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""·• ............ -- - :i- -- ----.. ... .
,. The shield? Lt divided by a line
drawn • t the angle of a chevron the
portion of the fie Id above the chev ..
ron being red and the portion be ..
, low beinR gold. In the upper left ..
hand corner, as one looks at the
shield. there ls an eagle with wings
adciorsed and inverted, preparing to
r fse. In the upJ)er right-hand corlier
appears a rose \\'ith a stnlk a.nd
two leaves.. The figures of tl1c eagle
and rose appear in gold.
A green oak tree issues from a
,reen base in the lower portion ot
the chevron!, and on the base of the
tree ii a Roman sword placed in a
horizontal position with the point toTratd
the left. Superimposed on the
, ·word la a Roman helmet, facing
t ,e left. Behind and surrr1ounting
t ,e shield is a processional cross.
tet\veen R miter and a crosier. Sur-
- r ,ounting these ornaments is a pont
ficAI ha.t , with six tassels on either
1 de. d ispc,scd in rows of one, t,vo
• . ,ci three.
- ThP. green oak tree, the central
flgure on the shield, is the traditional
heraldic charge of the O'Connor
family of Roscommon, the at.rony-
11 used to represent St. John, t e
ro1e tor St. Therese of Llsieux. better
known as the Little Flower. John
II Bishop o·connor's middle name
and the eagle is shown rising, be.
cause a bishop aa one · of the successors
of the ·a postlea. is commis- ·
1loned and has the duty of actively
~reading the gospel to those \\'ithin
hJJ ecclesiastical Jurisdiction.
- ----- ..
The rose, representing St. Tl1erese,
appears because she was canonized
during the reign of the late Pope
Plus Xl. w~o had a special d.evotio.n
to her a_nd 1t wc1s during his 11lustr1-
ous rei~n that Bishop O'Connor was
· The golden sword and helmet represent
St. Mortin of Tours, whos-e
name Bishop O'Con11or \\'as given in
bJptism. St. Martin was a Roman
Q fficer who \Vas con \rerted to the
( 'atholic f,t•ith and e\rcntuall\' became •
1 of Tours, in 372 A . . D. Tradi~
t .on tells us that w l1ile still a ca techumen.
St. Martin cut his cloak in
halt -with his sword on a bitter cold
nl . ht and gave one half of it to a
Lord appeared to him with t e hall
of the cloak he had given to the
be~gar and con:plimented ~i~ _on his
· 1rit ot charity. The d1v1s1on of
angular e ect. since the tri a ngle
has alway~ .been" a symbol for representin~
the Blessed Trinity.
The achievement is completed with the heraldic insignia of a prelate of the rank of bishop.

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