mostardas - MTACS-28 Olympians, USMC - MTACS-38 Fire Chickens, USMC - MTACS-48, USMC - Muçum (Rio Grande do Sul) - Muitos Capões - Muliterno - MWCS-28 Spartans, USMC - MWCS-38 Red Lightning, USMC - MWCS-48 Roar of the Corps, USMC - MWSS-172 Firebirds, USMC - MWSS-271 Workhorse of the Wing, USMC - MWSS-272 Untouchables, USMC - MWSS-273 Sweathogs, USMC - MWSS-274 Ironmen, USMC - MWSS-371 Sand Sharks, USMC - MWSS-372 Diamondbacks, USMC - MWSS-373 Ace Support, USMC - MWSS-374 Rhinos, USMC - MWSS-471,USMC - MWSS-472 AGS-Dragons, USMC - MWSS-473 Gargoyle, USMC - Nagpur District, Indian Army - Naisey-les-Granges - Não-Me-Toque - Narrabo opera domini - National University of Music of Bucharest - Nayarit - Neiba - Nemo me impune lacessit - Neque aurum honora neque argentum - New Zealand Machine Gun Corps - New Zealand Pioneer Battalion - Nicolas Clausse de Marchamont - Nicolas de Malézieu - Nicolas Pierre Jean Lhernould - Nicolas-Edouard-François Gueullette - Nicolas-Marie Fournier de La Contamine - Nicolas-Théodore Olivier - Nicolau Vergueiro - Nieuwoudtville - Nisi dominus pro nobis - Nizhyn Gogol State University - No 1004 (Pontypridd) Squadron, Air Training Corps - No 1053 (Armthorpe) Squadron, Air Training Corps - No 1128 (Crosby) Squadron, Air Training Corps - No 115 (Peterborough) Squadron, Air Training Corps - No 132 (North Berwick) Squadron, Air Training Corps - No 132 (North Brewick) Squadron, Air Training Corps - No 2030 (Birmingham Airport) Squadron, Air Training Corps - No 211 (Newbury) Squadron, Air Training Corps - No 2247 (Hawarden) Squadron, Air Training Corps - No 2426 (Pencoed) Squadron, Air Training Corps - No 2433 (Ramsgate and Manston) Squadron, Air Training Corps - No 2527 (Lawnswood) Squadron, Air Training Corps - No 332 (High Wycombe) Squadron, Air Training Corps - No 450 (Kenley) Squadron, Air Training Corps - No 469 (Lowestoft) Squadron, Air Training Corps - No 52 (Aviemore) Squadron, Air Training Corps - No 863 (Thurston) Squadron, Air Training Corps - No less than the best - Nocte ac die - Nombre de Dios - Non deerit gratia - Non sibi - Nonoai - Nos transportum - Not for self but others - Nova Alvorada - Nova Araçá - Nova Bassano - Nova Boa Vista - Nova Bréscia - Nova Candelária - Nova Esperança do Sul - Nova Hartz - Nova Pádua - Nova Palma - Nova Petrópolis - Nova Prata - Nova Ramada - Nova Santa Rita (Rio Grande do Sul) - Novo Barreiro - Novo Cabrais - Novo Hamburgo - Novo Machado - Novo Tiradentes - Novo Xingu - Oaxaca - Oaxaca de Juárez - Oče naš - Oculi cultus secreti - Oculi propter ungues - Office of the Chief of Space Operations, US Space Force - Oiler Ashtabula (AO-51) - Oiler USS Platte (AO-186) - Olivier Jégou de Kervilio - Olivier-Gabriel de Lubières du Bouchet - Omar H S Ebrahim Primary School - Omnia et omnibus - Omnia in charitate - On the cutting edge - One standard - Ons wil - Onwards and upwards - Opere superiore - Optimum service - Ordo ab chao - Osório (Rio Grande do Sul) - Our eyes support - Out front - Over distant lands and seas - Pacific lightning - Pacific peacemaker - Pacific victors - Paim Filho - Palmares do Sul - Palmeira das Missões - Palmitinho - Panama Canal Division, US Army - Panambi - Pantano Grande - Par nobile fratrum - Paraí - Paraíso do Sul - Parare et protegrere - Pareci Novo - Parobé - Passa-Sete - Passo do Sobrado - Passo Fundo - Paul Joseph Schmitt - Paul-Emile-Marie-Joseph Henry - Paul-Georges-Marie Dupont des Loges - Paulo Bento - Paul-Robert Hertault de Beaufort - Paverama - Pax in veritate et caritate - Payment Control, Israel Defence Forces - Peace justice freedom - Peace through health and strength - Peace through humanity - Peace through knowledge - Peace through stability - Pedernales (city) - Pedras Altas - Pedro Osório - Pejuçara - Pelotas - Peniche (freguesia) - Per ardua ad astra - Per Christum - Per lucem ad pacem - Peravia - Perditor oris - Perscrutari docere mederi - Persebeck - Peshawar District, Indian Army - Peterson-Schriever Garrison, US Space Force - Petroleum power victory - Petrus Miller - Petrus Ochsner - Philibert de Bruillard - Philippe Meunier - Philippe-Marie-Thérèse-Guy Carron - Picada Café - Pierre de Foix - Pierre de Sabatier - Pierre Dupont de Poursat - Pierre René Ferdinand Raffin - Pierre-Anastase Pichenot - Pierre-Antoine-Marie Lamouroux de Pompignac - Pierre-François-Gabriel-Raimond-Ignace-Ferdinand de Bausset de Roquefort - Pierre-Guérin de Tencin - Pierre-Guillaume de La Vieuxville-Pourpris - Pierre-Henri Lamazou - Pierre-Louis Cazet de Vautorte - Pierre-Louis Parisis - Pierre-Marie Osouf - Pierre-Paul Servonnet - Pinhal (Rio Grande do Sul) - Pinhal da Serra - Pinhal Grande - Pinheirinho do Vale - Pinheiro Machado (Rio Grande do Sul) - Pinto Bandeira - Pirapó - Piratini - Piteå Company, 192nd Mechanized Battalion, Norrbotten Regiment, Swedish Army - Planalto (Rio Grande do Sul) - Plus charitas quam potestas - Plus prodesse quam proesse - Poço das Antas - Pompeo Colonna - Pontão - Ponte Preta (Rio Grande do Sul) - Portão (Rio Grande do Sul) - Porto Lucena - Porto Mauá - Porto Vera Cruz - Porto Xavier - Pouso Novo - Power to spare - Praedicamus Christum et hunc crucifixum - Praemoneo de periculis - Praemonitus praemunitus - Praesta in officiis - Preparing for the future - Presidente Lucena - Pretoria Central High School - Pride in commitment - Pride of the Pacific - Prima sedes Galliarum - Pro anglia valens - Pro Christo ecclesia et grege - Prodesse magis quam præesse - Proesim dum prosim - Professional always - Progress through unity - Progresso (Rio Grande do Sul) - Promoters of victory - Prosper de Tournefort - Prosper-Auguste Dusserre - Protásio Alves (Rio Grande do Sul) - Protegere libertas usquam - Proud ready - Proven in battle - Puebla - Puebla (State) - Puerto Plata - Pugnis er calcibus - Puntarenas Province - Putinga - Pyramid of power - Quae candida proxima coelo - Quaraí - Quatro Irmãos - Querétaro - Quevedos - Qui praest in