March 2023
Additions March 2023
- 5 new categories
- 836 new pages
- 1228 new images
Total on the site : 165.751 pages and 271.888 images
Category:Postal cancellations Brazil - Category:Postal cancellations Lithuania - Category:Postal cancellations Norway - Category:Postal cancellations Switzerland - Category:Postal cancellations Vatican City
A bas l'avion - Ab ovo usque - Accept responsibility - Accipite et manducate - Across the threshold - Ad aedificandum paratus - Ad omnes frater - Ad seminandum - Adept and return - Admirantes iesum - Aegis bastion - Aerospace Operational Support Group, Royal Australian Air Force - Aerospace Systems Engineering Squadron, Royal Australian Air Force - Aid and sustain - Air Combat Group, Royal Australian Air Force - Air Command Band, Royal Australian Air Force - Air Command, RNZAF - Air Force Band, Royal Australian Air Force - Air Force Headquarters, Royal Australian Air Force - Air Mission Training School, Royal Australian Air Force - Air Mobility Group, Royal Australian Air Force - Air Training Wing, Royal Australian Air Force - Air Warfare Centre, Royal Australian Air Force - Aircraft Research and Development Unit, Royal Australian Air Force - Airman Aircrew Flying Training School, Royal Australian Air Force - Airman Aircrew Training School, Royal Australian Air Force - Airship Airborne Early Warning Squadron 1 (ZW-1), US Navy - Aldo Berardi - Alejandro Arellano Cedillo - Alert and ready - Alert swift and bold - Alfonso Carafa (bishop) - Alfredo Maria Obviar y Aranda - Amare - Ambula coram me - Amoratto de Capua - Amt Züssow - Angel Tec-i Hobayan - Angos - Anima una - Antonio Javellana Ledesma - António Manuel Bogaio Constantino - Antonio Marenzi - Antonio Maria Frosini - Antonio Realubin Tobias - Antras (Gers) - Anyone anywhere anytime - Apostolic Vicariate of Calapan - Arganchy - Armed Forces Instruction Hospital Bégin, France - Armed Forces Instruction Hospital Laveran, France - Armed Forces Instruction Hospital Percy, France - Armed Forces Instruction Hospital Sainte-Anne, France - Armed Forces Medical Service - Armed Forces Military Centre Angers, France - Armed Forces Military Centre Avord, France - Armed Forces Military Medical Centre Angers, France - Armed Forces Military Medical Centre Angoulême, France - Armed Forces Military Medical Centre Belfort, France - Armed Forces Military Medical Centre Besançon, France - Armed Forces Military Medical Centre Bordeaux-Merignac, France - ARmed Forces Military Medical Centre Bordeaux-Merignac, France - Armed Forces Military Medical Centre Bourges-Avord, France - Armed Forces Military Medical Centre Brest-Lorient, France - Armed Forces Military Medical Centre Brive la Gaillarde, France - Armed Forces Military Medical Centre Calvi, France - Armed Forces Military Medical Centre Carcassone, France - Armed Forces Military Medical Centre Cazaux, France - Armed Forces Military Medical Centre Charleville Meziere, France - Armed Forces Military Medical Centre Chaumont St Dizier, France - Armed Forces Military Medical Centre Cherbourg, France - Armed Forces Military Medical Centre Clermont Ferrand, France - Armed Forces Military Medical Centre Colmar, France - Armed Forces Military Medical Centre Creil, France - Armed Forces Military Medical Centre Dijon, France - Armed Forces Military Medical Centre Drauignan, France - Armed Forces Military Medical Centre Epinal-Luxeuil, France - Armed Forces Military Medical Centre Evreux, France - Armed Forces Military Medical Centre Gap, France - Armed Forces Military Medical Centre Grenoble-Annecy-Chambery, France - Armed Forces Military Medical Centre Istres-Salon de Provance, France - Armed Forces Military Medical Centre La Valbonne, France - Armed Forces Military Medical Centre Lille, France - Armed Forces Military Medical Centre Lyon-Mont Verdun, France - Armed Forces Military Medical Centre Marseille-Aubange, France - Armed Forces Military Medical Centre Metz, France - Armed Forces Military Medical Centre Mont de Marsan, France - Armed Forces Military Medical Centre Montauban-Agen, France - Armed Forces Military Medical Centre Monthery, France - Armed Forces Military Medical Centre Mourmelon-Maily, France - Artemio Lomboy Rillera - Artillery Group, 67th Mechanized Brigade, Ukrainian Army - Arturo Mandin Bastes - Assistance to all - At service - Audacia - Audentia et fortitudo - Aves praedae - Aware - Awareness forges success - Bangalore Volunteer Rifles, India - Base Squadron Butterworth, Royal Australian Air Force - Base Squadron Darwin, Royal Australian Air Force - Base Squadron East Sale, Royal Australian Air Force - Base Squadron Edinburgh, Royal Australian Air Force - Base Squadron Fairbairn, Royal Australian Air Force - Base Squadron Laverton, Royal Australian Air Force - Base Squadron Pearce, Royal Australian Air Force - Base Squadron Point Cook, Royal Australian Air Force - Battista Pallavicino - Battle line the sky - Biagio Mazzella - Bias (Zerbst) - Blassac - Bold and faithful - Bombay Light Horse, India - Bombay Women's Volunteer Corps, India - Bonitas et amor - Boy Entrant School, RNZAF - Break through - Build and destroy - Build in depth - Build maintain defend - Build support sustain - Bussy (Cher) - By industry and honor - Callistus Valentine Onaga - Candide et fideliter - Care when needed - Caritas dei diffusa est - Caritas justitiaque Christi - Carlito Cenzon - Carlo Odescalchi - Carmelo Dominador Flores Morelos - Carnarvonshire Volunteer Regiment, British Army - Cathedral chapter of Sint-Donaas in Brugge - Cathedral of Sint-Donaas in Brugge - Celso Guevarra - Central Direction of the Armed Forces Medical Service, France - Central Flying School, RNZAF - Central Photographic Establishment, Royal Australian Air Force - Centre for Epidemiology and Public Health of the Armed Forces, France - Certa bonum certamen fidet - Cesar Raval - Channels of vigilance - Chaplain Branch, Royal Australian Air Force - Chevières - Christ College (Brecon) - Ciceron Santa Maria Tumbocon - Cogito ergo sum - Cohortibus auxilia - Combat Support Group, Royal Australian Air Force - Combat Survival Training School, Royal Australian Air Force - Comite candore - Command and Staff College, RNZAF - Command Training School, RNZAF - Compassion in mission - Compassion skill courage - Complere - Concordio Maria Sarte - Confido in domino - Construction for peace - Contruendo crescit patria - Cor jesu in te confido - Costantino Caminada - Courage is our reserve - Cras (Lot) - Cuidado - Cura et perfectio - Dedicated and determined - Defence Explosive Ordnance Training School, Royal Australian Air Force - Defence International Training Centre, Australian Defence Force - Defend and strike - Defend from above - Defend the eyrie - Defend the north - Defenderemos nuestros cielos - Defensio per vires - Delaware Army National Guard, US - Delectabor in domino - Design innovate enable - Development and Test Wing, Royal Australian Air Force - Diocese of Pedena - Direction - Direction of Hospitals (of the Armed Forces), France - Disponit omnia suaviter - Domenico Campanella - Domenico Ramaschiello - Dominus mecum non timeo - Dont' kick our dog - Durability - Eager - Eastern Bengal Railway Battalion, India - Eekhout Abbey - Efficiency our aim - Electrical and Wireless School, RNZAF - Electronic Attack Squadron 129 (VAQ-129) Vikings, US Navy - Emanuele Maria Bellorado - Emilio Marquez - Emilio Nappa - Emmanuel Celeste Trance - Emmanuel Treveno Cabajar - En camino - Engineer Cadet Squadron, Royal Australian Air Force - Enrico Trevisi - Erik Eckerdal - Et mundo corde - Et superimpendar ipse - Ettore Diotallevi - Evelio Menjivar-Ayala - Ever sustaining - Fabrizio Turriozzi - Facitis omnia in nomine domini - Faire sans dire - Faith flight fidelity - Faithful support - Fast rugged - Fatta mod ge världen liv - Federico Ocampo Escaler - Felice Leonardo - Felix Sanchez Zafra - Felix Willem Antonius Brenart - Fellach - Ferdinando Maria Cieri - Fide, fiducia et fortitudine - Fides et spes - Fight and build - Filippo Albini - Filippo Sega - Fire for effect - First last always - First to defend - Fit to fight - Flaminio Danza - Flaminio Piatti - Flaviano Ariola - Fons communicationes - For many - For the commander - For the warfighter - Foremost sentinel - Foresee - Francesco Bertazzoli - Francesco Iavarone - Francesco Paolo Lettieri - Francesco Pedicini - Francesco Serlupi - Francisco Javier de Cienfuegos y Jovellanos - Frank Leo - Free dominion - From firm roots we spread - Frontline support - Fructus iustitiae in pace - Fruges in tempore fundo - Gageac-et-Rouillac - Galeoto de La Ratta - Gebt uns arbeit - Gérard Mongeau - Germaine (Aisne) - Giacinto Placido Zurla - Giacomo Circi - Giacomo Filippo Fransoni - Giacomo Martono - Giacomo Papa - Giosuè Mormile - Giovanni Agostino Gandofo - Giovanni Antonio Facchinetti Jr. - Giovanni Beroaldo - Giovanni d'Aloisio - Giovanni Evangelista Pelleo - Giovanni Francesco Müller - Giovanni Ghevara - Giraf - Danske Byvaabener - Giulio Santuccio - Giuseppe de Nardis - Go hard - Gravissima levans - Gressus meos diriget - Ground Training Wing, Royal Australian Air Force - Guard the north - Guardians of the north - Guide and deliver - Guilielmus Bassery - Hapaingia te kaupapa - He matauranga katoa - Health Operational Conversion Unit, Royal Australian Air Force - Health School of the Armed Forces, France - Health Service School of the Armed Forces Bordeaux, France - Health Services Wing, Royal Australian Air Force - Hei tautoko i te huaki - Hendrik Jozef van Susteren - Heraldic glasses - Heraldic souvenir ware - Hiwa hau maka - HMS Petard, Royal Navy - HMS Plymouth, Royal Navy - Hobsonville Station, RNZAF - Honestum pro patria - Honor duty constancy - I believe in service - I maintain the right - Ibat cum illis - Id perficiemus - Ilario Roatta - In carbone robur nostrum - In corde suo - In cruce victoria - In deo et in alis salus - In omnia sapientia domini - In sapientia et virtute robur - In unity we build - In vero, bono et pulchero confido - Inform and enhance - Inform to fight - Information Warfare Division, Australian Defence Force - Information Warfare Wing, Royal Australian Air Force - Institute of Aviation Medicine, Royal Australian Air Force - Integrity loyalty example - Interarms Sports School, France - J & F Bell - Rigsvaabener - James Louis Schad - Jan-Baptist de Castillion - Jan-Robert Caïmo - Jesus Armamento Dosado - Jesus is my saviour - Jesus Varela - John Joseph O'Connor (Newark) - Joint Capabilities Group, Australian Defence Force - Joint Health Unit Western Australia, Australian Defence Force - Jose Corazon Tumbagahan Tala-oc - José María Querejeta Mendizábal - Jose Ricare Manguiran - José Sorra - Juan de Dios Mataflorida Pueblos - Juan Nicolasora Nilmar - Juan Rafael Esposito-Garcia - Julius Sullan Tonel - Justitium tene nihil timeo - Ka ngarue ratau - Kà tu ngarahu ka rere maro - Ka whawhai tonu - Kabile (parish) - Ki nga hau e wha - Kia mataara kia totika - Kia mate toa - Kia pono tonu - Kia tupato kei patua - Kimihia ka patu - Knowledge power freedom - Kolar Gold Fields Rifle Volunteers, India - Korero, ka oti - La Châtre-Langlin - Labastide-de-Penne - Laboramus ad muniendum - Land Command, Hungarian Army - Land Forces Technical Section, French Army - Lauthala Bay Station, RNZAF - L'avant garde - Lay hold - Le Val-Saint-Éloi - Learning makes the leader - Leonardo Yuzon Medroso - Lino Rasdesales Gonzaga - Lourdoueix-Saint-Michel - Luigi Fransoni - Luigi Pandolfi - Luis Del Rosario - Ma te rourou e rato ai - Maintenance Squadron East Sale, Royal Australian Air Force - Manno Morola - Manuel Sandalo Salvador - Marcony Vinícius Ferreira - Maria Gail - Marika Markovits - Marine Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron 3 (VMFP-3) Eyes of the Corps, USMC - Mario Héctor Robles - Martin Jumoad - Martin Modéus - Meaucé - Medical Direction of the Armed Forces, France - Meigneux (Seine-et-Marne) - Men of steel - Men, do your duty - Méréglise - Military Schools of Draguignan, French Army - Military Schools of Saumur, French Army - Mobile Gendarmerie Squadron 27-7, France - Mobility and reach - Monlet - Morvilliers (Eure-et-Loir) - Music Services, RNZAF - Muzio Gaeta - Navigation, Air Electronics and Telecommunications Training Squadron, RNZAF - Nescit cedere - Nestor Celestial Cariño - Never despairing - Never unprepared - New Zealand Women's Land Service - New Zealand Women's Royal Army Corps - Nicolaas van Troostenberghe - Night stalkers - Nilgiri Volunteer Rifles, India - No 1 Air Terminal Squadron, Royal Australian Air Force - No 1 Aircraft Depot, Royal Australian Air Force - No 1 Airfield Defence Squadron, Royal Australian Air Force - No 1 Airtransportable Health Squadron, Royal Australian Air Force - No 1 Central Ammunitions Depot, Royal Australian Air Force - No 1 Combat Communications Squadron, Royal Australian Air Force - No 1 Combat Logistics Squadron, Royal Australian Air Force - No 1 Control and Reporting Unit, Royal Australian Air Force - No 1 Flying Training School, RNZAF - No 1 Flying Training School, Royal Australian Air Force - No 1 Recruit Training Unit, Royal Australian Air Force - No 1 Remote Sensor Unit, Royal Australian Air Force - No 1 Squadron, RNZAF - No 1 Stores Depot, Royal Australian Air Force - No 2 Aircraft Depot, Royal Australian Air Force - No 2 Airfield Construction Squadron, Royal Australian Air Force - No 2 Control and Reporting Unit, Royal Australian Air Force - No 2 Expeditionary Health Squadron, Royal Australian Air Force - No 2 Flying Training School, Royal Australian Air Force - No 2 Squadron, RNZAF - No 2 Stores Depot, Royal Australian Air Force - No 2 Technical Training School, RNZAF - No 2 Technical Traning School, RNZAF - No 25 Squadron, RNZAF - No 3 Airfield Defence Squadron, Royal Australian Air Force - No 3 Control and Reporting Unit, Royal Australian Air Force - No 3 Expeditionary Health Squadron, Royal Australian Air Force - No 3 Security Forces Squadron, Royal Australian Air Force - No 3 Telecommunications Unit, Royal Australian Air Force - No 302 Air Base Wing, Royal Australian Air Force - No 303 Air Base Wing, Royal Australian Air Force - No 304 Air Base Wing, Royal Australian Air Force - No 4 Hospital, Royal Australian Air Force - No 4 Technical Training School, RNZAF - No 41 Squadron, RNZAF - No 41 Wing, Royal Australian Air Force - No 42 Wing, Royal Australian Air Force - No 44 Wing, Royal Australian Air Force - No 485 Squadron, RNZAF - No 485 Wing, RNZAF - No 486 Squadron, RNZAF - No 488 Squadron, RNZAF - No 489 Squadron, RNZAF - No 5 Airfield Construction Squadron, Royal Australian Air Force - No 501 Wing, Royal Australian Air Force - No 503 Wing, Royal Australian Air Force - No 6 Hospital, Royal Australian Air Force - No 6 Squadron, RNZAF - No 7 Stores Depot, Royal Australian Air Force - No 75 Squadron, RNZAF - No 84 