Mottoes in Latin

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Heraldry of the World
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An overview of Latin Mottoes used in civic heraldry.

For mottoes in other languages see Mottoes.

Mottoes are very common in the British-style heraldry (UK, Australia, Canada, South Africa, New Zealand), and much less common in other countries. Therefore the large majority of the mottoes listed here are from towns and councils from these countries.

If you see a motto on the site that is not yet listed here or have any other addition,
please mail me !

Only true mottoes are listed here, no town names in banners around the arms.

The mottoes are sorted by first letter. For clarity no capital letters are used, except the first letter as well as personal or town names. A translation in English is provided when available.


Mottoes with Latin as the original language.


Motto Translation in English Used by
A deo et regina/rege From god and the queen/king Frimley and Camberley, Richmond, Steenhuize-Wijnhuize
A magnis ad maiora From great things to greater Stepney
A mare labor Work from the sea Saint Pierre et Miquelon
Ab ortu ad occasum solis From Dawn to Dusk Zr.Ms. Mercuur, Netherlands Navy
Abertas et fidelitas Truthful and faithful Tasmania
Abeunt studia in mores Studies turn into habits University of St. Mark and St. John
Absit invidia Let there be no ill-will Limavady
Absque labore nihil Nothing without labour Darwen, Stalybridge, Halton
Ad ardua super alpes patria vocat Vicenza Alpini Battalion, Italian Army
Ad culmina To the summits College of the Rockies
Ad excelsa tendo 7th Alpini Regiment, Italian Army
Ad omnia paratus Prepared for everything Nordic Battle Group, EU, Canadian Forces Base Shilo, Canada
Ad pontes prospicimus At the bridges we look forward Staines
Ad solem prospicimus We look towards the sun Spelthorne
Ad summa nitamur Let us strive for perfection Croydon
Ad summa virtus Courage to the end Maybole
Adsumus custodes pacis Air Combat Command, Spanish Air Force
Ad vigilamus vindictam Swift to avenge No 412 Squadron, Royal Canadian Air Force
Adhuc hic hesterna The things of yesterday are still with us Chichester RDC
Adsumus ut adiuvemus We are here to help Rhondda Cynon Taff
Adveniat regnum tuum Thy kingdom come Saint Patrick's Basilica, Ottawa
Aedificemus Let us build Greater Sudbury
Aequitas iudicia tua domine Your judgments are justice, Lord Roermond
Ago quod ago Zr.Ms. Johan de Witt, Netherlands Navy
Alacres illo coluerunt Eagerly they toiled to that end East Elloe
Alcmaria victrix Alkmaar is victorious Alkmaar
Alios delectare juvat It is our pleasure to please others Hunstanton
Alta sententia With high purpose Arnold
Alte volo I fly high Heywood
Altiora petimus We seek higher things Finsbury
Altius tendo 3rd Alpini Regiment, Italian Army
Alto nomine Of high renown / Alton by name Alton RDC
Amicitia omnibus rebus Friendship in all things Ridgetown
Amoeniora Litora nostra Our shores are more delightful Mablethorpe and Sutton
Amoenitas et antiquitas North Westmorland
Amoenitas et salubritas Delightfulness and healthiness Shepway
Amoenitas, salubritas, urbanitas Ryde
Amoenitate quies Whitby RDC
Amor Angliae rustica Love of Rural England Osgoldcross
Animicis inimicis promptus Air Base Leeuwarden, Royal Netherlands Air Force
Animo et fide With courage and faith Carshalton, Medicine Hat, Stockport
Animus fluiminum vires populi Coquitlam
Antiqui coolant antiquum dierum Let the ancients worship the ancient of days Chester
Antiquum obtinens Holding fast to tradition Warwick
Arate sulco recte Plough a straight furrow Rochford RDC
Ardens fide Burning faith Brentwood
Ardua vince merendo Overcome difficulties by service Winchester RDC
Arma virumqve cano I sing of arms and of a man Army Heraldry Office, Portuguese Army
Arte et labore By skill and labour Blackburn, Blackburn with Darwen
Arte favente nil desperandum Our skill assisting us, we have no cause for despair Leek (Staffordshire)
Artem promovemus una Royal Australian Institute of Architects
Artibus et armis recuperatur gloria Knowledge and arms grant glory 3rd Infantry Regiment Life Regiment Grenadiers, Swedish Army
Arx celebris fontibus Harrogate
Aspice respice Look forward, look backward Wellingborough
At spes non fracta Yet hope is not broken Blaenavon
Attingo rura I manage the countryside Thingoe
Audaces prorsum Boldly forward Boldon
Audacter et sincere Boldly and frankly Castleford
Audemus dum cavemus We are bold whilst we are cautious Wallasey
Audentior With greater boldness Watford
Auxilio divinio By divine aid Devon
Avorum honori Cumberland (Ontario)


Bene consulendo By good counsel Derbyshire
Benedicte fontes domine O all ye springs, bless ye the Lord Buxton


