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Wapen van Beersel/Arms (crest) of Beersel

Country: Belgium



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Official blazon
Dutch * (1986) Gevierendeeld 1. en 4. in sabel een leeuw van goud, geklauwd en getongd van keel 2. en 3. in zilver een uitgeschulpt kruis van lazuur. Het schild geplaatst voor een geplante eikeboom van natuurlijke kleur.
French * (1846) D'argent à trois lios de sable.
English blazon wanted


The previous arms were granted on June 27, 1846 and the current arms on July 8, 1986.

The old arms show three lions, derived from the arms of the Halewijn family. In 1491 Filips van Wittem married Anna van Halewijn. He and some of his descendants used the Halewijn arms as an inescutcheon on the Wittem arms (see also Ruisbroek). In 1846 the three lions were seen as the arms of the village itself and were thus granted.

The new arms are based on the seals of the local council from 1630 and 1694. The arms are those of the Lords of Wittem, who acquired the estate of Beersel in 1362 and held it until the middle of the 17th century.

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Literature: Servais, M.: Armorial des provinces et des communes de Belgique. Liege, 1955, 1041 p

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