This page is part of the German heraldry portal Deutsche Wappensammlung |
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German heraldry:
Selected collector's items from Germany:
State : Bayern
District (Kreis) : Kulmbach (until 1973 Stadtsteinach)
Additions : 1972 Eppenreuth, Grünlas, Horbach, Rappetenreuth, Schlockenau, Walberngrün, Weidmes
Official blazon
In Rot eine silberne Wehrmauer mit spitzbedachtem silbernen Torturm, der rechts von einem goldenen Weberschiffchen mit silberner Spule und links von einer goldenen Ähre beseitet ist.
The arms were officially granted on August 20, 1968.
If this text appears, it means that background information is available, but that I have not yet had the time to add the information on these arms. Just [|mail me with the name of the town in the subject !] and I will add all information that I have !
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Literature : Stadler, 1990.