Camera principis The prince's chamber Coventry
Cantate domino O sing unto the Lord Holy Saviour Church, Waterloo
Caput inter nubila condit He lays his head amongst the clouds Gateshead
Caritas pro armis Basiliek van de H. Pancratius te Tubbergen
Castella supra fluvium A castle on a river Flint
Castello fortior concordia Peace is stronger than a fortress Northampton
Castigandos castigamus We chastise those who deserve to be chastised No 424 Squadron, Royal Canadian Air Force
Castrum ruri dat consilium Caistor
Cave Beware Ware
Cave et spera Beware and hope Chapel-en-le-Frith
Caveo non timeo Zr.Ms. Urania, Netherlands Navy
Cavendo tutus adversa sperno Settle
Centum salutationes 100 greetings 100 Mile House
Cives oppidi fundamenta Citizens are the foundations of a town Kenilworth
Civitatis fortuna cives The fortune of the state depends on the citizens Bebington
Cognosci ut melius facias To know so as to better do Collège Sainte-Anne de Lachine
Collectos spargere fontes Tees Valley Water Board
Com et hom Villa Minozzo
Conamine augeor I am enriched by effort Mthatha
Concordia Harmony Tandridge
Concordia amicitia conjuncta Concord with friendship Sawbridgeworth
Concordia parvae res crescunt Františkovy Lázně
Concordia prorsum Forward in harmony Aylesbury Vale
Concordia salus Salvation through harmony Montreal
Concordia vincit Harmony wins Northam
Confide recte agens Ipswich (Queensland)
Conjuncti prosperamus Bethlehem (Free State)
Consilio absit discordia Let discord be absent from your deliberations Whitehaven
Consilio et animo/animis By wisdom and courage Eton, South Buckinghamshire, Wanstead and Woodford, Surbiton, Featherstone, Kiveton Park
Consilio et concordia By counsel and good fellowship Bocking
Consilio et prudentia By counsel and by wisdom Atherton, Burgess Hill, Edenvale, Halstead
Consilio et labore By counsel and work Manchester
Consilio semper publico Ever in the public interest High Peak
Constans - fortis - stabilis Constat, strong, stable Nakina
Constans et perpetva volvntas Military Region of Moçambique, Portuguese Army
Constanter et recte Steadfastly and justly Hemsworth
Constantia basis virtutum Steadfastness is the foundation of the virtues Andover
Constantia scientia prudentia By steadfastness, knowledge and foresight Newcastle under Lyme
Copia est labor Industry brings prosperity Horwich
Copia et concordia Harmony and abundance Vacoas/Phoenix
Confitemini domino O give thanks unto the Lord Holy Trinity Church, Chatham
Cor unum With one heart Grand Falls, Huntingdon and Peterborough, Soke of Peterborough
Cor unum via una One heart, one way Broxbourne
Cor viride provinciae The green heart of the province Chilliwack
Corde uno sapientes simus With one heart let us be men of understanding Cambridgeshire
Crede signo Believe in the sign Rochdale
Crescens per historiam Growing through history Strathcona County
Crescente luce James Cook University
Crescit sub pondere virtus Manliness grows out of adversity West Devon
Crux spes unica Archdiocese of St. Andrews and Edinburgh
Cum aquila alte volemus The welfare of all is our concern Garstang
Cum deo et victricibus armis With god and victorious arms 2nd Infantry Regiment Värmland Regiment, Swedish Army
Cum scientia caritas Royal Australian College of General Practitioners
Cunabula foedris Charlottetown
Curandum omnium bonum Let us soar high with the eagle Cambridgeshire
Custodi civitatem domine O Lord, watch over the city Westminster
Custodiae pacis Spanish Armed Forces Operations Command, Spain
Custos hereditatis Basiliek van de HH Agatha en Barbara te Oudenbosch


De profundis Bedlingtonshire
Debentur omnia deo We owe everything to God. Deben
Decus et tutamen Gravesend
Decus nostrum Overberg
Defendamus Let us defend Taunton
Dei sub numine viget Under god's power she flourishes Princeton University
Deo adjuvante By the help of God Wellington (Somerset)
Deo adjuvante labor proficit With God's help our labour is successful Sheffield
Deo adjuvante non timendum With God's help there is nothing to fear Louth
Deo confidemus We trust in God West Ham
Deo juvante With God helping Monaco
Deo teste valeamus With God as our witness, let us be strong Test Valley
Deprimit elatos levat Alexandria stratos Alessandria
Deus dat incrementum God giveth the increase Warrington
Deus nobis haec otia fecit God hath granted us this ease Liverpool
Deus et patria God and country Robert Land Academy
Deus noster refugium et virtus God is our refuge and strength Dewsbury
Deus per omnia God pervades all things Islington
Dirigere non dominari To direct but not to dominate Alcester
Discendo floremus Through learning we flourish Grant MacEwan University
Doctrina vim promovet Royal Military College Duntroon, Australia
Domine est dirigere It is for the Lord to direct Gipping
Domine dirige nos Lord, direct us London
Domine salva nos Lord save us Henfield
Dominus nobis sol et scutum The Lord is our sun and shield Banbury
Domus pacis et iustitiae The home of peace and justice Basiliek van Sint Walburgis te Arnhem
Ducit amor oppidi The love of our town leads us. Malden and Coombe
Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori It is sweet and proper to die for the fatherland Military Academy, Portuguese Army
Dum cresco spero While I grow I hope Bromley
Dum defluent amnis/amnes Till the river(s) cease(s) to flow Elmbridge, Walton and Weybridge


E glande querqus From the acorn, the oak Dorking and Horley, Wokingham
E mari merces Wealth from the sea Halifax (Nova Scotia)
E nobis liberator rex From us is sprung a liberator king Lochmaben
E pluribus unus/unum One out of many Eston, United States
E principio From the very beginning Canadian Forces Base Borden, Canada
E ventis vires From the wind, strength Seaford
Ecce agnus dei Behold the lamb of God Basiliek van Sint Johannes de Doper te Laren
Efflorescense planitie Medan
Erimus We shall be Middlesbrough
Esto cingulum nostrum Cingoli
Et coeperunt loqui variis linguis Military School of Languages of the Spanish Armed Forces, Spain
Et patribus et posteriati/posteris Both for our ancestors/past and our prosperity Hitchin, Wychavon
Ex igne resurgam I will arise out of fire Lisburn
Ex mare Dei gratia From the sea by the grace of God Canvey Island
Ex sapientia modus Moderation from wisdom University of New England
Ex terra copiam e mari salutem From the land fulness and from the sea health Worthing
Ex terra opes From the earth wealth Coalville, North West Leicestershire
Ex terra vigemus From the earth prosper Sedgefield RDC
Ex undis From the waves Eemsmond, Hefshuizen, Uithuizermeeden
Ex undis sol Bandung
Ex unitate vires Out of unity strength South Africa (old), Pembrokeshire, Preseli
Exemplar Hiberniae An example to Ireland Wexford (county)
Exemplo sint virtutis Saint Albans RDC
Extollitur ad astra Ponzone


