This page is part of the German heraldry portal Deutsche Wappensammlung |
Heraldry of the World |
German heraldry:
Selected collector's items from Germany:
State : Bayern
District (Kreis) : Neuburg-Schrobenhausen (until 1973 Schrobenhausen)
Additions : 1972 Malzhausen
German |
Unter von Silber und Rot geschachtem Schildhaupt gespalten von Silber und Blau; vorne ein blaues Andreaskreuz, hinten über einem liegenden goldenen Halbmond eine goldene Marienkrone. |
English | No blazon/translation known. Please click here to send your (heraldic !) blazon or translation |
The arms were officially granted on July 26, 1966.
If this text appears, it means that background information is available, but that I have not yet had the time to add the information on these arms. Just [|mail me with the name of the town in the subject !] and I will add all information that I have !
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