Category:Granted 2010
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Below all the coats of arms on the Heraldry of the World site, known to have been adopted or granted in this year.
This category has the following 2 subcategories, out of 2 total.
- 2010-01-07 (3 F)
- 2010-04-15 (5 F)
Pages in category "Granted 2010"
The following 670 pages are in this category, out of 670 total.
- 319th Special Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 33rd Special Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 345th Airlift Squadron, US Air Force
- 349th Air Mobility Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 34th Special Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 371st Special Operations Combat Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 3rd Combat Camera Squadron, US Air Force
- 3rd Maintenance Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 422nd Joint Tactics Squadron, US Air Force
- 424th Supply Chain Management Squadron, US Air Force
- 430th Supply Chain Management Squadron, US Air Force
- 435th Air Mobility Squadron, US Air Force
- 460th Operational Medical Readiness Squadron, US Air Force
- 480th Fighter Squadron, US Air Force
- 489th Support Battalion, Utah Army National Guard
- 4th Reconnaissance Squadron, US Air Force
- 61st Force Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 628th Air Base Wing, US Air Force
- 628th Force Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 628th Logistics Readiness Squadron, US Air Force
- 628th Security Forces Squadron, US Air Force
- 633rd Civil Engineer Squadron, US Air Force
- 633rd Communications Squadron, US Air Force
- 633rd Contracting Squadron, US Air Force
- 635th Supply Chain Operations Wing, US Air Force
- 65th Security Forces Squadron, US Air Force
- 66th Logistics Readiness Squadron, US Air Force
- 673rd Civil Engineer Squadron, US Air Force
- 673rd Communications Squadron, US Air Force
- 673rd Comptroller Squadron, US Air Force
- 673rd Contracting Squadron, US Air Force
- 673rd Medical Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 673rd Security Forces Squadron, US Air Force
- 802nd Civil Engineer Squadron, US Air Force
- 802nd Communications Squadron, US Air Force
- 802nd Comptroller Squadron, US Air Force
- 802nd Contracting Squadron, US Air Force
- 802nd Force Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 802nd Logistics Readiness Squadron, US Air Force
- 802nd Operations Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 802nd Security Forces Squadron, US Air Force
- 820th Combat Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 823rd Base Defense Squadron, US Air Force
- 849th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 86th Munitions Squadron, US Air Force
- 86th Vehicle Readiness Squadron, US Air Force
- 87th Air Base Wing, US Air Force
- 87th Logistics Readiness Squadron, US Air Force
- 87th Medical Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 87th Operational Medical Readiness Squadron, US Air Force
