Abdulla-Wappen der Bekanntesten und Bedeutendsten Ausländischen Hauptstädte
Album information:
- Issued by:Abdulla, Berlin, Germany
- Date of issue:1930
- Number of stamps/cards:150
- Image variants:none
This album was published by the Abdulla Cigarette Company, Berlin-Johannisthal in 1930.
Due to the success of the 2 previous albums, the company issued a third album named " Wappen der Bekanntesten und Bedeutendsten Ausländischen Hauptstädte" (Arms of the most important capital cities in the world). The album contains 150 cards with arms of cities. The arms, however are not only from capital cities of countries, but also of provinces or regions. Some are no capital city at all.
The lay-out of the album is identical to the two previous albums.
All images
1. Brüssel
2. Brügge
3. Lüttich
4. Mecheln
5. Namur
6. Ostende
8. Habana
9. Kopenhagen
10. Reval
11. Helsingfors
12. Wiborg
13. Boulogne-sur-Mer
14. Caen
15. Calais
16. Grenoble
17. Kolmar
18. Lille
19. Montpellier
20. Nancy
21. Nantes
22. Narbonne
23. Nevers
24. Nîmes
25. Nizza
26. Orléans
27. Paris
28. Perpignan
29. Tours
30. Toulouse
31. Toulon
32. Athen
33. Birmingham
34. Edinburg
35. Glasgow
36. Ipswitch
37. London
38. Leicester
39. Liverpool
40. Manchester
41. Oxford
42. Portsmouth
43. Plymouth
45. Sheffield
46. Salisbury
47. Stafford
48. Cork
49. Dublin
50. Bologna
51. Bozen
52. Cagliari
53. Fiume
54. Florenz
55. Mailand
56. Meran
57. Neapel
58. Pesaro
59. Parma
60. Padua
61. Pisa
62. Siena
63. Turin
64. Trient
65. Rom
66. Vicenzia
67. Verona
68. Venedig
69. Udine
70. Agram
71. Laibach
72. Toronto
73. Dünaburg
74. Riga
75. Kowno
76. Luxemburg
77. Memel
78. Mexiko
79. Amsterdam
80. Groningen
81. Haarlem
82. Haag
83. Nijmegen
84. Rotterdam
85. Utrecht
86. Bergen
87. Oslo
88. Tromsö
89. Drontheim
90. Stavanger
91. Brünn
92. Berchtesgaden
93. Graz
94. Linz
95. Ostrau
96. Wien
97. Panama
98. Manila
99. Beuthen
100. Krakau
101. Wilna
102. Warschau
103. Lissabon
104. Porto
105. Bukarest
106. Grosswardein
107. Hermannstadt
108. Kronstadt
109. Moskau
110. Leningrad
111. Sebastopol
112. Tiflis
113. Wladiwostok
114. Santo Domingo
115. Karlstadt
116. Linköping
117. Lund
118. Malmö
119. Nyköping
120. Stockholm
121. Uppsala
122. Bern
123. Biel
124. Fribourg
125. Genf
126. Luzern
127. Schwyz
128. Schaffhausen
129. Winterthur
130. Neuenburg
131. Kapstadt
132. Barcelona
133. Granada
134. Huelva
135. Málaga
136. Madrid
137. Murcia
138. Sevilla
139. Saragossa
140. Toledo
141. Valencia
142. Budweis
143. Brüx
144. Karlsbad
145. Pilsen
146. Prag
147. Iglau
148. Budapest
149. Szegedin
150. Temesvar