sollicitudine - Quicquid ubivis utcumque - Quintana Roo - Quinze de Novembro - Quis infirmatur et ego non infirmor - Quit you like men - Quod volo nisi ut accendatur - Qvo me dei jura vocant - RAF Station Nordhorn, Royal Air Force - Ramón Benito de La Rosa y Carpio - Råneå Company, 192nd Mechanized Battalion, Norrbotten Regiment, Swedish Army - Reach for the sky - Readiness is all - Ready for all things - Rectitudine charitas - Rectus et inclinans - Redentora - Reformed Theological High School - Regem ego comitem me comes regem - Regimental Staff, The Artillery Regiment, Swedish Army - Relvado - Rely on us - René-François Soyer - Renovatio per Mariam spiritualis - Resolve protection strength - Restinga Seca - Results through teamwork - Rio dos Índios - Rio Grande (Rio Grande do Sul) - Rio Pardo - Riozinho - Rising from the east - Robécourt - Robert Bezák - Robert Schlecht - Roca Sales - Rodeio Bonito - Rodrigo Luis de Borja y de Castro-Pinós - Rolador - Rolante - Romain-Frédéric Gallard - Ronda Alta - Rondinha - Roque Gonzales - Rosário do Sul - Royal Institute of Art (Sweden) - Royal New Zealand Nursing Corps - Ruvigny - Saam vorentoe - Safeguard the future - Safeguard the right - Safety reliability service - Sagrada Família (Rio Grande do Sul) - Saint-Léger-la-Montagne - Saint-Maclou-de-Folleville - Saint-Mesmin (Côte-d'Or) - Saint-Morel - Saint-Porquier - Saint-Symphorien (Lozère) - Salcedo - Salcedo (Dominican Republic) - Saldanha Marinho (Rio Grande do Sul) - Salto do Jacuí - Salvador das Missões - Salvador do Sul - Salvador Giménez Valls - Samaná (Dominican Republic) - San Cristóbal (Dominican Republic) - San Cristóbal (province) - San Cristóbal de las Casas - San Fernando de Monte Cristi - San Francisco de Macorís - San José de Ocoa (city) - San Juan de la Maguana - San Luis Potosí (State) - San Pedro de Macorís - San Sebastián de Mariquita - Sananduva - Sánchez Ramírez - Sans peur - Santa Bárbara do Sul - Santa Cecília do Sul - Santa Clara do Sul - Santa Cruz de Barahona - Santa Cruz de la Sierra - Santa Margarida do Sul - Santa Maria do Herval - Santa María la Antigua del Darién - Santa Rosa - Santa Tereza - Santa Vitória do Palmar - Santana da Boa Vista - Santana do Livramento - Santiago (Rio Grande do Sul) - Santiago de Cuba - Santiago de los Caballeros - Santiago Rodríguez - Santo Ângelo - Santo Antônio da Patrulha - Santo Antônio das Missões - Santo Antônio do Palma - Santo Antônio do Planalto - Santo Augusto - Santo Cristo - Santo Domingo (province) - Santo Expedito do Sul - São Borja - São Domingos do Sul - São Francisco de Assis (Rio Grande do Sul) - São Francisco de Paula (Rio Grande do Sul) - São Gabriel (Rio Grande do Sul) - São Jerônimo (Rio Grande do Sul) - São João da Urtiga - São João do Polêsine - São Jorge (Rio Grande do Sul) - São José das Missões - São José do Herval - São José do Hortêncio - São José do Inhacorá - São José do Norte - São José do Ouro - São José do Sul - São José dos Ausentes - São Lourenço do Sul - São Luiz Gonzaga - São Marcos (Rio Grande do Sul) - São Martinho (Rio Grande do Sul) - São Martinho da Serra - São Miguel das Missões - São Nicolau (Rio Grande do Sul) - São Paulo das Missões - São Pedro da Serra (Rio Grande do Sul) - São Pedro das Missões - São Pedro do Butiá - São Pedro do Sul (Rio Grande do Sul) - São Sebastião do Caí - São Sepé - São Valentim (Rio Grande do Sul) - São Valentim do Sul - São Valério do Sul - São Vendelino - São Vicente do Sul - Sapiendo propugnare - Sapientia nostra arma - Sapiranga - Sapucaia do Sul - Sarandi (Rio Grande do Sul) - Saving lives and limbs - Seberi - Secundus ad nihil - Securitas copiarum - Sede Nova - Seek attack destroy - Segredo (Rio Grande do Sul) - Selbach (Rio Grande do Sul) - Selfless service - Semper expeditione - Semper ibi - Semper in excubitu vigilans - Semper parati defendere - Semper resurgens - Senador Salgado Filho - Sentelie - Sentinela do Sul - Serafina Corrêa - Sério - Sertão (Rio Grande do Sul) - Sertão Santana - Servabis pacem domini - Servas ut duces - Service over self - Service to professionals - Sete de Setembro - Seul le premier pas coute - Severiano de Almeida - Sic deus dilexit mundum - Sic dilexit - Sicut aquila - Siempre alertos siempre preparados - Silently we defend - Silveira Martins - Silves (freguesia) - Simon Garnier - Sinaloa - Sind District, Indian Army - Sinimbu - Sky dragons - Sobradinho (Rio Grande do Sul) - Soledade (Rio Grande do Sul) - Sonora - South African College Private School - Southern Bohuslän Fire and Rescure Service Association - Souzy-la-Briche - Space Delta 2, US Space Force - Space Delta 3, US Space Force - Space Delta 4, US Space Force - Space Delta 5, US Space Force - Space Delta 6, US Space Force - Space Delta 7, US Space Force - Space Delta 8, US Space Force - Space Delta 9, US Space Force - Space Operations Command, US Space Force - Space Training and Readiness Delta Provisional (STAR Delta (P)), US Space Force - Spatium militum - Special Troops Battalion, 37th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, Ohio Army National Guard - Spes mea deus - Spes mea in deo est - Spirit - Spirit of support - St. Thomas Private School - Stadspost Apeldoorn - Statue de la liberte - Stefano Nardini - Stephan Enroth - Stephan Jung - Stockholm City and County Rifle Association - Streatham and Clapham High School - Streef en oorwin - Strength and honor - Strength and preparedness - Strength through truth - Strenuis ardua cedunt - Strive to achieve - Strive to excel - Ströhl - Succeed through persistence - Summum bonum - Super omnia charitas - Superiority in service - Support by doing - Support for combat - Support the action - Support the force - Support to serve - Support with distinction - Support with strength - Supporting the climb - Sustain the attack - Sustain the warrior - Sustentamus ut bellent - Sustineo vires - Synergy - Székely Mikó National College - Tabaí - Tabasco - Tamaulipas - Tapejara (Rio Grande do Sul) - Tapera - Tapes (Rio Grande do Sul) - Taquara (Rio Grande do Sul) - Taquari - Taquaruçu do Sul - Tavares (Rio Grande do Sul) - Tenente Portela - Tenez la porte - Terra de Areia - Terra marique ad caelum - Terreo atque munio - Territorial Defence Staff, Poland - Tertia semper prima - Teutônia - That lives may be saved - The Artillery Combat School, The Artillery Regiment, Swedish Army - The corps starts here - The flow of victory - The Jewish Brigade, British Army - The National Arms of Haiti - Théodore Legain - Thoir an aire - Thomas Schwab - Thomas Wunn - Thomas-Casimir-François de Ladoue - Thorough - Tio Hugo - Tiradentes do Sul - Tlaxcala (State) - To love and serve - To serve to care - To win hearts and minds - Torneå Company, 192nd Mechanized Battalion, Norrbotten Regiment, Swedish Army - Toropi - Torres (Rio Grande do Sul) - Toujours a propos - Tout préparé - Train to save - Tramandaí - Transire confidenter - Translates to victory - Travesseiro (Rio Grande do Sul) - Treffen ist trumpf - Três Arroios - Três Cachoeiras - Três Coroas - Três de Maio - Três Forquilhas - Três Palmeiras - Três Passos - Trindade do Sul - Triunfo (Rio Grande do Sul) - Tsako-Thabo Secondary School - Tshegofatsong Special School - Tu ne sede malis - Tua voluntas deus - Tucunduva - Tunas - Tupanci do Sul - Tupanciretã - Tupandi - Tuparendi - Turuçu - Tutela cordis - Ubique loquimur - Ubiretama - Ullnus tempus usquam - Ulrich Gräter - Ulrich Ivon Werdenberg-Sargans - Ulrich von Seelfingen - Umeå Squadron, 193rd Jaeger Battalion, Norrbotten Regiment, Swedish Army - Umthombo Primary School - União da Serra - Unistalda - Unitas libertas caritas - United Provinces Area, Indian Army - University of Bucharest - University of Craiova - University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova - University of Saint Mary of the Lake (Mundelein Seminary) - Unleash the dragon - Unlock the future - Uno auxilio coelesti - Unquam te contamina - Urbain-René de Hercé - Uruguaiana - US Army Air Traffic Services Commando, US Army - US Army Area Confinement Facility Mannheim - US Army Correctional Facility - US Army Element Multinational Corps Iraq - US Army Engineers Command in Europe - USCGC Myrtle Hazard (WPC-1139) - Ut aquilae volent - Ut secure volent - Vacaria - Vale do Sol - Vale Real - Vale Verde (Rio Grande do Sul) - Valverde (province) - Vanguard - Vanguard of the pacific - Vanini - Vanskeligheter er intet hinder - Vector to victory - Venâncio Aires - Venda do Pinheiro e Santo Estêvão das Galés - Vera Cruz (Rio Grande do Sul) - Veracruz - Veracruz (State) - Veranópolis - Veritas unitas pax - Veritatis victoria caritas - Vertitate et libertas - Verum Exquiro - Vespasiano Corrêa - Veymerange - Viadutos - Viamão - Vicente Dutra - Victor Graeff - Victor Maréchal - Victoria de Durango - Victoria et gloria - Victory at all cost - Victory or death - Victory thru information - Victory's forge - Vigila - Vigilamus - Vigilamus et defendimus - Vigilantia ad finem - Vigilantia et perseverantia - Vila Flores - Vila Franca de Xira (freguesia) - Vila Lângaro - Vila Maria - Vila Nova do Sul - Vincemus - Vincent-François des Maretz - Viribus audax - Viribus protege - Vista Alegre - Vista Alegre do Prata - Vista Gaúcha - Vita et spes - Vitam dare salutem restituere - Vitória das Missões - Vitus Nekher - VMM-163 Ridge Runners, USMC - VMM-164 Knightriders, USMC - VMM-266 Fighting Griffins, USMC - VMM-362 Ugly Angels, USMC - VMM-364 Purple Foxes, USMC - VMM-764 Moonlight, USMC - VMM-774 Wild Goose, USMC - Voice to the skies - Volanti subvenimus - Volkrange - Vorentoe met vertrouwe - Waterkloof House Preparatory School - Waterkloof Primary School - Watson's legacy - Waziristan District, Indian Army - We can handle it - We care we dare - We give our best - We keep the way clear - We move the world - We strive to provide - We support the defender - We train the future - Wees wakker - Weltevreden Park Primary School - Werk en wen - West Mercian Wing, Air Training Corps - Westfália - Whensoever - Wilhelm Schrailk - Willing, able, ready - Win the peace - Women's Auxiliary Army Corps, New Zealand - Work hard play straight - World wide mobility - Worldwide support - Xangri-lá (Rio Grande do Sul) - Xhariep - Y siafft i flaen y bicell - Yde-de Punt - Your health is our goal - Yves de Pontsal - Zacatecas (state) - Zagreb - Zamintuthuko Primary School - Želimir Puljić - 100th Missile Defense Brigade, US Army - 101st Philippine Division, Philippine Army - 101st Rescue Squadron, New York Air National Guard - 101st Security Police Flight, Maine Air National Guard - 102nd Rescue Squadron, New York Air National Guard - 103rd Communications Flight, Connecticut Air National Guard - 103rd Fighter Squadron, Pennsylvania Air National Guard - 103rd Security Forces Squadron, Connecticut Air National Guard - 104th Fighter Squadron, Maryland Air National Guard - 105th Aerial Port Squadron, New York Air National Guard - 105th Airlift Squadron, Tennessee Air National Guard - 105th Avionics Maintenance Squadron, New York Air National Guard - 105th Communications Electronics Squadron, New York Air National Guard - 105th Resource Management Squadron, New York Air National Guard - 106th Air Refueling Squadron, Alabama Air National Guard - 106th Infantry Division, US Army - 106th Mission Support Squadron, New York Air National Guard - 106th Operations Support Flight, New York Air National Guard - 106th Resource Management Squadron, New York Air National Guard - 107th Tactical Control Squadron, Arizona Air National Guard - 107th USAF Clinic, New York Air National Guard - 108th Air Refueling Squadron, Illinois Air National Guard - 108th Infantry Division Golden Griffins Division, US Army - 108th Resource Management Squadron, New Jersey Air National Guard - 109th Aeromedical Evacuation Flight, Minnesota Air National Guard - 109th Airlift Squadron, Minnesota Air National Guard - 109th