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Province: Liège
Additions: Bellaire, Queue-de-Bois

Armoiries de Beyne-Heusay

Official blazon

Ecartelé: aux 1 et 4, d'argent à la bande coticée de sable chargée de trois coquilles d'or; aux 2 et 3, d'argent au lion de gueules, armé et lampassé du même, chargé en coeur d'un croissant montant d'or.


The arms were officially granted on February 15, 2000.

The arms are a combination of the arms of two families. The Villenfagne family were the last Lords of Beyne, as in 1780 Baron Ignace de Villenfagne acquired the village. Bellaire and Queue-du-Bois were rule dat the end of the 18th century by the Grady family. Their arms are the red lion with crescent.

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Literature: Image provided by Michel Denayer, Belgium