Kurmark Wappenschau
Heraldic collector's items catalogue
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Album information :
- Issued by : Garbaty cigarettes, Berlin, Germany
- Date of issue : 1929
- Number of stamps/cards : 992 + 57
- Image variants : at least 18
The album was issued as the 3rd album of the company and the first heraldic one. The album shows the arms of towns as well as regions and countries. The focus is mainly on the German countries at the time, as well as many examples from Austria and other European countries. There are no city arms outside Europe. The album is divided in 42 series, ranging from 6 to 80 towns/regions per series. Probably a year later (1930) an appendix (Nachtrag) was issued with another 57 German arms of regions that were missing in the original album.
The images are quite small (3.4 x 4.5 cm) and have no text on the front. The reverse shows advertising and information on the album, as well as the name of the town and serial number.
Back of normal series |
Back of appendix |
The images could be collected by buying small sachets for 5 Pfennig each.
Front of sachet |
Back of sachet |
Advertising |
There are also a number of variations, often listed with the same back as the Nachtrag images, but not included in the Nachtrag pages. These are listed in the overview per series below in bold. At least 18 variations are known, with 3 versions of the arms of Ecuador (Series 42, nr 11).
Series in the main album
Serie 1 : Deutschland und Ostpreussen
Serie 2 : Grenzmark, Posen, Westpreussen
Serie 3 : Brandenburg
Serie 4 : Pommern
Serie 5 : Schlesien
Serie 6 : Provinz Sachsen
Serie 7 : Schleswig-Holstein
Serie 8 : Hannover
Serie 9 : Rheinprovinz
Serie 10 : Westfalen
Serie 11 : Mecklenburg
Serie 12 : Braunschweig
Serie 13 : Oldenburg
Serie 14 : Hessen
Serie 15 : Hessen-Nassau
Serie 16 : Sachsen
Serie 17 : Baden
Serie 18 : Württemberg
Serie 19 : Bayern
Serie 20 : Freistaaten und Hansastädte
Serie 21 : Historische Wappen
Serie 22 : Österreich
Serie 23 : Ungarn
Serie 24 : Tschechoslowakei
2 Prag
3 Budweis
4 Dux
5 Eger
7 Karlsbad
10 Landskron
11 Luditz
12 Pardubitz
13 Pilsen
14 Policka
15 Pribram
17 Reichsstadt
18 Schluckenau
19 Brünn
20 Iglau
21 Leipnik
23 Niemtschitz
24 Prerau
25 Troppau
26 Bennisch
27 Freiwaldau
28 Teschen
29 Jägerndorf
30 Koschir
Serie 25 : Schweiz
Serie 26 : Italien
Serie 27 : Spanien
Serie 28 : Portugal - Samos
Serie 29 : Frankreich
Serie 30 : Belgien
Serie 31: Holland
Serie 32 : England
Serie 33 : Eng. Kolonien
Serie 34 : Nordische Staaten
Serie 35 : Ost-Staaten
Serie 36 : Balkan-Staaten
Serie 37 : Russland
Serie 38 : Europ. Kleinstaaten
Serie 39 : Asien
Serie 40 : Afrika
Serie 41 : Australien und Archipel
Serie 42 : Amerika
Serie 43 : Oberschlesien
Serie 44 : Linksrheinische städte
Serie 45 : Saargebiet
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