Country: France Département: Meuse |
French | Parti: au 1er de gueules au buste du dieu Mars d'or en chef et à la feuille de chêne du même posée en bande, en pointe, au 2e d'azur à la croix papale, à triple traverse d'argent et à la croix tréflée de gueules brochant, en cœur, sur la précédente. |
English | blazon wanted |
The arms were officially adopted on April 4, 2023.
The bust of Mars refers to the fact that the locality was important in Roman times. The Roman road Reims-Metz passed at the top of Mount Jupiter, now Mont des Croix in the municipality.
The name Argonne comes from the Celtic argoat (country of the woods), which is represented by the oak leaf.
The papal cross symbolizes Pope Saint Gregory, to whom the church of Jouy is dedicated. The trefoil cross is reminiscent of the one painted on the ceiling of the local church.
The wheatears underline the agricultural character of the village.
Literature: Image from
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