Falce marique potens Powerful with the sickle and on the sea Larne
Famam extendere factis East Retford RDC
Fax mentis incendium gloriae The flame of glory is the torch of the mind Royal Australasian College of Surgeons
Ferro ignique ad excelsa 6th Mountain Artillery Regiment, Italian Army
Ferte manus certas Strike sure No 427 Squadron, Royal Canadian Air Force
Fervet opus Evesham RDC, Ubaíra
Festina diligenter Surrey Heath
Festina lente Hurry slowly Audenshaw, Gaby, Walmer
Festina lente cauta fac omnia mente Haste, less speed and do everything with understanding Venlo
Festina prudenter Bagshot
Fiat lux Let there be light Spanish Armed Forces Verification Unit, Spain
Fiat secundum verbum tuum Let it be done according to thy word Saint Marylebone
Fide condita, fructu beata, spe fortis Founded in faith, rich in the fulfilment thereof, strong in the hope for the future Christchurch (New Zealand)
Fide et diligentia Woking
Fide et fiducia Golborne
Fide et fortitudine By faith and fortitude Penrith, Braintree RDC
Fide et industria By faith and industry Kirkby, Mid Devon, Royston (Yorkshire)
Fide et labor(e) By faith and industry Harpenden, Walsingham
Fidelis Faithful Abbeville
Fidelis adque/etque fortis Faithful and brave Ards, Newtownards
Fidelis in aeternum Faithful in eternity Clonmel
Fidelis sapiens justus Honest, thoughful, just South Herefordshire
Fidelitas Steadfastness Canadian Forces Station Gander, Canada
Fidelitas urbis salis regis The faithfulness of the city is the safety of the king Bridgnorth
Fides atque integritas Society of Incorporated Accountants and Auditors
Fides et justitia Faith and justice Farnborough
Fides invicta triumphat Unconquered faith triumphs Gloucester
Fides probata coronat Confirms what has been proved good and true Ashburton (New Zealand)
Fiducia et vi By confidence and strength Slough
Finis coronat opus The end crowns the work Wigston, Seychelles, Heron Company
Firma et stabilis Safe and sure Kirkham
Firmior Stronger Brentford and Chiswick
Firmum est cor meum My heart is stout Pontifical North American College
Floreat Flourish Wolmaransstad
Floreat qui laborat May industry flourish Darlington
Floreat industria He prospers who labours Rawtenstall, Batley, Darlington
Floreat verbi praeconio Archdiocese of Glasgow
Florebo quocumque ferar Wherever I may go, I will flourish Réunion
Floruit floreat May it flourish as it has flourished Newbury
Fluctuat nec mergitur He who rises with the wave is not swallowed by it Paris
Fortibus tantum pugna pro patria Viguzzolo
Fortes creantur fortibus The brave beget the brave Gorinchem
Fortis est veritas Strong is truth Oxford
Fortis et liber Strong and free Alberta
Fortis ferox fertilis Trani
Fortis inarduis Strong in difficulties Middleton
Fortiter defendit triumphans 'Triumphing by brave defence Newcastle-upon-Tyne
Fortiter et fideliter Bravely and faithfully Fulwood, Guildford RDC, Guildford
Fortitudo et spes Endurance and hope Stockton-on-Tees
Fortitudo mea civium fides Volksrust
Fortitudo mea deus God is my fortitude Zr.Ms. Willemstad, Netherlands Navy
Fortunata non mutat genus Circumstance does not change our origin Cape Breton
Fraternitas - aequalitas - soliditas Fraternity - equality - solidarity Grenville
Fruges ecce paludis Behold the fruits of the marsh Mirfield
Frumentaria ubertatis nobilis Granja de Torrehermosa
Fuarce cividat 15th Alpini Regiment, Italian Army
Fuimus et sumus We have been and we are Whitby


Gaudeat ager Let the field be joyful Fylde RDC, Fylde
Gloria merces virtutis Destroyer USS Cole


Haec libertatis ergo All for the sake of freedom Leiden
Haec lumina numquam errantiae These lights never wander Castlegar
Haec otia studia fovent University of Liverpool
Hic ergo vivere gloria est Military Governor of Lisbon, Portuguese Army
Hic manebimus optime Arenzano
Hinc vides Carignano
Hoc sidere vivo Alice Superiore
Hominum servire saluti Royal Australasian College of Physicians
Honeste nec timide Honestly but not timidly South Staffordshire
Honeste progrediemur conando Let us progress by honest endeavour Seisdon
Honor alit artis Honour sustains the arts Burton-upon-Trent
Honor et industria Honour and industry Bacup
Hora et sempere Now and always South Northamptonshire
Hostes nunc amici Foes now friends Abergavenny
Humanitas virtus fortium Front


