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Heraldry of the World
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An overview of Mottoes used in civic heraldry.

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Only true mottoes are listed here, no town names in banners around the arms.

The mottoes are listed by language and sorted by first letter. For clarity no capital letters are used, except the first letter as well as personal or town names.

Mottoes in Dutch

Mottoes with Dutch as the original language.

Motto Translation in English Origin Used by
Dispereert niet (also Ende dispereert niet) Batavia
Heldhaftig - vastberaden - barmhartig Amsterdam
Niet zonder arbyt Not without labour Chesterton, South Cambridgeshire
Sterker door strijd Rotterdam
Trouw en liefde Gent
Vrede en recht Peace and Justice 's Gravenhage/The Hague

Mottoes in English

Mottoes with English as the original language.

Motto Origin Used by
A loyal three made stronger in one Loyalist Township
Agriculture and commerce Maidstone
Believe - love - obey Christ Church Cathedral, Fredericton
Born in conflict - settled in peace Ajax
By industry and integrity Berwick (Nova Scotia)
Come all who are weary and heavy laden Matthew 11:28 Christ Church Cathedral, Ottawa
Country above self Saint Kitts and Nevis
Courage and faith Guilford County
Desire the right Falkland Islands
Determined we began - determined we remain Ameliasburg
Ever forward Weston-super-Mare
Fear God honour the king 1 Peter 2:17 Parish of St. Andrews
Forward, upward, onward together Bahamas
Freedom and justice Ghana
Glad of thy word Psalm 119:162 Parish of St. George's, Pickering Village
God’s will first Nauru
Going forward in faith Saint Matthews, Ingleside
Grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ 2 Peter 3:18 Parish of St. George's, Georgetown
He hath founded it upon the seas Cayman Islands
He shall rule from the river to the ends of the Earth Psalm 72:8 Parish of St. Paul's, Dunville
I have prepared a lamp Psalm 132: 17 Parish of St, Mark's Qualicum Beach
In counsel is stability Windsor
In thee are the springs of our life Psalm 36:9 Parish of St. John's, Cambridge
Jewel of the Thames Maidenhead
Justice – prosperity - liberty South Sudan
Loyal and unshakeable Saint Helena
New frontiers - new beginnings Castor
Our faith is our strength Tristan da Cunha
Our spirits rejoice Saint Luke's Cathedral, Sault Ste. Marie
Out of many one people Jamaica
Peace Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints of Canada
Pride in our past, faith in our future Mississauga
Pride - spirit - vision Armstrong
Proud heritage - promising future Castor
Research and discovery Falkland Islands Dependencies and British Antarctic Territory
Rejoice in the lord alway St. Paul’s letter to the Philippians 4:4 Saint Paul's Cathedral, Regina
Risen - ascended - glorified Parish of All Saints, Peterborough
Serve God and be cheerful Sutton and Cheam
Service with justice Alnwick
Share - enjoy - prosper Letchworth Garden
Sharing God’s love Saint James, Stouffvile
Strength growth Haldimand County
Striving toward a magnificent future Quinte West
The land, the people, the light Saint Lucia
The love of liberty brought us here Liberia
Together we stand Conception Bay South
Tread the smoother ways of peace Dr. Arthur William Fisher’s poem “Niagara” (1924) Niagara Falls
Twixt Severn and Wye Forest of Dean, Lydney
Unity and freedom Malawi
Unity growth prosperity Taber
Unity responsibility loyalty Niagara
We grow by industry Blyth Valley
We prosper by industry Todmorden
Wisdom knowledge and trust Clarington

Mottoes in Fijian

Mottoes with Fijian as the original language.

Motto Translation in English Origin Used by
Rerevaka na kalou ka doka na Tui Fear God and honour the King Fiji

Mottoes in French

Mottoes with French as the original language.