Wing, Royal Australian Air Force - No 86 Wing, Royal Australian Air Force - No 92 Wing, Royal Australian Air Force - Nomen domini invocabo - Non cedo ferio - Nostrum est - Obedienta et pax - Odilo Etspueler - Odoardo Farnese - Officers' Training School, Royal Australian Air Force - Omnia tibi dulcis Jesu - On call to serve - On guard - Onofrio de Rossi - Operational Command, Royal Australian Air Force - Operations Group, RNZAF - Opus solidaritatis pax - Orazio Magliola - Otago and Southland Regiment, New Zealand - Ottavio Paravicini - Our guard is up - Pacem et veritatem diligamus - Paolo Emilio Sfondrati - Paolo Pozzuoli - Paramedical Personnel School of the Armed Forces, France - Parati et volentes - Pass not unseen - Patrício da Silva - Pax veritas dilectio - Peace or war we are committed - Pedro Paulo Santos Songco - Pedro Rosales Dean - Per excellentiam libertas - Per frates ad patrem - Pharo School, France - Philip Francis Smith - Pietro de Gatta - Police, RNZAF - Por Cristo, con el y en el - Power for action - Precision - Predominant - Premier support - Prepare and deploy - Prepare and develop - Prepare and support - Prepare deploy sustain - Pré-Saint-Évroult - Press on - Prevention and cure - Pride service and commitment - Priory of Ars - Priory of Bodieu - Priory of Brévantec - Priory of Coët-Bugat - Priory of Gahil - Priory of Iffendic - Priory of La Barre - Priory of La Bretonnière - Priory of Lannenec - Priory of Les Saints - Priory of Locminé - Priory of Maxent - Priory of Mohon - Priory of Notre-Dame-de-Kerlenas - Priory of Plouarzel - Priory of Saint-Cado - Priory of Sainte-Cathérine - Priory of Sainte-Mélanie in Morlaix - Priory of Saint-Esprit in Auray - Priory of Saint-Guen - Priory of Saint-Guéneul - Priory of Saint-Jean in La Lande - Priory of Saint-Martin (Ille-et-Vilaine) - Priory of Saint-Michel in Josselin - Priory of Saint-Nicolas in Ploërmel - Priory of Vieille-Tour - Priory of Vincent - Pro animarus impendam et superimpendar - Pro cura pacis armor - Pro fide et iustitia - Pro maiore securitate - Pro patria construere - Project and protect - Protect and serve - Protection and support - Prove to accomplish - Providemus - Provost Unit, Royal Australian Air Force - Publications Unit, Royal Australian Air Force - Puta ki te rangi - Quaerens dei voluntatem - Ramat Gan - Raul José Quimpo Martirez - Ready and willing - Ready response - Ready the warfighter - Reinforce and destroy - Renaix - Renewal through love - Resolute in defence - Resourceful - Resurrexit sicut dixit - RNZAF Base Auckland - RNZAF Base Ohakea - RNZAF Shelly Bay - RNZAF Te Rapa - RNZAF Wigram - RNZAF Woodbourne - Roads upon the water - Roberto Ferrario - Rodolfo Fontiveros Beltran - Rogate - Royal Australian Air Force Academy - Royal Australian Air Force Amberley - Royal Australian Air Force Butterworth - Royal Australian Air Force Darwin - Royal Australian Air Force East Sale - Royal Australian Air Force Edinburgh - Royal Australian Air Force Fairbairn - Royal Australian Air Force Laverton - Royal Australian Air Force Pearce - Royal Australian Air Force Point Cook - Royal Australian Air Force Staff London - Royal Australian Air Force Tindal - Royal Australian Air Force Townsville - Royal Australian Air Force Unit Hong Kong - Royal Australian Air Force Williams - Royal Australian Air Force Williamtown - Royal New Zealand Air Force Museum - Royal New Zealand Army Education Corps - Royal New Zealand Army Medical Corps - Royal New Zealand Army Ordnance Corps - Royal New Zealand Artillery - Royal New Zealand Dental Corps - Ruben Profugo - Ruperto Cruz Santos - Safeguard and secure - Safely on time - Saint Andrew's Abbey in Brugge - Saint-Amand-en-Peule - Sainte-Preuve - Saint-Hilaire (Puy-de-Dôme) - Saint-Vincent-du-Boulay - Salus per scientiam - Salvador Lazo y Lazo - Sapientia virtute praevalet - Save to serve again - School of Administration and Logistics Training, Royal Australian Air Force - School of Air Navigation, Royal Australian Air Force - School of Air Traffic Control, Royal Australian Air Force - School of Management and Training Technology, Royal Australian Air Force - School of Photography, Royal Australian Air Force - School of Radio, Royal Australian Air Force - School of Technical Training, Royal Australian Air Force - School of War, France - Sécheras - Security and Fire School, Royal Australian Air Force - Security Squadron 42-117, French Air Force - Security through training - See it through - Seek the heights - Semper constans - Semper laborantes - Semper tentare - Señor tu sabes que te queiro... apacienta mis ovejas - Sequamur hunc nos principem - Service behind the sword - Service to the line - Service, not glory - Signal masters of the rock - Signal Platoon, 13th Half Brigade of the Foreign Legion, French Army - Signal ready - Sine minerva nihil - Sirviendo soldados - Skep u eie toekoms - Create your own future - Skill and strength - Skill endurance spirit - Sofio Guinto Balce - Sofronio Aguirre Bancud - Sounds of freedom - Special Operations Command Central, US Army - Special Operations Command Korea, US Army - Special Operations Command South, US Army - Speed the advance - Spirit of '76 - Spirit, speed, strength - Staff College, Royal Australian Air Force - Staunch - Steadfastness - Strenght and service - Strength with vision - Strike further - Strike Reconnaissance Group, Royal Australian Air Force - Strike Wing, RNZAF - Strike, build, hold - Strive for the stars - Sua tela tonanti - Sufficiency creates efficiency - Support and assist - Support and serve - Support Command, Royal Australian Air Force - Support for the armed - Support Group, RNZAF - Support Unit Brisbane, Royal Australian Air Force - Support Unit Canberra, Royal Australian Air Force - Support Unit Glenbrook, Royal Australian Air Force - Support Unit Hobart, Royal Australian Air Force - Support Unit Perth, Royal Australian Air Force - Support Unit Sydney, Royal Australian Air Force - Support Unit Tengah, Royal Australian Air Force - Sure and ready - Surveillance and Control Group, Royal Australian Air Force - Surveillance and Control Training Unit, Royal Australian Air Force - Surveillance and Response Group, Royal Australian Air Force - Swift to respond - Tactical Fighter Group, Royal Australian Air Force - Taddeo Garzilli - Taieri Station, RNZAF - Tara ki uta, tara ki tai - Te atete kia tupato - Te kotahitanga o ngaa maahanga - Te waiata o ngatoa - Teamwork strength speed - Tebaldo Sessi - Tempered and ready - Template:Br post - Template:Lt post - Template:No post - Template:Va post - Tenacious of purpose - Teopisto Valderrama Alberto - Teotimo Cruel Pacis - Teresio Ferrero della Marmora - Testificor - That they may fight - The arm of decision - The lord is our strength - The Macquarie Regiment, Australia - The prairie sentinels - The precise words - The reliable one - The will to succeed - Thomas Augustine Hendrick - Through endeavour we learn - Through knowledge victory - To strengthen - Together we will - Tohe tonu - Training and Support Command, Hungarian Army - Training Command, Royal Australian Air Force - Transport Wing, RNZAF - Trémont-sur-Saulx - True - Trust the truth - Truth and justice - Ubi caritas deus ibi est - Ugolino Sessi - Undique venimus - Unite - Unmanned Patrol Squadron 11 (VUP-11) Proud Pegasus, US Navy - Up tight - Uphold - Uphold and endure - Urbis prima in indis - US Army Corrections Command - US Army Financial