I pede fausto Oadby
Ibi stabilitas et perennitas In this place there is stability and continuity Bury (Quebec)
Ignem veni mittere in terram I came to unleash fire upon the earth Pontifical English College
Imperium in imperio Wetherby
In adversa ultra adversa 4th Alpini Regiment, Italian Army
In consilio consilium Armagh, Lancashire
In consilio sapienta There is wisdom in counsel Tewkesbury
In dei nomine feliciter Basiliek van de H. Willibrordus te Hulst
In deo fidemus We trust in God Brighton
In deo imperium sed populus administrat Bruce County
In deo speramus In God we hope Brown University
In flammis probatus amor In flames fidelity is proven Susa
In fraternitate unitas Unity in brotherhood Edmundston
In hoc signo vinces You will win under this symbol Basiliek der Heilige Kruisverheffing te Raalte
In hostem celeririme volant Horse Artillery Regiment "Volòrie", Italian Army
In libertate labor Villa Bartolomea
In libertate vis Our strength is our freedom Merton and Morden
In loco delicioso In a delightful place Cricklade
In montibus ad flumen In the mountains by the river Fernie
In montibus fortitudo Strength in the mountains Fenestrelle
In nomine dei In the name of God Basiliek van de H. Amelberga te Susteren
In novitate vivam Novi Ligure
In praecipiti stantem Steadfast on the edge Alderley Edge
In pulvere vinces By effort you conquer Acadia University
In reliquiam laboramus We work for the future Rayleigh
In terra divitiae In the earth, riches Blaby
In tui honore In your honour Pombal (Paraíba)
In unitate cum natura In harmony with nature Unigate plc
In unitate felicitas Windsor and Maidenhead
In unitate florescemus In unity we shall flourish increasingly Pendle
In unitatem coeamus Let us go forward together Feltham
In veritate victoria Victory is in truth Loughborough, Charnwood
Incertum quo fata ferunt Nobody knows where you will be leaded Wyk auf Föhr
Industria arte prudentia By industry skill and foresight Calderdale
Industria didat Progress through industry / Industry enriches Knottingley, Radcliffe, Widnes, Troon
Industria et perseverantia By industry and perseverance Marlborough District and Region, Brantford
Industria et spe Labour and hope Skipton, Skipton Building Society
Industria intellegentia prosperitas Industry intelligence prosperity Brockville
Industria navem implet Industry fills the ships Halton
Industria omnia vincit Industry overcomes all things Morley
Industria virtute et labore By dilgence, courage and work Yeovil (Borough)
Industriis et labore cresco By work and industry I grow La Tuque
Ingenio floremus Witney
Ingenium et consilio Irlam
Ingenium industria alitur Skill is fostered by diligence Ripley
Ingredior roebus – cyllaros egredior Bagnacavallo
Integri procedamus University of Ghana
Integritas unitas firmitas Integrity, unity, strength Leduc
Intento animo With earnest mind Rotherham RDC
Inter arbores florimus We flourish among the trees Rockcliffe Park
Inter sylvas et flumina habitans Living among woods and streams Castle Morpeth
Interiora ruris Wealden
Invicta Unconquered Kent
Invictus Cruiser USS Chosin
Invictae fidelitatis praemium Let us go forward together Hounslow
Iuncti progrediamur Reward for faithfulness unconquered Hereford


Jesu flos matris virginis Jesus, flower born of the Virgin Mother Saint Mary's Cathedral Basilica, Halifax
Jubilate deo Make a joyful noise onto the Lord Christ Church Cathedral, Hamilton
Jure et dignitate gladii By the right and dignity of the sword Cheshire
Juste nec timide Be just and fear not Farnworth
Justitia et virtute By justice and virtue Leominster
Justus ut acer Just like the maple Gloucester (Ontario)
Juvat impigros deus God defends the diligent Huddersfield


Lab initio ad futurum Ancaster
Labor et concordia Work and concord Longueuil
Labor improbus omnia vincit Blitar
Labor in venatu Work in the Chase Cannock, Cannock Chase
Labor ipse voluptas Labour itself is pleasurable Cornwall Collegiate and Vocational School
Labor omnia vincit Labour overcomes all things Ashton-under-Lyne , Bradford, Chiredzi, Wrexham-Maelor, Wrexham County Borough, Ilkeston, Mpumalanga, Chadderton, Salto (São Paulo), West Bromwich
Labora si vis tondere Work if you would reap Whiston
Labore et fiducia By work and by confidence Galston
Labore et honore By work and honour Midleton
Labore et perseverantia Through labour and perseverence London (Ontario)
Labore et prudentia By labour and prudence Brighouse
Labore et scientia By labour and science Jarrow
Labore ipse memores Lincolnshire - Parts of Holland
Labore omnia florent All things prosper by industry Huntingdonshire (County), Eccles
Leges sine moribus vanae Laws without character are worthless University of Pennsylvania
Leo terram propriam protegat Let the lion protect his own land South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
Levavi oculos meos in montes I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills Malvern
Libera deinde fidelis Faithful because free Godalming
Libertas per sapientam Through wisdom, liberty University of Lincoln
Libertate unanimus Netherlands Antilles
Liduina sponsa Christi Basiliek van Sint Liduina te Schiedam
Liliis tenaci vimine jungor Amiens
Luctor et emergo Zeeland (provincie), Zr.Ms. Zeeland, Netherlands Navy
Lumen monstro pro salute A great light to greet you Burnham-on-Sea
Lux et humanitas Light and humanity Blackwell
Lux et veritas Light and truth Yale University
Lux in tenebris Light in darkness Bredasdorp
Lux salubritas felicitas Light, health, happiness Clacton