Weapons System Security Flight, New York Air National Guard - 110th Civil Engineering Flight, Michigan Air National Guard - 110th Combat Support Squadron, Michigan Air National Guard - 110th Communications Electronics Maintenance Squadron, Michigan Air National Guard - 110th Consolidated Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, Michigan Air National Guard - 110th Direct Air Support Center Squadron, Michigan Air National Guard - 110th Fighter Squadron, Missouri Air National Guard - 110th Maintenance Squadron, Michigan Air National Guard - 110th Resource Management Squadron, Michigan Air National Guard - 110th Tactical Clinic, Michigan Air National Guard - 110th Tactical Control Flight, Tennessee Air National Guard - 111st Fighter Squadron, Texas Air National Guard - 111th Air Support Squadron, Washington Air National Guard - 111th Communications Squadron, Pennsylvania Air National Guard - 111th Mission Support Flight, Pennsylvania Air National Guard - 111th Tactical Air Control Party Flight, Pennsylvania Air National Guard - 111th Tactical Clinic, Pennsylvania Air National Guard - 111th USAF Dispensary, Pennsylvania Air National Guard - 111th Weapons System Security Flight, Pennsylvania Air National Guard - 113th Civil Engineering Squadron, District of Columbia Air National Guard - 113th Fighter Squadron, Indiana Air National Guard - 113th Maintenance Squadron, District of Colombia Air National Guard - 113th Resource Management Squadron, District of Columbia Air National Guard - 114th Fighter Squadron, Oregon Air National Guard - 114th Tactical Control Flight, Pennsylvania Air National Guard - 116th Air Control Squadron, Washington Air National Guard - 116th Air Refueling Squadron, Washington Air National Guard - 116th Computer Systems Squadron, Georgia Air National Guard - 116th Maintenance Operations Squadron, Georgia Air National Guard - 116th Maintenance Squadron, Georgia Air National Guard - 116th Mission Support Flight, Georgia Air National Guard - 116th Operations Support Squadron, Georgia Air National Guard - 116th Weather Flight, Washington Air National Guard - 117th Air Refueling Squadron, Kansas Air National Guard - 117th Consolidated Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, Alabama Air National Guard - 117th Intelligence Squadron, Alabama Air National Guard - 117th Mission Support Group, Alabama Air National Guard - 117th Mission Support Squadron, Alabama Air National Guard - 117th Security Forces Squadron, Alabama Air National Guard - 118th Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron, Tennessee Air National Guard - 118th Medical Squadron, Tennessee Air National Guard - 118th Tactical Hospital, Tennessee Air National Guard - 119th Fighter Squadron, New Jersey Air National Guard - 119th Infantry Division (Phantom Unit), US Army - 119th Tactical Control Squadron, Tennessee Air National Guard - 11th Cavalry, Pakistan Army - 11th Dragoons Regiment, French Army - 11th Military Police Brigade, US Army - 120th Fighter Squadron, Colorado Air National Guard - 121st Fighter Squadron, District of Columbia Air National Guard - 122nd Air Support Operations Squadron, Louisiana Air National Guard - 122nd Air Support Squadron, Louisiana Air National Guard - 122nd Fighter Squadron, Louisiana Air National Guard - 123rd Aircraft Generation (later Aircraft Maintenance) Squadron, Kentucky Air National Guard - 123rd Aviation Regiment, US Army - 123rd Communications Flight, Kentucky Air National Guard - 123rd Communications Squadron, Kentucky Air National Guard - 123rd Consolidated Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, Kentucky Air National Guard - 123rd Fighter Squadron, Oregon Air National Guard - 123rd Global Mobility Squadron, Kentucky Air National Guard - 123rd Intelligence Squadron, Kentucky Air National Guard - 123rd Maintenance Squadron, Kentucky Air National Guard - 123rd Resource Management Squadron, Kentucky Air National Guard - 123rd Tactical Hospital, Kentucky Air National Guard - 123rd Weapons System Security Flight, Kentucky Air National Guard - 123rd Weather Flight, Oregon Air National Guard - 124th Baluchistan Infantry, Indian Army - 124th Intelligence Squadron, Ohio Air National Guard - 125th Air Traffic Control, US Army - 125th Fighter Squadron, Oklahoma Air National Guard - 125th Intelligence Squadron, Ohio Air National Guard - 126th Air Refueling Squadron, Wisconsin Air National Guard - 126th Consolidated Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, Illinois Air National Guard - 127th Intelligence Squadron, Ohio Air National Guard - 128th Logistics Readiness Squadron, Wisconsin Air National Guard - 128th Mission Support Flight, Wisconsin Air National Guard - 129th Combat Training Squadron, Georgia Air National Guard - 129th Duke of Connaught's Own Baluchis, Indian Army - 12th Airborne Command and Control Squadron, Georgia Air National Guard - 12th Infantry Division (World War I), US Army - 130th Airlift Squadron, West Virginia Air National Guard - 130th Infantry Division (Phantom Unit), US Army - 130th King George's Own Baluchis, Indian Army - 130th Mission Support Flight, West Virginia Air National Guard - 130th Mobile Aerial Port Squadron, West Virginia Air National Guard - 130th Services Flight, West Virginia Air National Guard - 131st Civil Engineering Squadron, Missouri Air National Guard - 131st Communications Flight, Missouri Air National Guard - 131st Fighter Squadron, Massachusetts Air National Guard - 131st Medical Squadron, Missouri Air National Guard - 131st Training Flight, Florida Air National Guard - 132nd Air Refueling Squadron, Maine Air National Guard - 132nd Consolidated Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, Iowa Air National Guard - 132nd Medical Squadron, Iowa Air National Guard - 133rd Aerial Port Squadron, Minnesota Air National Guard - 133rd Air Refueling Squadron, New Hampshire Air National Guard - 133rd Security Forces