This page is part of the German heraldry portal Deutsche Wappensammlung |
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German heraldry:
Selected collector's items from Germany:
State : Bayern
District (Kreis) : Forchheim
German |
Über rotem Schildfuß, darin ein silberner Wellenbalken, in Blau auf silbernem Berg eine eintürmige silberne Kirche mit roten Dächern. |
English | No blazon/translation known. Please click here to send your (heraldic !) blazon or translation |
The arms were granted on April 10, 1969.
The upper half is based on the 19th century seal of the municipality, which, in turn probably was based on a late 18th century seal. The seal showed a canting church (Kirche) on a mountain and flanked by two angels. In the official description of the arms the church is defined as the Walburgis-chapel on the Walberla mountain in the municipality. The chapel dates from the 14th century. The base of the arms shows a wavy bar, symbol for the Bach-part of the name (Bach=stream).
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Literature : Stadler,1990