- 87th Security Forces Squadron, US Air Force
- 8th Airlift Squadron, US Air Force
- 902nd Communications Squadron, US Air Force
- 902nd Comptroller Squadron, US Air Force
- 902nd Contracting Squadron, US Air Force
- 902nd Force Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 916th Communications Squadron, US Air Force
- 916th Support Battalion, US Army
- 92nd Maintenance Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 99th Medical Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 99th Security Forces Squadron, US Air Force
- Aalten
- Agigea
- Aillant-sur-Milleron
- Air Defence Tactical School, Norwegian Air Force
- Akhtubinskoe rural settlement
- Alcalalí
- Aldeia Nova (Trancoso)
- Alexandrovsk-Sakhalinsky Rayon
- Alhais
- Almanchino
- Almargem do Bispo
- Alpuente
- Alūksne (municipality)
- Amt Bokhorst-Wankendorf
- Amt Kellinghusen
- Angern
- Arroyal
- Atemarskoe
- Auzas
- Ayano-Maysky Rayon
- Babice (Uherské Hradiště)
- Băcia
- Baldone (municipality)
- Balotești
- Balvi (municipality)
- Bănița
- Barca (Rimavská Sobota)
- Bárcena de Bureba
- Basilica of St. Giles, Bardejov
- Basilica of St. Nicholas, Trnava
- Basiliek van de H. Georgius te Almelo
- Bastia Umbra
- Bauska (municipality)
- Bařice-Velké Těšany
- Beas de Granada
- Beine-Nauroy
- Belgioioso
- Bellcaire d'Empordà
- Bénarville
- Bendfeld
- Benillup
- Bensafrim
- Berceni (Ilfov)
- Berville-la-Campagne
- Biest-Houtakker
- Bijotai
- Bílá Třemešná
- Bílčice
- Bílina (Teplice)
- Biskupice-Pulkov
- Bítovany
- Bittkau
- Bockstadt
- Bod
- Boissey-le-Châtel
- Bojničky
- Bolshaya Shatma
- Bommersheim
- Bonaire
- Bonarcado
- Bondarsky Rayon
- Bondeno
- Bortigali
- Bortigiadas
- Brăduț
- Bransouze
- Bubertré
- Buços
- Budești (Chișinău)
- Budila
- Bukovany (Příbram)
- Bunești
- Burga
- Burgstall (Börde)
- Burtnieki (municipality)
- Bustelo (Chaves)
- Bustuchin
- Bynovec
- Cabornera
- Caia e São Pedro
- Calasparra
- Calvörde
- Canada Border Services Agency
- Canadian Forces Network Operations Centre, Canada
- Canadian Forces Protective Services Unit, Canada
- Canadian Society of Immigration Consultants
- Canehan
- Cantoira
- Capilano University
- Carnota
- Casapinta
- Casas do Soeiro
- Castanheira (Trancoso)
- Castel di Sasso
- Castelbuono
- Castelvecchio Subequo
- Cavadoude
- Ceira
- Cento
- Cepões (Viseu)
- Cesvaine (municipality)
- Champignolles (Eure)
- Chappanda
- Chatel-Chéhéry
- Chaumontel
- Chaussy (Loiret)
- Chișcăreni
- Choteč (Praha-západ)
- Chotěšice
- Chotýčany
- Chukotka Rayon
- Cibla (municipality)
- Cigognola
- Cinq-Cens
- Cinque Reali Siti Union of Communes
- Cítov
- Ciulnița
- Collado del Mirón
- Colliano
- Collège Boréal d'Arts Appliqués et de Technologie
- Collège Sainte-Anne de Lachine
- Combret (Aveyron)
- Contursi Terme
- Coșereni
- Courcy-aux-Loges
- Covasna
- Crandall University
- Crosville-la-Vieille
- Cueva de Juarros
- Cusio
- Czerniejewo
- Czerwin
- Cēsis (municipality)
- Daugavpils (municipality)
- Decanate of Dunajská Streda
- Decanate of Galanta
- Decanate of Hlohovec
- Decanate of Hurbanovo