Squadron, Minnesota Air National Guard - 134th Fighter Squadron, Vermont Air National Guard - 135th Airborne Division (Phantom Unit), US Army - 135th Airlift Squadron, Maryland Air National Guard - 135th Maintenance Squadron, Maryland Air National Guard - 135th Operations Support Flight, Maryland Air National Guard - 136th Air Refueling Squadron, New York Air National Guard - 136th Civil Engineering Squadron, Texas Air National Guard - 136th Combat Support Squadron, Texas Air National Guard - 136th Consolidated Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, Texas Air National Guard - 136th Mobile Aerial Port Squadron, Texas Air National Guard - 136th Resource Management Squadron, Texas Air National Guard - 136th Weapons System Security Flight, Texas Air National Guard - 137th Aerial Port Squadron, Oklahoma Air National Guard - 137th Aeromedical Evacuation Flight, Oklahoma Air National Guard - 137th Airlift Squadron, New York Air National Guard - 137th Civil Engineering Squadron, Oklahoma Air National Guard - 137th Consolidated Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, Oklahoma Air National Guard - 137th Intelligence Squadron, Indiana Air National Guard - 137th Logistics Readiness Squadron, Oklahoma Air National Guard - 137th Space Warning Squadron, Colorado Air National Guard - 138th Consolidated Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, Oklahoma Air National Guard - 138th Fighter Squadron, New York Air National Guard - 139th Logistics Squadron, Missouri Air National Guard - 139th Maintenance Squadron, Missouri Air National Guard - 139th Resource Management Squadron, Missouri Air National Guard - 13th Armored Division, US Army - 140th Maintenance Squadron, Colorado Air National Guard - 140th Operations Support Squadron, Colorado Air National Guard - 140th Resources Management Squadron, Colorado Air National Guard - 141st Air Refueling Squadron, New Jersey Air National Guard - 141st Infantry Divisiion (Phantom Unit), US Army - 142nd Airlift Squadron, Delaware Air National Guard - 142nd Communications Flight, Oregon Air National Guard - 142nd Logistics Readiness Squadron, Oregon Air National Guard - 142nd Resource Management Squadron, Oregon Air National Guard - 142nd USAF Clinic, Oregon Air National Guard - 143rd Aerial Port Squadron, Rhode Island Air National Guard - 143rd Airlift Squadron, Rhode Island Air National Guard - 143rd Medical Squadron, Rhode Island Air National Guard - 144th Airlift Squadron, Alaska Air National Guard - 145th Air Refueling Squadron, Ohio Air National Guard - 146th Air Refueling Squadron, Pennsylvania Air National Guard - 147th Air Refueling Squadron, Pennsylvania Air National Guard - 147th Operations Support Squadron, Texas Air National Guard - 147th Resource Management Squadron, Texas Air National Guard - 147th Security Forces Squadron, Texas Air National Guard - 148th Consolidated Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, Minnesota Air National Guard - 148th Fighter Squadron, Arizona Air National Guard - 148th Resource Management Squadron, Minnesota Air National Guard - 149th Fighter Squadron, Virginia Air National Guard - 149th Security Forces Squadron, Texas Air National Guard - 14th Armoured Division, US Army - 14th Military Police Brigade, US Army - 150th Air Refueling Squadron, New Jersey Air National Guard - 151 Air Refueling Squadron, Tennessee Air National Guard - 151st Communications Flight, Utah Air National Guard - 151st Logistics Readiness Squadron, Utah Air National Guard - 151st Medical Squadron, Utah Air National Guard - 151st Operations Support Flight, Utah Air National Guard - 151st Operations Support Squadron, Utah Air National Guard - 152nd Fighter Squadron, Arizona Air National Guard - 152nd Informations Systems Flight, Nevada Air National Guard - 152nd Operations Support Squadron, Nevada Air National Guard - 152nd Tactical Clinic, Nevada Air National Guard - 152nd Weapons System Security Flight, Nevada Air National Guard - 153rd Air Refueling Squadron, Mississippi Air National Guard - 153rd Consolidated Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, Wyoming Air National Guard - 153rd Tactical Clinic, Wyoming Air National Guard - 154th Air Refueling Squadron, Mississippi Air National Guard - 154th Civil Engineering Squadron, Hawaii Air National Guard - 154th Fighter Squadron, Arkansas Air National Guard - 154th Resource Management Squadron, Hawaii Air National Guard - 154th Services Flight, Hawaii Air National Guard - 154th Tactical Hospital, Hawaii Air National Guard - 155th Aircraft Generation Squadron, Nebraska Air National Guard - 155th Combat Support Squadron, Nebraska Air National Guard - 155th Communications Flight, Nebraska Air National Guard - 155th Communications Squadron, Nebraska Air National Guard - 155th Consolidated Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, Nebraska Air National Guard - 155th Maintenance Squadron, Nebraska Air National Guard - 155th Resource Management Squadron, Nebraska Air National Guard - 156th Airlift Squadron, North Carolina Air National Guard - 156th Tactical Clinic, Louisiana Air National Guard - 157th Consolidated Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, New Hampshire Air National Guard - 157th Fighter Squadron, South Carolina Air National Guard - 157th Fighter Squadron, South Dakota Air National Guard - 157th Infantry Division (Phantom Unit), US Army - 158th Airlift Squadron, Georgia Air National Guard - 159th Figther Squadron, Florida Air National Guard - 15th Armored Division (Phantom Unit), US Army - 15th Maintenance Group, Hawaii Air National Guard - 15th Military Police Battalion, Rio de Janeiro - 15th Military Police Brigade, US Army - 161st Medical Squadron, Arizona Air National Guard - 162nd Consolidated Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, Arizona Air National Guard - 162nd Fighter Squadron, Ohio Air National Guard - 162nd Logistics Squadron, Arizona