Revision as of 12:09, 25 July 2023 by Knorrepoes (talk | contribs) (Text replacement - "{{de1}}" to "{{de}}")
State : Hessen
District (Kreis) : Offenbach
Additions : 1977 Jügesheim, Dudenhofen, Nieder-Roden, Hainhausen, Weiskirchen
German | In Blau und in Rot einen gewellten silbernen Schräglingsbalken, belegt mit fünf Sternen, begleitet oben rechts von einer silbernen Rose mit silbernen Kelchblättern, diese belegt mit einem roten Herzen, dem ein schwarzes Kreuz aufliegt (Lutherrose), unten links von einem sechsspeichigen silbernen Mainzer Rad. |
English | No blazon/translation known. Please click here to send your (heraldic !) blazon or translation |
The arms were officially granted in 1978.
The upper half shows the Rose of Luther, derived from the arms of Dudenhofen. The lower half shows the wheel of the State of Mainz, derived from the arms of Nieder-Roden. The wavy bend symbolises the Rodau stream, that runs through the municipality. The five stars represent the five former municipalities.
This page is part of the German heraldry portal Deutsche Wappensammlung |
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Literature: Image and information provided by the city of Rodgau.