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Heraldry of the World |
German heraldry:
Selected collector's items from Germany:
State : Bayern
District : Bad Kissingen
Additions : 1978 Breitenbach, Mitgenfeld, Modlos, Unterleichtersbach
German | Geviert; 1 und 4: in Silber ein durchgehendes schwarzes Kreuz; 2 und 3: schräg geteilt im Doppelzinnenschnitt von Gold und Rot. |
English | No blazon/translation known. Please click here to send your (heraldic !) blazon or translation |
The arms were officially granted on December 5, 1980.
The village was for many centuries a possession of the Abbey of Fulda, from the 9th century until 1803. The present church was built by Placidus von Droste, Prince-Abbot of Fulda between 1678-1700. Above the door in the church his arms are shown, which were granted as arms of the municipality. The first and fourth quarter show the black cross of Fulda, the second and third the personal arms of the Abbot.
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Literature : Information obtained from the Region Unterfranken