Majora persequendo proficimus Klerksdorp
Malang nominor sursum moveor They call me diagonal, but I move upwards Malang
Manu forti With a strong hand Mackay
Mare didat flores decorant The sea enriches and the flowers adorn Exmouth
Mare didat pinusqe decorat The sea enriches and the pine adorns Sheringham
Mare et ferro By sea and iron Redcar
Mediis tranquillis in undis Amidst the tranquil waves Borkum
Mellis ex labore dulcedo Melazzo
Memor ruris disciplinae custos The mindful guardian of the rural way of life Macclesfield RDC
Memores acti prudentes futuri North Hertfordshire
Memores boni consili Mindful of our worthy purpose Macclesfield
Mens corpus animus Mind body spirit Balmoral junior secondary school
Mente et manu By mind and hand East Hampshire
Miles domini indefessus The soldier of the Lord is never weary Nieuwolda, Scheemda
Ministando dignitas Dignity in service Leyton
Ministando vigilans Vigilant in our serving Mole Valley
Ministerium veritasque Fish Hoek High School
Monemus et munimus We counsel and protect Monmouth
Montes excelsi refugio North Cotswold
Montes prosperitatem vident The mountains are witness to my prosperity Madiun
Montes rivique nobis inspirant The mountains and their streams are our inspiration North Vancouver (District)
Montis insignia Calpe Of the mountain called Calpe Gibraltar
Moribus antiquis pareamus Let us ever hold fast to the old virtues Bungay
Multis periculis supersum Coevorden
Multum in parvo Much in little Rutland


Navem mercibus implere Fill the ships with goods Runcorn
Nec aspera terrent Duchy of Braunschweig
Nec ferro nec igni Neither by iron nor by flame Appleby
Nec temere nec timide Neither rashly nor timidly Craven, Oswestry, Barnard Castle
Nec timens nec favens Without fear or favour Institute of Chartered Accountants Australia
Nec virtus nec copia desunt Neither virtue nor plenty are lacking Macclesfield
Neque terrent monstra Nor do they fear monsters Saint-Étienne-de-Montluc
Nil nisi verum Office of Information, US Navy
Nisi dominus aedificiaverit Unless the Lord build Rickmansworth
Nisi dominus custodierit civitatem Except the Lord keep the city Halifax (Yorkshire)
Nisi dominus frustra Unless God be with us all will be in vain Chelsea
Nisi sapienta frustra Without knowledge all will be in vain Edinburgh Napier University
Nobis habitatio felix A happy dwelling place for us Onrus River, Wilmslow
Nobis incendentibus rupes runt 3rd Mountain Artillery Regiment, Italian Army
Non metu sed vi Not by fear but by force Cavaglià
Non minima sed maxima petimus Not the least but the greatest we seek Great Aycliffe
Non nobis solum Not for ourselves alone Beckenham, Worsley
Non omnia passi nec ab omnibus San Salvatore Monferrato
Non progredi est regredi Not to go forward is to go backward Chigwell, Ruislip-Northwood
Non sibi sed cunctis Not for themselves but for all Darvel
Non sibi sed patriae Not for oneself but for one's country Freebridge Lynn
Nos armis obstant litarae Military Medical School, Spain
Non vi sed virtute domatur Tamed not by force but by virtue Cumiana
Nos nihil efficere non possumus Here is no impossibles 3rd Engineer Regiment Boden Engineer Regiment, Swedish Army
Nostrum est rura tueri Our task is to look after the needs of the countryside Clitheroe RDC
Nulla est tanta vis quae frangium non possit 2nd Artillery Regiment "Potenza", Italian Army
Nulla via invia 1st Mountain Artillery Regiment, Italian Army
Nulli secundus Second to none Coldstream
Nunc agita Newton Technical High School
Nunquam non paratus Never unprepared Congleton, Moffat


O lector salve coeli pateant tibi valve O reader hail, may the Gates of Heaven stand open for thee Haverfordwest
Obstantia amovet He pushes away obstacles Lasalle
Omnia ad dei gloriam ll things for the glory of god Mount Pearl
Omnia bona bonis To the good all things are good Harwich
Omnia vincit labor Work conquers all (things) Borzonasca
Omnibus optimum The best for all Gedling
Omnis vita labor Hemiksem
Oni heuri in fedir You cannot reap unless you sow Carmarthen, Carmarthen RDC, Neath RDC, Neath Borough
Opes consilio parit Wisdom begets wealth Bridgwater
Opes industria parit Industry begets plenty Bingley
Oppida rusque una Town and countryside in unity Waverley (Surrey)
Optima petamus Let us seek the best Darlington, Westering High School
Opus nostrum dirige Direct our work East Suffolk
Ora et ara Pray and plough South Kesteven RDC
Ora et labora Pray and work Arucas, Lichfield
Optimum sufficit Only the best is enough Ulverston


