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German heraldry portal
Deutsche Wappensammlung

Heraldry of the World

German heraldry:

  • Total pages in the German section : 61,556
  • Of which images : 41,426

Selected collector's items from Germany:


State : Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
District (Kreis) : Vorpommern-Greifswald (1994-2011 Ostvorpommern, until 1994 Wolgast)
Amt : Amt Am Peenestrom
Additions : 2012 Buddenhagen, Hohendorf

Arms (crest) of Wolgast

Official blazon

  • (de)


The arms were officially granted on ??-??-18??.

The arms are based on the oldest known seal of the city (known since 1295), which shoed a tower, two keys and two griffins, see below. The griffins are derived from the arms of the Dukes of Pommern, who founded the city. The city was also the capital of the Duchy of Pommern-Wolgast. The colours are also those of Pommern. The meaning of the tower is not known, it may simply refer to the (fortified) city itself.The two keys probably are the symbol of St. Peter, as the local church was devoted to St. Peter.

Arms of Wolgast

The arms in a 16th century manuscript
Seal of Wolgast

Seal from around 1900
Wappen von Wolgast

The arms by Hupp in the Kaffee Hag albums +/- 1925
Arms of Wolgast

The arms on a medal
Wappen von Wolgast

Postal cancellation 1982

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Literature : Bensing, et al 1985; Schütt, 2002