Sulzberg (Oberallgäu)
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German heraldry:
Selected collector's items from Germany:
State : Bayern
District (Kreis) : Oberallgäu (until 1973 Kempten)
Additions : 1978 Moosbach
Official blazon
Dreimal wellenförmig geteilt von Blau und Gold.
The arms were officially granted on July 25, 1950.
Sulzberg developed around the local castle, built around 1170. The village developed to an important town, but it never had its own seals or arms.
The above arms are based on the arms of the medieval Schenken von Sulzberg family, the oldest known lords of the village, who founded the local castle.
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Literature : Stadler, K. : Deutsche Wappen - Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Angelsachsen Verlag, 1964-1971, 8 volumes.