Pace belloque fidelis Faithful in peace and war Reggio nell'Emilia
Pannus mihi panis Kendal
Paratus Prepared 1st Armoured Regiment, Australia
Parum claris lucem dare To shed a little light on that which is obscure University College of Toronto
Parva componere magnus Small but comparable with great Oakham
Pax et justitia Peace and justice Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Pax orbis per arma aeria World peace through air strength 341st Missile Wing, US Air Force
Pax vobiscum Peace be with you Gananoque
Per angusta ad angusta Through hard times to prosperity Antrim (county)
Per ardua ad summa Through difficulties to the heights Beddington and Wallington
Per ardua ardens 2nd Mountain Artillery Regiment, Italian Army
Per ardua in fide servite deo Through difficulties serve god in faith Sutton (London Borough)
Per aspera ad astra One reaches the stars only through difficulties Cirebon, Gouda
Per bellum patria Through war, a nation Battle
Per crucem per coronam Through the Cross through the Crown Epping Forest
Per deum et industriam By God and industry Banbridge
Per ignem et aquam By fire and water Mallow
Per ilsuo, contrario Paget
Per jus ad justitiam Through Law to Justice York University (Law School)
Per laborem progredimur We make progress through hard work Amber Valley
Per mare By sea Stromness
Per mare et per terram By sea and land Boston (Borough)
Per mare per ecclesiam Through the sea through the church Southend-on-Sea
Per mare per terras By sea and by land Saltcoats
Per pacem ad industriam Vereeniging
Per periculua ad decus ire juvat Let it rejoice thee to set dangers at nought in the quest of honour Scarborough
Per salubritatum opes Through health, wealth Ilkley
Per sapientam constantiamque victoria Triumph through wisdom and endeavour Erewash
Per undas, per agros Through the waves, through the fields Cambridgeshire
Perfero I carry through Cumberland
Persevera Persevere Stroud, Laerskool Lorraine
Perseverantia vincit Perseverance succeeds Lincolnshire - Parts of Kesteven
Plechelmus pastor et servus Basiliek van de H. Plechelmus te Oldenzaal
Plus salis quam sumptus Margherita di Savoia
Pons fortis corda robusta A solide bridge, strong hearts Pakenham
Porta maris portus salutis A gate of the sea and a haven of health Margate
Porta vagae Ross-on-Wye
Possunt nec posse videntur They do what seems impossible 1st Infantry Regiment Svea Life Guards, Swedish Army
Post mortem patris pro filio Held after the death of the father for the son Pontefract
Post proelia concordia After the battle, concord Hinckley and Bosworth
Potius mori quam foedari Rather to die than to be dishonoured Vercelli
Prae salem notanda Famed for salt Preesall
Praecepta non homines Principles, not men Newport Pagnell
Praesidemus We stand on guard Military Ordinariate of Canada
Pratis preasto virentibus Amid green meadows I proudly stand East Grinstead
Pretiumque et causa laboris Burnley
Primus circumdedisti me Sail Training Ship Juan Sebastian Elcano, Spanish Navy
Primus et princeps First and foremost Annapolis
Primus inter pares (new motto) First among equals Military Region Center, Portuguese Army
Principa non homines Sandbach (Congleton)
Prisca constantia Ancient and loyal Newcastle under Lyme
Pro aris et focis For home and hearth Emarèse
Pro bono omnium For the good of all Tendring
Pro bono publico For the good of the public North Lanarkshire
Pro civibus et civitate For the citizens and the city Fulham
Pro deo et populo For god and the people Bishops Stortford
Pro genere humano concordes Australian Medical Association
Pro patria For the motherland Cornwall (Ontario),Royal Canadian Regiment, Canadian Army
Pro rege et fide audax Bold for King and faith Bideford
Pro rege et lege For king and law Leeds
Pro rege et patria For king and fatherland Saint-Quentin
Pro rure et focis For our countryside and our homes Yeovil RDC
Pro rure pro patria For countryside and country Hertford RDC
Pro tanto quid retribuamus Belfast
Pro tribus donis simillis terdona leonis Tortona
Prodesse To serve Hindley
Proficit homo terra manet A man passes on to better things whilst earth remains inviolate Ryedale
Progredi et conservare Progress with preservation Pershore
Progredi prospere Headingley
Progrediamur We progress Ellesmere Port
Progrediens confimatur animus Our spirit is strengthened by advancing Bletchley
Progredior I progress Orpington
Progressio cum populo Progress with the people East Ham
Progressio et concordia Progress and concord Kettering, New Maryland
Progressus et stabilitas Progress and stability Brighton (Ontario)
Promtus ad vidictam Swift to avenge No 412 Squadron, Royal Canadian Air Force
Propria tuemur We look after what is ours Southborough
Prosperitas in excelsis Flourishing well Saint Helens
Prosunt gentibus artes Arts profit the people bermondsey
Prosunt gentibus artes Arts profit the people Bermondsey
Providencia proficiemus By foresight we progress Norton
Providentiae memor Swakopmund
Providus Hibberdene
Prudens futuri Letchworth
Prudentia et providentia Scottish Life Assurance Co
Pugna pro patria Fight for your country Aldershot
Pulchra terra dei donum This fair land is the gift of God. Herefordshire
Pulchritudo et salubritas Beauty and health Bournemouth


Quae recta tene Hold fast that which is right Romsey
Quaecumque vera Whatsoever things are true University of Alberta
Quam bonum in unum habitare What a good thing it is to dwell together in unity Kensington and Chelsea
Qui transtulit sustinet He who transplanted us, sustains us Connecticut
Quid nobis ardui What is hard for us Kensington
Quinque in uno Five in one West Midlands Police
Quis ut deus ? Where without god ? Parish of St. Michael and All Angels
Quod improbum terret probo prodest To the dread and terror of the bad and to the reward of the good Penzance


Radices quaeramus Society of Genealogists
Ramosa cornua cervi The branching horns of the stag Woodstock
Recordamur omnium We are mindful of all Kimberley
Rectam via sequi To follow the right road North Kesteven
Recte fac noli timere Do right, fear not Prestwich
Regeneratio Luinjeberd
Regi et deo semper fidelissima Perpignan
Regi patriaeque fidelis Faithful to my king and country 8th Canadian Hussars (Princess Louise's), Canadian Army
Regnant qui serviunt They rule who serve North East Derbyshire, Chesterfield RDC
Regnum dei intra vos est Basiliek der Onze Lieve Vrouwe ten hemel opneming te Zwolle
Remis Saba velisque With all one's might Saba
Remis velisque With oars and sails Eyemouth
Res gestae res futurae Things past, things future Amersham
Respice aspice prospice Look to the past, the present and the future Bootle, Knutsford, Tettenhall
Respice finem Regard the end Boksburg
Respice (et) prospice Look to the past and the future Stoke Newington, Trowbridge, Hoylake, Dalbeattie
Resurgam Whithorn
Resurrectio Terband
Rex et nostra jura The King and our rights Great Yarmouth
Rident florentia prata Our flowering fields rejoice Downham
Rosa concordia signum The rose, emblem of harmony Northamptonshire
Ruris artes fovere Ringwood and Fordingbridge
Rus gratiis musisque dignum A countryside worthy of the Graces and Muses Bathavon