Management Command - US Army Medical Logistics Command - US Army Medical Readiness Command Atlantic - US Army Medical Readiness Command Central - US Army Medical Readiness Command Europe - US Army Medical Readiness Command Pacific - US Army Reserve Interrogation Group - US Space Forces Central Command, US Space Force - US Space Forces Korea, US Space Force - Userin - Ut perficiam opus ejus - Val-de-Grâce School, France - Valor for service - Valor vigilance victory - VAQ-130 Zappers, US Navy - VAQ-131 Lancers, US Navy - VAQ-132 Scorpions, US Navy - VAQ-133 Wizards, US Navy - VAQ-134 Garudas, US Navy - VAQ-135 Black Ravens, US Navy - VAQ-136 Gauntlets, US Navy - VAQ-137 Rooks, US Navy - VAQ-138 Yellowjackets, US Navy - VAQ-139 Cougars, US Navy - VAQ-140 Patriots, US Navy - VAQ-141 Shadowhawks, US Navy - VAQ-142 Gray Wolves, US Navy - VAQ-144 Main Battery, US Navy - VAQ-209 Starwarriors, US Navy - Varenne-l'Arconce - Varogne - Vaya con dios - Veritas aequitas - Versatility - Verwaltungsgemeinschaft Zerbster Land - Verwoerdburg - Veyrières (Cantal) - Vicente Posada Reyes - Vicente Reyes - Vicente Salgado y Garrucho - Victorino Cristobal Ligot - Video et moneo - Vierzy - Vigilant and ready - Vigliance with patience - Villers-le-Tourneur - Villers-sur-Port - Ville-sur-Cousances - Vincenzo Cisone - Vis per virtus - Vision direction leadership - Vivat cor jesu - Viviano Orfini - Voice of victory - Voluntas tua - Voudenay - Watch and ward - Watchful - We aim to hit - We carry the word - We defend from above - We fight to build - We get the message through - We hear and strike - We maintain - We make the difference - We serve we protect - We shall - Wellington Territorial Squadron, RNZAF - Wellington West Coast and Taranaki Regiment, New Zealand - Whakatangata kia kaha - Whakatopa kia mate - When in need - Whenuapai Station, RNZAF - Wilhelm Josef Duschak, S.V.D. - William Brasseur - Winged warriors - Wings of freedom - Wisdom through diligence - Wnged assault - Work with light - Wrangelsburg - Zacharias Cenita Jimenez - 1,2,3 Go - 106th Aviation Regiment, Delaware, Illinois and Michigan Army National Guards - 12th Nelson Regiment, New Zealand - 13th North Canterbury and Westland Regiment, New Zealand - 150th Aviation Regiment, Delaware and New Jersey Army National Guards - 166th Aircraft Generation Squadron, Delaware Air National Guard - 16th Battalion (Cameron Highlanders of Western Australia), Australia - 1901st Engineer Battalion, US Army - 1st Mounted Rifles (Canterbury Yeomanry Cavalry), New Zealand - 201st Regiment, Puerto Rico Army National Guard - 261st Theater Tactical Signal Brigade, Delaware Army National Guard - 280th Signal Battalion, Delaware Army National Guard - 30th Battalion (New South Wales Scottish Regiment), Australia - 366th Engineer Battalion, US Army - 376th Engineer Battalion, US Army - 377th Engineer Battalion, US Army - 381st Engineer Battalion, US Army - 404th Engineer Battalion, US Army - 406th Engineer Battalion, US Army - 427th Engineer Group, US Army - 478th Engineer Battalion, US Army - 48th Armoured Regiment, Indian Army - 49th Artillery Brigade, Ukrainian Army - 52nd Air Defense Artillery Brigade, US Army - 537th Engineer Battalion, US Army - 555th Engineer Battalion, US Army - 588th Engineer Battalion, US Army - 604th Military Police Battalion, US Army - 60th Mobile Fortress Artillery Regiment, French Army - 65th Infantry Regiment, Puerto Rico Army National Guard - 6th Foreign Infantry Regiment, French Army - 841st Engineer Battalion, US Army - 876th Airborne Aviation Engineer Battalion, US Army - 912th Air Base Security Battalion, US Army - 955th Engineer Battalion, US Army
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