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German heraldry:
Selected collector's items from Germany:
State : Hessen
District (Kreis) : Main-Kinzig Kreis (until 1973 Gelnhausen)
Incorporated into : 1970 Linsengericht
Official blazon
(de) In goldenem Schild ein gotisches großes rotes A.
The arms were officially granted in 1951.
The oldest use of arms for the village dates from a seal from 1461. The seal showed a saint holding a shield with a chevron and chief. The chief and chevron thus formed a Gothic letter A, the town's initial. The same composition can be seen on a seal from 1670 and the local church bell from 1675. The saint probably was the local patron saint, St. Martin of Tours.
A seal from 1721 showed the above armsl the chief and chevron have been shortened to form a proper letter A.
These arms were granted in 1951 in the colours of the County of Hanau, to which the area historically belonged.
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Literature : Hessisches Wappenbuch, 1956