- Decanate of Komárno
- Decanate of Nové Mesto nad Váhom
- Decanate of Piešťany
- Decanate of Sereď
- Decanate of Smolenice
- Decanate of Trnava
- Decanate of Šaľa
- Decermilo
- Diocese of Down and Connor
- Dlouhý Most
- Dobele (municipality)
- Dobelice
- Dobrá Voda (Žďár nad Sázavou)
- Dobřínsko
- Dobročovice
- Dolenice
- Dolní Beřkovice
- Domaradz
- Drăguș
- Drahobudice
- Drahouš
- Dreschvitz
- Droyßig
- Dume
- Dundaga (municipality)
- Dynín
- Facinas
- Faia (Sernancelhe)
- Fălești
- Falset
- Fau-de-Peyre
- Fauglia
- Fermo (province)
- Ferreira do Zêzere (freguesia)
- Ferreira do Zêzere (freguesia)
- Fetești
- Fétigny (Jura)
- Flying School, Norwegian Air Force
- Forles
- Formentera
- Fraisans
- Freches
- Freixinho
- Freixo de Numão
- Fuentes de Ayódar
- Fuentes de Carbajal
- Funtana
- Future Threats Analysis Squadron, US Air Force
- Făgăraș
- Hainsdorf im Schwarzautal
- Halmstad District Court
- Hărman
- Harzgerode
- Hattstedt
- Headquarters Brigade King Alfonso XIII II of the Legion, Spanish Army
- Heinersbrück
- Henarejos
- Hennstedt (Steinburg)
- Herencia
- Hlinsko (Přerov)
- Hohe Börde
- Holohlavy
- Hořešovice
- Horní Bělá
- Horní Počaply
- Hornosín
- Hörselberg-Hainich
- Hosín
- Hradčany (Brno-venkov)
- Hrobce
- Hrobice (Pardubice)
- Huberville
- Kacanovy
- Kalbe (Milde)
- Kaninsk
- Kārsava (municipality)
- Karsdorf
- Kasseburg
- Ķekava (municipality)
- Kesfeld
- Kircheib
- Kirkilai
- Kladky
- Kladno (Chrudim)
- Kolinec
- Koninklijke Commissie voor Monumenten en Landschappen
- Koštice
- Kozomín
- Kozłów
- Kraborovice
- Kramolna
- Krásné (Žďár nad Sázavou)
- Krasny Yar (Volgograd Oblast)
- Krasnystaw
- Křečkov
- Křesetice
- Křesín
- Křišťanovice
- Krnsko
- Krustpils (municipality)
- Krňany
- Ktiš
- Kučeř
- Kuldīga (municipality)
- Kyjovice (Znojmo)
- Kęsowo
- La Couture-Boussey
- La Remaudière
- La Serre
- Lamorville
- Lannédern
- Lascheid
- Laurentian University of Sudbury
- Laye
- Le Bizot
- Les Moitiers-d'Allonne
- Letchworth Garden
- Lhota (Praha-východ)
- Libochovičky
- Lichoceves
- Lipovec (Rimavská Sobota)
- Līvāni (municipality)
- Lobendava
- Loitsche-Heinrichsberg
- Lombo
- Lubaczów (rural municipality)
- Lubě
- Lüchow (Lauenburg)
- Lüderitz (Tangerhütte)
- Ludza (municipality)
- Lugnacco
- Lützen
- Lye
- Magny-Danigon
- Măgurele (Ilfov)
- Măieruș
- Malé Kosihy
- Malenice
- Mālpils (municipality)
- Mândra
- Margueray
- Mārupe (municipality)
- Mechanized Infantry Battalion Cantabria I-6, Spanish Army
- Megina
- Melle (Cuneo)
- Melleroy
- Mettauertal
- Middenkustpolder
- Mihail Kogălniceanu
- Milavče
- Mimoň
- Mira de Aire
- Mircea Vodă (Constanța)
- Mírová
- Miusovskoe
- Moara Vlăsiei
- Modelu
- Moimenta da Beira (freguesia)
- Mokré
- Mont-ral
- Montelupo Albese
- Montillana
- Montliard
- Montorio al Vomano
- Moravičany
- Mores Museum
- Mořinka
- Mostek (Trutnov)
- Mouřínov
- Mšecké Žehrovice
- Myštice
- Pačlavice
- Paços de Gaiolo
- Pagramantis
- Palafox Military Logistics Residency, Spanish Army
- Palanca (Ștefan Vodă)
- Paračov
- Páramo del Arroyo
- Pardelhas