Air National Guard - 162nd Maintenance Squadron, Arizona Air National Guard - 162nd Signal Battalion. Israeli Ground Forces - 163rd Fighter Squadron, Indiana Air National Guard - 164th Avionics Maintenance Squadron, Tennessee Air National Guard - 164th Mobile Aerial Port Squadron, Tennessee Air National Guard - 164th Security Forces Squadron, Tennessee Air National Guard - 164th Weather Flight, Ohio Air National Guard - 165th Aerial Port Squadron, Georgia Air National Guard - 165th Air Support Operations Squadron, Georgia Air National Guard - 165th Airlift Squadron, Kentucky Air National Guard - 166th Aircraft Generation Squadron, Delware Air National Guard - 166th Medical Squadron, Delaware Air National Guard - 167th Aerial Port Squadron, West Virginia Air National Guard - 167th Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron, West Virginia Air National Guard - 167th Airlift Squadron, West Virginia Air National Guard - 167th Communications Flight, West Virginia Air National Guard - 167th Logistic Readiness Squadron, West Virginia Air National Guard - 168th Air Refueling Squadron, Alaska Air National Guard - 168th Air Refueling Wing, Alaska Air National Guard, US - 168th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, Alaska Air National Guard - 168th Consolidated Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, Alaska Air National Guard - 168th Resource Management Squadron, Alaska Air National Guard - 168th Security Forces Squadron, Alaska Air National Guard - 169th Airlift Squadron, Illinois Air National Guard - 169th Mission Support Squadron, South Carolina Air National Guard - 16th Air Traffic Control Battalion, US Army - 16th Airborne Command and Control Squadron, Georgia Air National Guard - 16th Armored Division, US Army - 16th Military Police Brigade, US Army - 170th Consolidated Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, New Jersey Air National Guard - 170th Fighter Squadron, Illinois Air National Guard - 170th Operations Support Squadron, New Jersey Air National Guard - 171st Civil Engineering Squadron, Pennsylvania Air National Guard - 171st Security Forces Squadron, Pennsylvania Air National Guard - 172nd Airlift / Fighter Squadron, Michigan Air National Guard - 172nd Communications Flight, Mississippi Air National Guard - 173rd Air Refueling Squadron, Nebraska Air National Guard - 173rd Civil Engineering Squadron, Oregon Air National Guard - 173rd Communications Flight, Oregon Air National Guard - 174th Fighter Squadron, Iowa Air National Guard - 175th Consolidated Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, Maryland Air National Guard - 175th Fighter Squadron, South Dakota Air National Guard - 175th Information Operations Squadron, Maryland Air National Guard - 175th Logistics Squadron, Maryland Air National Guard - 175th Tactical Fighter Group, Maryland Air National Guard - 176th Air Control Squadron, Alaska Air National Guard - 176th Aircraft Generation Squadron, Alaska Air National Guard - 176th Civil Engineering Squadron, Alaska Air National Guard - 176th Communications Flight, Alaska Air National Guard - 176th Logistics Readiness Squadron, Alaska Air National Guard - 176th Maintenance Squadron, Alaska Air National Guard - 176th Mission Support Flight, Alaska Air National Guard - 176th Mobile Aerial Port Flight, Alaska Air National Guard - 178th Aircraft Generation Squadron, Ohio Air National Guard - 178th Consolidated Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, Ohio Air National Guard - 178th Fighter Squadron, North Dakota Air National Guard - 178th Logistics Readiness Squadron, Ohio Air National Guard - 178th Resource Management Squadron, Ohio Air National Guard - 179th Fighter Squadron, Minnesota Air National Guard - 17th Field Artillery Brigade, US Army - 180th Airlift Squadron, Missouri Air National Guard - 181st Aerial Port Flight, Texas Air National Guard - 181st Airlift Squadron, Texas Air National Guard - 181st Intelligence Support Squadron, Indiana Air National Guard - 181st Operations Support Squadron, Indiana Air National Guard - 182nd Aerial Port Flight, Illinois Air National Guard - 182nd Communications and Electronics Maintenance Squadron, Illinois Air National Guard - 182nd Fighter Squadron, Texas Air National Guard - 182nd Resource Management Squadron, Illinois Air National Guard - 183rd Aeromedical Evacuation Flight, Mississippi Air National Guard - 183rd Airlift Squadron, Mississippi Air National Guard - 183rd Resource Maintenance Management Squadron, Illinois Air National Guard - 185th Airlift Squadron, Oklahoma Air National Guard - 186th Air Refueling Squadron, Montana Air National Guard - 186th Tactical Reconnaissance Group, Mississippi Air National Guard - 187th Aeromedical Evacuation Flight, Wyoming Air National Guard - 187th Airlift Squadron, Wyoming Air National Guard - 188th Fighter Squadron, New Mexico Air National Guard - 189th Services Flight, Arkansas Air National Guard - 18th Aviation Battalion, US Army - 190th Fighter Squadron, Idaho Air National Guard - 1910th Staff and Service Company, 191st Mechanized Battalion, Norrbotten Regiment, Swedish Army - 1911th Armoured Rifle Company, 191st Mechanized Battalion, Norrbotten Regiment, Swedish Army - 1912th Armoured Rifle Company, 191st Mechanized Battalion, Norrbotten Regiment, Swedish Army - 1913th Armoured Company, 191st Mechanized Battalion, Norrbotten Regiment, Swedish Army - 1914th Armoured Company, 191st Mechanized Battalion, Norrbotten Regiment, Swedish Army - 1915th Support Company, 191st Mechanized Battalion, Norrbotten Regiment, Swedish Army - 191st Air Refueling Squadron, Utah Air National Guard - 192nd Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, Virginia Air National Guard - 192nd Airlift Squadron, Nevada Air National Guard - 192nd Civil Engineer Squadron, Virginia Air National Guard - 192nd Maintenance Squadron, Virginia Air National Guard - 193rd Communications