Sacerdotes domini vocabimini Pontifical Filipino College
Sacrarium regis cunabula legis Shrine of the King, cradle of the law Saint Edmundsbury
Sal est vita Salt is life Northwich
Salubritas et erutidio Health and erudition Cheltenham
Salubritas et industria Health and industry Swindon, Milngavie
Salus Health Montecatine Terme
Salus et felicitas Health and happiness Sale, Torbay, Torquay
Salus et opus Health and wealth Kamloops
Salus generis humani Royal Sanitary Institute
Salus naufragis salus aegris Safety for the shipwrecked and health for the sick Ramsgate
Salus populi The welfare of the people Rushcliffe, Southport
Salus populi suprema (est) lex The welfare/good of the people is the most important law Eastleigh, Harrow, Lytham St. Anne's, Tipton, Mid Sussex, Lewisham, West Lancashire, Swinton and Pendlebury, Salford, Urmston, Willenhall
Salutatio Welkom
Salve magna parens Hail great mother Lichfield
Sanctae nomine crucis The Holy Cross by name Waltham Holy Cross
Sancte Lamberte ora pro nobis Basiliek van de H. Lambertus te Hengelo
Sanguis meus novi testamenti My blood the new testament Basiliek van de H. Petrus te Boxtel
Sanitate crescamus May we grow in health Croydon
Sapere aude Dare to be wise Oldham
Sapienter et audacter Wisely and boldly Sandton
Sapienter proficiens Progress with wisdom Nottinghamshire
Sapientes simus Let us be men of understanding Cambridgeshire and Isle of Ely
Sapientiam et intellegentiam Mater Dei Institute of Education
Scientia est potentia Knowledge is power Penhold Crossing secondary school
Scientia et labore With knowledge and toil University of the Witwatersrand
Scientia et volatus Center for Man and Aviation, Royal Netherlands Air Force
Scientia ingenium artes University of Wales
Secundum Tamesim quovis gentium By the Thames to all peoples of the World Thurrock
Sectamini caritatem Diocese of Motherwell
Sectamini caritatem Diocese of Motherwell
Sed coelom solum Renison University College
Securitas constantia auctus Bank of Bermuda
Semper contendo Ever pressing forward Crewe
Semper eadem Leicester
Semper fidelis Always faithful Bath (Ontario), Exeter, Canadian Forces Base Valcartier, Canada
Semper procedens Ever progressing Lancaster RDC
Semper proficimus We progress continually Leyland
Semper progrediamur Let us progress together Crewe and Nantwich
Semper progrediens Sint Maarten (eiland)
Semper prorsum Aylesbury
Semper qualitas suprema Always the best quality Wilkinson Sword
Semper renascor Palembang
Semper serio Always in earnest Hatfield
Serio servire Earnestly to serve East Dorset, Wimborne and Cranborne
Serva fidem Keep faith Blackburn RDC
Servire contendimus We strive to serve Chertsey
Servire populo To serve the people Bromley
Sic itur ad astra Such is the pathway to the stars Air Command, Royal Canadian Air Force
Sic nos non nobis Thus we labor but not for ourselves Canadian Forces Base Toronto, Canada
Sic nos non nobis laboramus Thus we labour, but not for ourselves Pocklington
Sic virescit industria Thus industry flourishes Rotherham
Sic vos non vobis Baldock
Sicut quercus virescit industria Industry flourishes like the oak Mansfield
Signum salutis semper Ever the sign of health Bridlington
Sine labe decus Honour without stain Wimbledon
Sine pavore sine favore Without fear or favour Penrith RDC
Sine timore et favore Scotsman Publications Ltd
Sit tibi sancta cohors comitum To thee be the band of comrades dedicated Congleton
Societas florebit Fellowship will blossom Benfleet, Castle Point
Sol et pastor deus God is my sun and shepherd Sunbury-on-Thames
Sol et salubritas Sun and health Bexhill-on-Sea
Sola bona quae honesta Those things alone are good which are honourable Royal Leamington Spa
Sola nobilitat virtus Virtue alone ennobles Hamilton (Scotland)
Solis ortum conspicere To behold the sunrise Yorkshire - East Riding
Solium gloriae dei Basiliek der Onze Lieve Vrouwe Sterre der Zee te Maastricht
Sparsa collegit Hamilton (city, Bermuda)
Spe expectamus We look forward with hope Kilsyth
Spe expecto I look forward with hope Kilsyth
Spe nemo ruet With hope, no one shall fail Spennymoor
Spectemur agendo Judge us by our actions Barnsley, Chorley RDC, Hammersmith, Hammersmith and Fulham, Lambeth, Gert Sibande
Spes bona Good hope Western Cape
Spes nostra salve Basiliek der Onze Lieve Vrouw van het Heilig Hart te Sittard
Spirat in deo Put your hope in God Northleach
Splendor sine occasu Splendor without diminishment British Columbia
Stabit saxum fluet amnis The rock will remain and the river will flow Clitheroe
Stella aurorae University of Natal
Stella clavisque Maris Indici Star and key of the Indian Ocean Mauritius
Studio fide animis Saint Faiths & Aylsham
Stvdivm et militae Military Veterinay Center, Spain
Sub cruce floreamus May we flourish beneath the cross Poulton-le-Fylde
Sub equoaequitas Under the horse there is equity Vale of White Horse
Summa sidera celsa petit Somma Lombardo
Supera moras Overcome delays Bolton
Superba et confidens Sint Eustatius
Supra mare volamus We fly over the sea Canadian Forces Base Shearwater, Canada
Supra omnia Zephyr Racing Pennants Ltd
Suprema a situ Supreme by position Wellington (New Zealand)
Surgamus ergo strenue Let us arise with vigour Baildon
Surgimus We rise Saltburn and Marske by the Sea
Sunt rupes virtutis iter 16th Alpini Regiment, Italian Army
Suum cuique tribuere Wrexham RDC