- Parish of Banská Bystrica-Fončorda
- Parish of Detvianska Huta
- Parish of Dvorníky nad Váhom
- Parish of Jacovce
- Parish of Kotešová
- Parish of Levice-Rybníky
- Parish of Selec
- Parish of Vrútky
- Parish of Žilina-Solinky
- Parksville
- Pátek (Nymburk)
- Paus
- Pavezin
- Pelabravo
- Peralejos de Abajo
- Perlo
- Perosa Canavese
- Perštejn
- Petráveč
- Petrov (Praha-západ)
- Petrov nad Desnou
- Petrovice (Třebíč)
- Petrůvky
- Petrăchioaia
- Pivkovice
- Ploaghe
- Podmolí
- Pohorovice
- Póvoa do Concelho
- Pozoblanco
- Prasek
- Praskačka
- Přelíc
- Přeštěnice
- Pskov
- Saba
- Saborsko
- Sacramento
- Sahms
- Saint-Agnan-de-Cernières
- Saint-Benoît-des-Ondes
- Saint-Germain-Laval (Seine-et-Marne)
- Saint-Joachim (Loire-Atlantique)
- Saint-Laurent-des-Bois (Loir-et-Cher)
- Saint-Léger-Magnazeix
- Saint-Michel (Loiret)
- Saint-Ouen-sur-Morin
- Saint-Pierre-la-Noaille
- Saint-Seurin-de-Cursac
- Saint-Sulpice (Ain)
- Sâmbăta de Sus
- San Cipriano Picentino
- Sanhoane (Santa Marta de Penaguião)
- Sânpetru
- Sant Martí Vell
- Sant Quirze de Besora
- Santa Eugenia (Baleares)
- Santa Eulália (Seia)
- Santa Gadea de Alfoz
- Santa Maria de Galegos
- Santa Marinha de Oriz
- Santovenia de Oca
- São Gonçalo (Funchal)
- São Pedro de Jarmelo
- Sapper Battalion XI, Spanish Army
- Sărata-Galbenă
- Sărmașu
- Saulkrasti (municipality)
- Saussay (Seine-Maritime)
- Sayalonga
- Schnaudertal
- Schürensöhlen
- Sebranice (Blansko)
- Sebranice (okres Blansko)
- Sedlejov
- Seegebiet Mansfelder Land
- Seulo
- Signal Battalion II-21, Spanish Army
- Signals Analysis Squadron, US Air Force
- Sint Eustatius
- Slapy (Tábor)
- Smiltene (municipality)
- Smolnice
- Sobětuchy
- Soboth (Steiermark)
- Sobral Pichorro
- Soběhrdy
- Sollwitt
- Solonghello
- Sommerance
- Space Analysis Squadron, US Air Force
- Spělkov
- Sponholz
- Starye Chukaly
- Stavenice
- Stopiņi (municipality)
- Störkathen
- Suardi
- Suchovršice
- Sudovo Hlavno
- Supt
- Susinos del Páramo
- Svojšice (Příbram)
- Sýkořice
- Szastarka
- Vale de Frades
- Vales (Alfândega da Fé)
- Valezim
- Valka (municipality)
- Valle de Oca
- Valle del Zalabí
- Valu lui Traian
- Vaňovka
- Vārkava (municipality)
- Várzea de Meruge
- Vătava
- Vaureilles
- Vecpiebalga (municipality)
- Vecumnieki (municipality)
- Vega de Gordón
- Veliká Ves (Chomutov)
- Veliky Novgorod
- Velké Přílepy
- Velké Tresné
- Veľký Blh
- Verbandsgemeinde Elbe-Heide
- Verbandsgemeinde Goldene Aue
- Verbandsgemeinde Mansfelder Grund-Helbra
- Verbandsgemeinde Obere Aller
- Verbandsgemeinde Unstruttal
- Verbandsgemeinde Vorharz
- Verhnepogrominskoe rural settlement
- Verwaltungsgemeinschaft Elbe-Heide
- Veselíčko (Písek)
- Vestec (Nymburk)
- Vícenice
- Vidra
- Vila Chã (Fornos de Algodres)
- Vila Maior (São Pedro do Sul)
- Vilaplana
- Villamandos
- Villanueva de Argecilla
- Villebéon
- Vilémovice (Blansko)
- Vinhas
- Vivaro Romano
- Vlastibořice
- Vlkanová
- Vlčkovice v Podkrkonoší
- Vockerode
- Vodable
- Volongo
- Vranov (Benešov)
- Vrskmaň
- Vrutice
- Všechlapy (Nymburk)
- Všejany
- Vysoké Chvojno