Heraldry of the World The main resource for civic heraldry since 1996 with over 95.000 images |
File:Germany-flag.gif | ||
The National Arms of Germany | The National Flag | Location |
Administrative division
Germany is divided in States (Länder). These states are subdivided in Landkreise or Rural districts, which are made up of municipalities (Gemeinden) and Kreisfreie Städte, or free urban districts.
In some states municipalities are combined into Ämter and Grossgemeinden (larger bodies, but the individual municipalities still exist).
All States, disctricts and the majority of the municipalities use arms.
Coats of arms of present States (Bundesländer)
- Baden-Württemberg
- Bayern
- Berlin
- Brandenburg
- Bremen
- Hamburg
- Hessen
- Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
- Niedersachsen
- Nordrhein-Westfalen
- Rheinland-Pfalz
- Saarland
- Sachsen
- Sachsen-Anhalt
- Schleswig-Holstein
- Thüringen
Coats of arms of former German States, Principalities, Kingdoms etc
- Principality of Anhalt
- Duchy of Braunschweig
- Grand-Duchy of Hessen-Darmstadt
- Principality of Hessen(-Kassel)
- Province of Hessen-Nassau
- State of Köln
- Province of Niederschlesien
- Province of Oberschlesien
- Province Ostpreussen
- Province Pommern
- Province Posen
- Province of Schlesien
- Kingdom of Westfalen
- Province Westpreussen
- Württemberg-Baden
- Württemberg-Hohenzollern
Coats of arms of districts and municipalities
- Coats of arms of Districts (Kreise)
- Coats of arms of Ämter, Samtgemeinden, Verbandsgemeinden and Grossgemeinden
- Coats of arms of municipalities:
Only about 50% of the files of municipalities have been transferred ! Please search on both the old and the new site with the links below !
Available on the new site:
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Available still on the old site :
B |D |E |F |G |H |K |L |M |N |O |P |R |S |T |U |V |W
Other civic heraldry
- Regions (in Bayern)
Religious and Ecclesial heraldry
Heraldic collector's items
- Heraldic postcards
- Heraldic stamps from Deutsches Reich, Bundesrepublik, DDR, Deutsche Post Berlin and Zone Française
- Heraldic collector's albums:
- Abadie - Flaggen und Wappen der Welt
- Abdulla-Deutsche Städtewappen
- Abdulla-Die Staatswappen aller Wappenführenden Staaten der Erde
- Abdulla-Wappen der Bekanntesten und Bedeutendsten Ausländischen Hauptstädte
- Aurelia - Staats-Wappen und Flaggen (Unter dem Olympia-Banner)
- Aurelia - Deutsche Zunftwappen
- Continentale Verlags-Anstalt - Wappen Sammel-Album
- Danziger Tabakmonopol - Länderwappen der Ganzen Welt
- Kaffee Hag albums - Deutsche Ortswappen
- Panorama Bilderdienst - Unsere Deutsche Heimat
- Union - Autogramm- und Ansichtskarten
and more
- Heraldic trade cards from Germany:
- Aecht Franck (German cities)
- Bünting (German cities)
- Gartmann (Arms and diamonds)
- Reeser Maraginefabrik (German and European States)
- Siegerin Margarine (German cities)
- Stollwerck (German cities)
- Wesenberg (German guilds)
- Unknown (German) (Arms of cities)
- Arms, Flags and Types of Nations
- Heraldic matchbox labels from Germany:
- Agros (German city arms)
- Fachring (German arms)
- Himmelreich (German arms)
- Josef Mühlenbruch (German arms)
- Löwen Kaffee (German arms)
- Philumenistischen Gesellschaft (German states)
- VéGé (matchbox labels)