Squadron, Pennsylvania Air National Guard - 193rd Logistics Rediness Squadron, Pennsylvania Air National Guard - 193rd Medical Squadron, Pennsylvania Air National Guard - 193rd Resource Management Squadron, Pennsylvania Air National Guard - 193rd Special Operations Squadron, Pennsylvania Air National Guard - 194th Intelligence Squadron, Washington Air National Guard - 195th Tactical Fighter Training Squadron, Arizona Air National Guard - 195th Wing, California Air National Guard - 197th Air Refueling Squadron, Arizona Air National Guard - 198th Fighter Squadron, Puerto Rico Air National Guard - 199th Fighter Squadron, Hawaii Air National Guard - 19th Punjabis, Indian Army - 1st Artillery Regiment, US Army - 1st Civil Affairs Group, USMC - 1st Finland Rifle Regiment, Imperial Russian Army - 1st Intelligence Battalion, USMC - 1st Life-Guards Artillery Brigade, Imperial Russian Army - 1st Medical Battalion, USMC - 200th Airlift Squadron, Colorado Air National Guard - 200th Kronslott Infantry Regiment, Imperial Russian Army - 200th Military Police Command, US Army - 201st Airlift Squadron, Distict of Columbia Air National Guard - 203rd Air Refueling Squadron, Hawaii Air National Guard - 204th Airlift Squadron, Hawaii Air National Guard - 20th Armored Division, US Army - 20th Duke of Cambridge's Own Infantry (Brownlow's Punjabis), Indian Army - 210th Consolidated Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, Alaska Air National Guard - 210th Rescue Squadron, Alaska Air National Guard - 211th Engineering Installation Squadron, Pennsylvania Air National Guard - 211th Rescue Squadron, Alaska Air National Guard - 217th Engineering Installation Squadron, Illinois Air National Guard - 21st Philippine Division, Philippine Army - 220th Engineering Installation Squadron, Ohio Air National Guard - 221st Combat Communications Squadron, Texas Air National Guard - 221st Military Police Brigade, US Army - 223rd Combat Communications Squadron, Arkansas Air National Guard - 223rd Intelligence Flight, Kentucky Air National Guard - 224th Joint Communications Support Squadron, Georgia Air National Guard - 225th Combat Communications Squadron, Alabama Air National Guard - 227th Air Traffic Control Flight, Colorado Air National Guard - 229th Information Operations Squadron, Vermont Air National Guard - 22nd Air Refueling Wing, US Air Force - 231st Civil Engineer Flight, Missouri Air National Guard - 232nd Combat Communications Squadron, Alabama Air National Guard - 232nd Operations Squadron, Nevada Air National Guard - 234 Signal Squadron, British Army - 234th Intelligence Squadron, California Air National Guard - 235th Air Traffic Control Squadron, Indiana Air National Guard - 236th Combat Communications Squadron, Louisiana Air National Guard - 238th Air Support Operations Squadron, Mississippi Air National Guard - 239th Combat Communications Squadron, Missouri Air National Guard - 241st Air Traffic Control Squadron, Missouri Air National Guard - 242nd Combat Communications Squadron, Washington Air National Guard - 243rd Air Traffic Control Flight, Wyoming Air National Guard - 245th Air Traffic Control Squadron, South Carolina Air National Guard - 245th Combat Communications Group, Texas Air National Guard - 248th Air Traffic Control Squadron, Mississippi Air National Guard - 24th General Neverovsky's Simbirsk Infantry Regiment, Imperial Russian Army - 24th Punjabis, Indian Army - 25th Armored Division (Phantom Unit), US Army - 260th Air Traffic Control Squadron, New Hampshire Air National Guard - 260th Military Police Command, District of Colombia Army National Guard - 263rd Combat Communications Squadron, North Carolina Air National Guard - 26th Punjabis, Indian Army - 270th Engineering Installation Squadron, Pennsylvania Air National Guard - 27th Punjabis, Indian Army - 282nd Combat Communications Squadron, Rhode Island Air National Guard - 283rd Combat Communications Squadron, Georgia Air National Guard - 289th Infantry Regiment, US Army - 28th Punjabis, Indian Army - 290th Combat Communications Squadron, Florida Air National Guard - 292nd Combat Communications Squadron, Hawaii Air National Guard - 293rd Combat Communications Squadron, Hawaii Air National Guard - 293rd Engineer Battalion, US Army - 299th Range Control Squadron, Utah Air National Guard - 29th Air Traffic Control Battalion, US Army - 29th General-Fieldmarshal Count Dibich-Zabalkansky's Chernigov Infantry Regiment, Imperial Russian Army - 2nd Brigade, 87th Infantry Division, US Army - 2nd Infantry Battalion, US Army - 2nd Intelligence Battalion, USMC - 2nd Life-Guards Artillery Brigade, Imperial Russian Army - 2nd Low Altitude Air Defense Battalion Death from Below, USMC - 2nd Maintenance Battalion, US Army - 2nd Medical Battalion, USMC - 2nd Military Police Battalion, USMC - 2nd Space Battalion, US Army - 300th Military Police Brigade, US Army - 301st Information Operations Battalion, US Army - 303rd Information Operations Battalion, US Army - 307th Aviation Battalion, US Army - 308th Aviation Battalion, US Army - 309th Aviation Battalion, US Army - 30th Airlift Squadron, Wyoming Air National Guard - 30th Field Artillery Regiment, US Army - 30th Punjabis, Indian Army - 310th Military Intelligence Battalion, US Army - 311th Military Intelligence Battalion, US Army - 319th Signal Battalion, Israeli Ground Forces - 31st Philippine Division, Philippine Army - 31st Punjabis, Indian Army - 330th Combat Communications Squadron, Georgia Air National Guard - 330th Combat Training Squadron, Georgia Air National Guard - 333rd Military Police Brigade, US Army - 356th Civil Affairs Brigade, US Army - 357th Civil Affairs Brigade, US Army - 363rd Medical Battalion, US Army - 36th General-Fieldmarshal The Prince of Warsaw, Count Paskievich-Erivansky's Orel Infantry Regiment, Imperial Russian Army - 371st Infantry Regiment, US Army - 372nd Military Police Battalion, District of Columbia Army National