Rottenburg an der Laaber
This page is part of the German heraldry portal Deutsche Wappensammlung |
Heraldry of the World |
German heraldry:
Selected collector's items from Germany:
State : Bayern
District (Kreis) : Landshut (until 1973 Rottenburg an der Laaber)
Additions : 1972 Högldorf, Oberotterbach; 1974 Niedereulenbach (partly); 1978 Inkofen, Münster, Oberhatzkofen (1874 Bogenhausen, Niederhatzkofen; Unterlauterbach, Oberroning, Pattendorf (1972 Wolferthau (partly)), Pfeffendorf)
Official blazon
In Rot über silberner Zinnenmauer ein silberner Torbau mit Treppengiebel und blauem Dach, beseitet rechts von einem viereckigen silbernen Zinnenturm, links von einem silbernen Rundturm mit blauem Spitzdach.
Rottenburg received town rights in 1378 and the first seal dates from the same time. The seal already showed a canting castle (Burg). The present arms are still based on the image on the first seal, even though the size and shape of the buildings has changed somewhat. All other seals and historical images also show similar castles.
The arms in a manuscript from 1599] |
The arms by Hupp in the Kaffee Hag albums +/- 1925 |
Postal cancellation 1953 |
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Literature : Stadler, 1964-1971, 8 volumes.