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Heraldic collector's items catalogue
NEWA bandjes (Nederlandsche Wapens)


Series information :

  • Date of issue : 1948 (approx.)
  • Number of bonds : +/- 300
  • Image variants : yes (reprints in different colours)

Company info

The Newa (Nederlandse Wapens, Dutch arms) series were issued around 1948. They were never used on cigars, but were sold in small packages. They could be collected in special albums. Click File:Newa-folder.pdf for a small promotion leaflet of the bonds (in Dutch). The aim was educational; to increase the knowledge of topography and history for primary school children. For this also a special song was issued with the bonds, see below.

Package in which the bonds were sold

The NEWA-song

Albums and bonds

The idea was to issue bonds for all arms ever registered in the country; but after approx. 1 year the programme stopped. Albums for two provinces were issued; Zuid Holland and Noord Holland, neither are fully issued. The series for nearly all other provinces remained incomplete and no albums were issued. The albums were reprinted at least once, as there are two different albums for both Zuid- and Noord-Holland. The type 2 albums are slightly larger and the position of the bonds in the albums is different. In the type 1 albums the shape of the bonds is outlined, in the type 2 albums there is only a small horizontal line to glue the bonds.

The bonds were issued by the Verkoop-centrale "Steeds Bereid" in Leiden. I have no further information about this company. The albums were printed at Reiman Jr. in Amsterdam (type 1) and De Sleutelstad in Leiden (type 2).

The Zuid-Holland album, type 1

The Zuid-Holland album, type 2

The Noord-Holland album, type 1

The Noord-Holland album, type 2

The bonds were issued in four main types; the small type for arms consisting only of a shield, the medium type for arms with crowns and the large type for arms with supporters. The small type has been issued either with a single colour or bicoloured. The small types have also been reprinted with lighter paper. The larger types have not been reprinted as far as I know.

Small type bicoloured

Small type reprint (white paper)

Small type one colour

Medium type

Large type

There are many (slight) misprints known of the bonds in all provinces. Some more extreme are shown below:



Bonds issued

As many numbers have not been issued, the bonds are listed alphabetically by province. The provinces are listed by number of bonds issued.

Province Zuid Holland


Estates and other arms:

Province Noord Holland

Province Utrecht


Province Gelderland

Province Zeeland

Province Friesland

Country Luxembourg