Ignazio Sanna
Born : February 20, 1942
Deceased :
Archbishop of Oristano, 2006-2019
Official blazon
Tagliato: nel 1° di argento, a tre spighe di grano naturale e al tralcio di vita, fruttato e fogliato dello stesso, posti in decusse; nel 2° di azzurro, a due barelle ondate di argento in punta, sovrastate da una stella dello stesso e alla bordura di oro, caricata di tredici fiamme di rosso.
The grapes and ears of wheat are the classic symbol of the Eucharist instituted by Our Lord Jesus Christ at the Last Supper, the Bread and Wine of the New Covenant, are the representation of the "sacrifice-memorial" which is constantly renewed in the Celebration of the Holy Mass. These Eucharistic symbols are placed on a silver field, a symbol of transparency, therefore of Truth, to underline the message of orientation and salvation: "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life" (Jn 14: 6) that Jesus he proclaims in the answer given to the apostle Thomas.
The star symbolizes the Virgin Mary (maris Stella) and the waves represent the sea on whose waters the city of Oristano overlooks; the field is in blue, a color symbol of the incorruptibility of the sky, of the idealities that rise to the top; they represent the detachment from earthly values and the ascent of the soul towards God.
The bordure in gold is a symbol of the first virtue of Faith: in fact only through faith is it possible to fully understand the saving power of the Holy Spirit, represented here with the thirteen flames that descended on Mary and the Apostles gathered in the Upper Room on the day of Pentecost. Furthermore, the languages of fire, in Latin ignis, also want to refer to the name of Archbishop Ignazio.
The Motto Deus Caritas Est is taken from the First Letter of St. John the Apostle are a clear reference to the first Encyclical of the Holy Father Benedict XVI.
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Literature : http://www.chiesadioristano.it/vescovo-sanna/stemma/