Motto Translation in English Origin Used by
Le jour viendra The day will come Lambton
L’union fait la force Sint-Joost-ten-Node
Sans dieu rien Without God nothing Wanganui
Sur terre et sur mer, Berthier toujours plus fier By sea and by land, Berthier always prouder Berthier-sur-Mer
Un people – un but – une foi One people – one goal – one faith Senegal

Mottoes in Frisian

Mottoes with Frisian as the original language.

Motto Translation in English Origin Used by
In doarp riist ut 'e puollen De Tynje

Mottoes in German

Mottoes with German as the original language.

Motto Translation in English Origin Used by
Es ist ein Ros entsprungen Lo how a rose e’er blooming 15th-century German Christmas carol Parish of St. John's, Montreal

Mottoes in Greek

Mottoes with ancient Greek as the original language.

Mottoes in Indonesian

Mottoes with Bahasa Indonesia or any other native language in Indonesia as the original language.

Motto Translation in English Origin Used by
Bhinneka tunggal Ika Unity in diversity Indonesia
Gemah ripah loh jinawi Cirebon
Gemah ripah repeh rapih Richness for all and living in harmony Jawa Barat
Jer basuki mawa bea Achievements are only won through sacrifice Jawa Timur
Karya swadaya On own power Papua
Soerâ-ing-bâjâ Virtue in battle Surabaya

Mottoes in Latin

Mottoes with Latin as the original language.

Motto Translation in English Origin Used by
A mare labor Saint Pierre et Miquelon
Absit invidia Let there be no ill-will Limavady
Adveniat regnum tuum Thy kingdom come the Lord’s Prayer Saint Patrick's Basilica, Ottawa
Aequitas iudicia tua domine Roermond
Alcmaria victrix Alkmaar is victorious Alkmaar
Amicitia omnibus rebus Ridgetown
Animo et fide With courage and faith Carshalton, Medicine Hat
Audentior With greater boldness Virgil's Aeniad Watford
Cantate domino O sing unto the Lord Psalm 149:1 Holy Saviour Church, Waterloo
Centum salutationes 100 Mile House
Copia et concordia Harmony and abundance Vacoas/Phoenix
Confitemini domino O give thanks unto the Lord Psalm 118, verse 1 Holy Trinity Church, Chatham
Cor unum With one heart Grand Falls
Ex undis From the waves Eemsmond, Hefshuizen, Uithuizermeeden
Festina lente cauta fac omnia mente Haste, less speed and do everything with understanding Venlo
Fide condita, fructu beata, spe fortis Founded in faith, rich in the fulfilment thereof, strong in the hope for the future Christchurch
Fidelis Abbeville
Fides probata coronat Confirms what has been proved good and true Ashburton (New Zealand)
Fortes creantur fortibus The brave beget the brave Gorinchem
Fortis et liber Strong and free Alberta
Fortiter defendit triumphans 'Triumphing by brave defence Newcastle-upon-Tyne
Fraternitas - aequalitas - soliditas Fraternity - equality - solidarity Grenville
Haec libertatis ergo All for the sake of freedom Leiden
Haec otia studia fovent University of Liverpool
In deo fidemus We trust in God Brighton
In deo imperium sed populus administrat Bruce County
In fraternitate unitas Unity in brotherhood Edmundston
In montibus ad flumen In the mountains by the river Fernie
In unitate felicitas Windsor and Maidenhead
Industria arte prudentia By industry skill and foresight Calderdale
Inter sylvas et flumina habitans Living among woods and streams Castle Morpeth
Jesu flos matris virginis Jesus, flower born of the Virgin Mother Jesu Dulcis Memoria, a poem attributed to St. Bernard of Clairvaux Saint Mary's Cathedral Basilica, Halifax
Jubilate deo Make a joyful noise onto the Lord Psalm 100 Christ Church Cathedral, Hamilton
Lab initio ad futurum Ancaster
Labor improbus omnia vincit Labour conquers all Blitar
Leo terram propriam protegat Let the lion protect his own land South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
Liliis tenaci vimine jungor Amiens
Luctor er emergo Zeeland (provincie)
Malang nominor sursum moveor They call me diagonal, but I move upwards Malang
Mediis Tranquillis in Undis Borkum
Miles domini indefessus The soldier of the Lord is never weary Nieuwolda, Scheemda
Montes prosperitatem vident The mountains are witness to my prosperity Madiun
Montis insignia Calpe Of the mountain called Calpe Gibraltar
Multis periculis supersum Coevorden
Nec aspera terrent Duchy of Braunschweig
Pax et justitia Peace and justice Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Per ardua ad summa Through difficulties to the heights Beddington and Wallington
Per aspera ad astra One reaches the stars only through difficulties [{Cirebon]], Gouda
Per ardua in fide servite deo Through difficulties serve God in faith Sutton (London Borough)
Praesidemus We stand on guard Military Ordinariate of Canada
Primus et princeps First and foremost Annapolis
Progredi prospere Headingley
Qui transtulit sustinet He who transplanted us, sustains us Connecticut
Regeneratio Luinjeberd
Remis Saba Velisque With all one's might Saba
Resurrectio Terband
Salus et opus Health and wealth Kamloops
Salus populi The welfare of the people Rushcliffe
Scientia Ingenium artes University of Wales
Semper progrediens Sint Maarten (eiland)
Semper renascor Palembang
Stella clavisque Maris Indici Star and key of the Indian Ocean Mauritius
Superba et confidens Sint Eustatius
Suprema a situ Supreme by position Wellington
Tenax et fidelis Firmness and faithfulness Beau Bassin - Rose Hill
Ubi lux ibi labor Valleyfield
Unio silvae marisque Mahone Bay
Unum deum in trinitate veneremur Cathedral of the Holy Trinity, Quebec
Unus cum viribus duorum Abbotsford
Urbis et orbis honor Beaune
Usque ad terminos orbis terrarum To the ends of the earth Psalm 72:8 Anglican Catholic Church of Canada
Velut silva floreat May she flourish as the forest East Dean
Vestigia nulla retrorsum North Cowichan
Vicit vim virtus Virtue conquered force Haarlem
Vigilate deo confidentes Zuid Holland
Vires acquirit eundo We gather strength as we go Virgil, Aeneid IV, 175 Brandon
Vivit post funera virtus Virtue outlives death Nottingham
Volet Gander Gander

