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German heraldry:
Selected collector's items from Germany:
State : Baden-Württemberg
District (Kreis) : Rastatt (until 1972 Bühl)
Incorporated into : 1972 Bühl
Official blazon
(de) In Silber auf grünem Boden eine grüne Weinrebe an schwarzem Stock.
Altschweier historically was ruled by Bühl and became a separate municipality at the end of the 18th century. The oldest seal of the municipality showed two grape vines, but not placed in a shield. Already in 1819 a new seal was made, with the arms of Baden. Again, in the middle of the 19th century the seal was replaced, now again with a grape vine. This time the vine was placed in a crowned shield. The State Archives proposed in 1900 to improve the arms and define the colours. The present arms were thus approved by the local council in May 1900.
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Literature : Zier, 1964.