Tam cras quam hodie As much for tomor­row as for today Wellingborough RDC
Tandem bona causa triumphat A good cause triumphs in the end Irvine
Tempori parendum We must move with the times Stockton
Tempus rerum imperator Time is the ruler of all things Elora
Tenax et fidelis Firmness and faithfulness Beau Bassin - Rose Hill, Dartford
Tenax proposti Ballymena Academy
Terra fluminum et oceani Gold Coast
Terra hereditas nostra Constantia Valley
Terra marique On land and sea Thornton Cleveleys, Newport (Wales)
Thesauros in argo For we have treasures in the field Wisbech RDC
Transitum prohibeo I prevent passage Zr.Ms. Cerberus, Netherlands Navy
Trutina penso doctrinae I weigh by the balance of learning University of Toronto (Faculty of Pharmacy)
Turpe nescire It is a disgrace to be ignorant Queen Elizabeth Grammar School
Turris fortissimo est nomen jehova The name of the Lord is our strongest tower Plymouth
Tutissimo statio Stranraer


Ubi fides ibi lux et robur Where there is faith there is light and strength Birkenhead (England)
Ubi incrementum est via vitae Marystown
Ubi lux ibi labor Valleyfield
Ubi nunc sapientis ossa Merlini Where now are the bones of wise Merlin Marlborough
Ultra primum 1st Artillery Regiment "Cacciatori delle Alpi", Italian Army
Unio silvae marisque Mahone Bay
Unio fortis Chivasso
Unitas Unity Rustenburg
Unitate et labore Unity and labour University of Nairobi
Unitate fortior Stronger by union North Yorkshire, Heston and Isleworth, Scottish Union and National Insurance
Unitate praestans Excelling by unity Preston RDC
Unum deum in trinitate veneremur Cathedral of the Holy Trinity, Quebec
Unum e pluribus One made out of many Wokingham
Unus cum viribus duorum Abbotsford
Urbis et orbis honor Beaune
Urbis palladium et gentis Pau (Pyrénées-Atlantiques)
Urbs in rure The town in the countryside Solihull
Usque ad terminos orbis terrarum To the ends of the earth Anglican Catholic Church of Canada
Usus edit fructus Society of Company and Commercial Accountants
Ut flumen sic oppidum The town just as the river Royal Burgh of Annan
Ut homines liberi sint That men may go free Egham
Ut proavi in Deo confidemus Enniskillen
Ut tibisic aliis Unto thyself so to others Bicester
Utraque parte fluminis On either side of the river Wyre
Utrique fidelis Faithful to both Monmouthshire


Vale sape Be strong Vale Royal
Velut arbor aevo University of Toronto
Velut silva floreat May she flourish as the forest East Dean
Verba arma nostra The words are our arms Defence Interpretor School, Sweden
Veritas nobis lumen The truth is our light University of Cape Coast
Vestigia nulla retrorsum North Cowichan, Buckinghamshire, Cessnock
Vetera novaque tueri To safeguard the old and the new Malton
Vetustas dignitatem generat Age begets dignity East Retford
Vi dei terraque Richmond RDC
Via veritas vita The way, the truth, the life University of Glasgow
Vicinas urbes alit She nourishes the neighbouring cities Spalding UDC
Vicit vim virtus Virtue conquered force Haarlem
Victoria libertatis vindex Cruiser USS Cowpens
Vigil borealis Northern sentinel Canadian Forces Base Cold Lake, Canada
Vigilanter Watchfully Monklands
Vigilantes Watchful Cleethorpes, 2nd Alpini Regiment, Italian Army
Vigilantia Watchfulness Lanarkshire
Vigilantibus Being watchful Airdrie
Vigilate deo confidentes Zuid Holland, Zr.Ms. Holland, Netherlands Navy
Vigilate et orate Watch and pray Clevedon
Vincet amor patriae Conzano
Vincit omnia industria Industry overcomes all things Bury
Vires acquirit eundo We gather strength as we go Brandon
Vires contexamus arti Castle Donington
Viribus mari victoria United States Naval War College
Virtus veritas libertas Virtue, truth and freedom Glossop
Virtute et industria By virtue and industry Bristol
Virtute et labore augere Płock
Virtute et vigilantia By courage and vigilance Dorking
Virtute in factis By courage in our deeds North Wiltshire, Calne and Chippenham
Vis unita fortior United strength is stronger Crosby
Vita musis gratior Life is more satisfying through the muses Haslemere
Vita veritas victoria Life truth victory Derry
Vitam excolvere per artes Chiavari
Vivat floreat crescat May it live, flourish, and grow Drummond
Vivit post funera virtus Virtue outlives death Nottingham
Volat ad aethera virtus Sambuca di Sicilia
Volet Gander Gander