Guard - 376th Signal Battalion, Israeli Ground Forces - 388th Medical Battalion, US Army - 38th Guards Communications Brigade, Russia - 39th Armored Division (Phantom Unit), US Army - 3rd (Auckland) Mounted Rifles, New Zealand - 3rd Artillery Regiment, US Army - 3rd Civil Affairs Group, USMC - 3rd Intelligence Battalion, USMC - 3rd Life-Guards Artillery Brigade, Imperial Russian Army - 3rd Low Altitude Air Defense Battalion Feel the Sting, USMC - 3rd Medical Battalion, USMC - 40th Pathans, Indian Army - 418th Civil Affairs Battalion, US Army - 425th Medical Battalion, US Army - 427th Medical Battalion, US Army - 428th Field Artillery Brigade, US Army - 44th Kamchatka Infantry Regiment, Imperial Russian Army - 450th Chemical Battalion, US Army - 453rd Chemical Battalion, US Army - 46th Military Police Command, Michigan Army National Guard - 478th Civil Affairs Battalion, US Army - 4th Artillery Regiment, US Army - 4th Civil Affairs Group, USMC - 4th Law Enforcement Battalion, USMC - 4th Maintenance Battalion, US Army - 4th Security Force Assistance Brigade, US Army - 502nd Aviation Regiment, US Army - 503rd Aviation Battalion, US Army - 504th Aviation Battalion, US Army - 516th Infantry Battalion, US Army - 519th Infantry Regiment, US Army - 51st Maintenance Battalion, US Army - 51st Philippine Division, Philippine Army - 52nd Sikhs (Frontier Force), Indian Army - 54th Guards Order of Kutuzov Rocket Division, Strategic Rocket Forces - 54th Security Force Assistance Brigade, USA - 54th Sikhs (Frontier Force), Indian Army - 550th Airborne Infantry Regiment, US Army - 553rd Air Force Band, Pennsylvania Air National Guard - 555th Air Force Band, Ohio Air National Guard - 55th Coke's Rifles (Frontier Force), Indian Army - 55th Sustainment Brigade, US Army - 560th Air Force Band, Washington Air National Guard - 561st Air Force Band, California Air National Guard - 566th Air Force Band, Illinois Air National Guard - 56th Punjabi Rifles (Frontier Force), Indian Army - 58th Air Traffic Control Battalion, US Army - 59th Air Transport Control Battalion, US Army - 59th Royal Scinde Rifles (Frontier Force), Indian Army - 5th Maintenance Battlion, US Army - 5th Mounted Rifles (Otago Hussars), New Zealand - 5th Security Force Assistance Brigade, US Army - 61st Philippine Division, Philippine Army - 61st Quartermaster Battalion, US Army - 62nd Maintenance Battalion, US Army - 62nd Punjabis, Indian Army - 63rd Infantry Divison Blood and Fire, US Army - 63rd Maintenance Battalion, US Army - 65th Infantry Division Battle Axe Division, US Army - 66th Infantry Division, US Army - 66th Maintenance Battalion, US Army - 66th Punjabis, Indian Army - 6930th Civilian Support Center, US Army - 6931st Civilian Support Center, US Army - 69th Infantry Division, US Army - 6th Armoured Division, Pakistan Army - 6th Artillery Regiment, US Army - 6th Aviation Battalion, US Army - 6th Manawatu Mounted Rifles, New Zealand - 70th Infantry Division Trailblazers, US Army - 71st Infantry Division, US Army - 71st Philippine Division, Philippine Army - 759th Military Police Battalion, US Army - 75th Infantry Division Make Ready Division, US Army - 76th Infantry Division Onward or Liberty Bell Division, US Army - 77th Aviation Battalion, US Army - 77th Infantry Division Statue of Liberty, US Army - 793rd Military Police Battalion, US Army - [[79th Infantry Division Cross of Lorraine, US Army]] - 7th Army Reserve Command, US Army - 7th Artillery Regiment, US Army - 7th Aviation Battalion, US Army - 7th Medical Brigade, US Army - 7th Pomorska Territorial Defence Brigade Naval Captain Adam Dedio, Poland - 7th Wellington West Coast Rifles Regiment, New Zealand - 80th Civil Affairs Battalion, US Army - 80th Infantry Division Blue Ridge Division, US Army - 81st Aviation Battalion, US Army - 81st Philippine Division, Philippine Army - 82nd Punjabis, Indian Army - 82nd Reconnaissance Battalion, US Army - 83rd Aviation Battalion, US Army - 83rd Field Artillery Regiment, US Army - 84th Punjabis, Indian Army - 87th Infantry Division Golden Acorn, US Army - 87th Infantry Regiment, US Army - 88th Infantry Battalion, US Army - 88th Infantry Division Figthing Blue Devils or Clover Leaf Division, US Army - 89th Infantry Division Rolling W Division, US Army - 89th Punjabis, Indian Army - 8th (Southland Rifles) Regiment, New Zealand - 8th Aviation Battalion, US Army - 907th Communications Squadron, Ohio Air National Guard - 90th Infantry Division Though 'ombres, US Army - 910th Company, 91st Artillery Battalion, The Artillery Regiment, Swedish Army - 911th Company, 91st Artillery Battalion, The Artillery Regiment, Swedish Army - 912th Company, 91st Artillery Battalion, The Artillery Regiment, Swedish Army - 913th Company, 91st Artillery Battalion, The Artillery Regiment, Swedish Army - 914th Company, 91st Artillery Battalion, The Artillery Regiment, Swedish Army - 91st Artillery Battalion Staff, The Artillery Regiment, Swedish Army - 91st Punjabis, Indian Army - 920th Company, 92nd Artillery Battalion, The Artillery Regiment, Swedish Army - 921st Company, 92nd Artillery Battalion, The Artillery Regiment, Swedish Army - 922nd Company, 92nd Artillery Battalion, The Artillery Regiment, Swedish Army - 923rd Company, 92nd Artillery Battalion, The Artillery Regiment, Swedish Army - 924th Company, 92nd Artillery Battalion, The Artillery Regiment, Swedish Army - 92nd Artillery Battalion Staff, The Artillery Regiment, Swedish Army - 92nd Infantry Division Buffalo Soldiers Division, US Army - 92nd Punjabis, Indian Army - 93rd Infantry Division Blue Hat Division, US Army - 96th Infantry Division The Deadeye Division, US Army - 97th Infantry Division The Trident Division, US Army - 98th Infantry Division Iroquois, US Army - 98th Signal Battalion, Israeli Ground Forces - 9th Lódzka Territorial Defence Brigade Brigadier-General Stanislaw Sojczyński alias Warszyc, Poland - 9th Maintenance Battalion, US Army