Mottoes in Maori

Mottoes with Maori as the original language.

Motto Translation in English Origin Used by
Te pai me te whairawa Waitakere

Mottoes in Old Norse

Mottoes with Old Norse as the original language.

Motto Translation in English Origin Used by
Með lögum skal land byggja By law shall the land be built up Njáls Saga Zetland, Shetland Islands

Mottoes in Spanish

Mottoes with Tuvalu as the original language.

Motto Translation in English Origin Used by
Dios, unión, libertad God, union, liberty El Salvador

Mottoes in Tuvalu

Mottoes with Tuvalu as the original language.

Motto Translation in English Origin Used by
Tuvalu mot e atua Tuvalu for God Tuvalu

Mottoes in Welsh

Mottoes with Welsh as the original language.

Motto Translation in English Origin Used by
Gwerth cyngor gwasanaeth The virtue of a council is its service Glyndŵr
Mon mam Cynru Anglesey, Mother of Wales Isle of Anglesey
Nid cadern ond brodyrdde No strength but in fellowship Merthyr Tydfil

Mottoes in Non-existing languages

Mottoes with a non-existing or phantasy language.

Motto Translation in English Origin/Language Used by
Es-whoy-malth A shoaling place transcribed from a local native American language Esquimalt

Mottoes in two or more languages

Mottoes in multiple languages.

Motto Translation in English Origin/Languages Used by
Kayas - présent - future Past - present - future Cree, French and English North Battleford
Eendracht maakt macht - L’union fait la force Dutch and French Belgium
Paix – travail – patrie : Peace – work - fatherland Peace – work - fatherland French and English Cameroon